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2023/02/19(日) 14:42:46.37ID:/0dKjqRS0
旧統一教会が5月に合同結婚式予定 宗教2世「早急に解散を」野党へ要望


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2023/02/19(日) 14:44:00.06ID:qr+ztiKI0
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2023/02/19(日) 20:44:09.51ID:Spm2p1u00
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" je krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete

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2023/02/19(日) 20:44:56.71ID:Spm2p1u00
-Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
?Netouyo“ yra verksmas. Tai nekompetentingo bendra?ygio, kuris gali tik klijuoti etiketes, ?auksmas. Be jokios abejon?s, po 20 met? vis tiek r?ksite netouyonetouyo. Atrodai nei?man?lis, tod?l a? tau pasakysiu. Ar esi d?kingas?
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s,?stas faktais. Je su nereivsk?minga kritika,
leid?iate dienas su nereik?!


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2023/02/19(日) 20:45:58.33ID:Spm2p1u00
*Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
?Netouyo“ yra verksmas. Tai nekompetentingo bendra?ygio, kuris gali tik klijuoti etiketes, ?auksmas. Be jokios abejon?s, po 20 met? vis tiek r?ksite netouyonetouyo. Atrodai nei?man?lis, tod?l a? tau pasakysiu. Ar esi d?kingas?
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s,
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2023/02/19(日) 20:46:42.97ID:Spm2p1u00
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
?Netouyo“ yra verksmas. Tai nekompetentingo bendra?ygio, kuris gali tik klijuoti etiketes, ?auksmas. Be jokios abejon?s, po 20 met? vis tiek r?ksite netouyonetouyo. Atrodai nei?man?lis, tod?l a? tau pasakysiu. Ar esi d?kingas?
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairiarankiai, dalyvaujate
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2023/02/19(日) 20:47:33.82ID:Spm2p1u00
/bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
"netouyo" clamor est. Clamor incompetentis est, qui tantum pittacium potest. Et sine dubio netouyonetouyo adhuc quiritatio in XX annis. Inscius videris, ita dicam. Gratias agis?
[[Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, lefties funt participes per Iaponiam gerebat.sunt in tribulatione et conscii debet semper excusare et emendare s quaestionis et conscii Unificationis
Bellum Pacis Factionis latanter id vocas factis. Si quis turpes participes estis Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum. trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Iaponia.qui tantum pittacium potest.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:48:25.95ID:Spm2p1u00
bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?

Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
"netouyo" clamor est. Clamor incompetentis est, qui tantum pittacium potest. Et sine dubio netouyonetouyo adhuc quiritatio in XX annis. Inscius videris, ita dicam. Gratias agis?
[[Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.

"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, lefties funt participes per Iaponiam gerebat.sunt in tribulatione et conscii debet semper excusare et emendare s quaestionis et conscii Unificationis
Bellum Pacis Factionis latanter id vocas factis. Si quis turpes participes estis Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum. trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Iaponia.qui tantum pittacium potest.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:49:16.76ID:Spm2p1u00
`sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
"netouyo" clamor est. Clamor incompetentis est, qui tantum pittacium potest. Et sine dubio netouyonetouyo adhuc quiritatio in XX annis. Inscius videris, ita dicam. Gratias agis?
[[Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, lefties funt participes per Iaponiam gerebat.sunt in tribulatione et conscii debet semper excusare et emendare s quaestionis et conscii Unificationis
Bellum Pacis Factionis latanter id vocas factis. Si quis turpes participes estis Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum. trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Iaponiam gerebat.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:50:09.24ID:Spm2p1u00
;Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
"netouyo" clamor est. Clamor incompetentis est, qui tantum pittacium potest. Et sine dubio netouyonetouyo adhuc quiritatio in XX annis. Inscius videris, ita dicam. Gratias agis?
[[Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, lefties funt participes per Iaponiam gerebat.sunt in tribulatione et conscii debet semper excusare et emendare s quaestionis et conscii Unificationis
Bellum Pacis Factionis latanter id vocas factis. Si quis turpes participes estis Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum. trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo blatanter id vocas
pravis notionibus non inficiatur..
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:50:58.80ID:Spm2p1u00
[Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quae}stiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
"netouyo" clamor est. Clamor incompetentis est, qui tantum pittacium potest. Et sine dubio netouyonetouyo adhuc quiritatio in XX annis. Inscius videris, ita dicam. Gratias agis?
[[Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, lefties funt participes per Iaponiam gerebat.sunt in tribulatione et conscii debet semper excusare et emendare s quaestionis et conscii Unificationis
Bellum Pacis Factionis latanter id vocas factis. Si quis turpes participes estis Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.uaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
cadet in dolum Unificationis
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:51:47.97ID:Spm2p1u00
~Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
"netouyo" clamor est. Clamor incompetentis est, qui tantum pittacium potest. Et sine dubio netouyonetouyo adhuc quiritatio in XX annis. Inscius videris, ita dicam. Gratias agis?
[[Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.

"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?

Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.

"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?

Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, lefties funt participes per Iaponiam gerebat.sunt in tribulatione et conscii debet semper excusare et emendare s quaestionis et conscii Unificationis
Bellum Pacis Factionis latanter id vocas..
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:53:01.85ID:Spm2p1u00
-Dlaczego japo?ska lewica udaje dobrego cz?owieka i obwinia sprawy zwi?zane z Ko?cio?em Zjednoczeniowym?
?eby by?o jasne, wy, lewicowcy, macie k?opoty i jeste?cie wspo?sprawcami ich oszustwa.
?W przesz?o?ci Japonia uciska?a, mordowa?a i wykorzystywa?a Korea?czykow. Dlatego wasza podrz?dna rasa japo?ska musi nadal przeprasza? i zado??uczyni? na zawsze”.
Jest to fa?szywe oskar?enie, ktore nie jest oparte na faktach. Je?li kto? nie jest zara?ony takimi wypaczonymi ideami, nie da si? nabra? na przebieg?o?? Ko?cio?a Zjednoczeniowego.
Japo?ska lewica rozpowszechnia?a tak? fa?szyw? ide?. Dlatego wy, lewacy, jeste?cie haniebnymi uczestnikami problemu i wspolnikami Ko?cio?a Zjednoczeniowego, ktorych nale?y os?dzi?.
Dlaczego wci?? sp?dzasz dni na nieistotnej krytyce, jakby to by? problem kogo? innego?
Prawd? mowi?c, odpowiedzialno?? Nobusuke Kishi za sprowadzenie Ko?cio?a Zjednoczenia jest powa?na.
Dlaczego wi?c sprowadzi? tak okrutn? grup??
Poniewa? w tym czasie japo?ska lewica przeprowadza?a przemoc w ca?ej Japonii.
Jak mo?esz bezczelnie nazywa? j? ?Antywojenn? Parti? Pokoju”? Ile ?y? odebra?e?? Linki s? ?rod?em wszystkich nieszcz???.
?netouyo” to p?acz. To p?acz niekompetentnego faceta, ktory mo?e tylko etykietowa?. I bez w?tpienia za 20 lat nadal b?dziesz krzycze? netouyonetouyo. Wygl?dasz na ignoranta, wi?c ci powiem. Czy jeste? wdzi?czny?
Dlaczego japo?ska lewica udaje dobrego cz?owieka i obwinia sprawy zwi?zane z Ko?cio?em Zjednoczeniowym?
?eby by?o jasne, wy, lewicowcy, macie k?opoty i jeste?cie wspo?sprawcami ich oszustwa.
?W przesz?o?ci Japonia uciska?a, mordowa?a i wykorzystywa?a Korea?czykow. Dlatego wasza podrz?dna rasa japo?ska musi nadal przeprasza? i zado??uczyni? na zawsze”.
Jest to fa?szywe oskar?enie, ktore nie jest oparte na faktach. Je?li kto? nie jest zara?ony takimi wypaczonymi ideami, nie da si? nabra? na przebieg?o?? Ko?cio?a Zjednoczeniowego.
Japo?ska lewica rozpowszechnia?a tak? fa?szyw? ide?. Dlatego wy, lewacy, jeste?cie haniebnymi uczestnikami problemu i wspolnikami Ko?cio?a Zjednoczeniowego, ktorych nale?y os?dzi?.
Dlaczego wci?? sp?dzasz dni na nieistotnej krytyce, jakby to by? problem kogo? innego?
Prawd? mowi?c, odpowiedzialno?? Nobusuke Kishi za sprowadzenie Ko?cio?a Zjednoczenia jest powa?na.
Dlaczego wi?c sprowadzi? tak okrutn? grup??
Poniewa? w tym czasie japo?ska lewica przeprowadza?a przemoc w ca?ej Japonii.
Jak mo?esz bezczelnie nazywa? j? ?Antywojenn? Parti? Pokoju”? Ile ?y? odebra?e?? Linki s? ?rod?em wszystkich nieszcz???.
Dlaczego japo?ska lewica udaje dobrego cz?owieka i obwinia sprawy zwi?zane z Ko?cio?em Zjednoczeniowym?
?eby by?o jasne, wy, lewicowcy, macie k?opoty i jeste?cie wspo?sprawcami ich oszustwa.
?W przesz?o?ci Japonia uciska?a, mordowa?a i wykorzystywa?a Korea?czykow. Dlatego wasza podrz?dna rasa japo?ska musi nadal przeprasza? i zado??uczyni? na zawsze”.
Jest to fa?szywe oskar?enie, ktore nie jest oparte na faktach. Je?li kto? nie jest zara?ony takimi wypaczonymi ideami, nie da si? nabra? na przebieg?o?? Ko?cio?a Zjednoczeniowego.
Japo?ska lewica rozpowszechnia?a tak? fa?szyw? ide?. Dlatego wy, lewacy, jeste?cie haniebnymi uczestnikami problemu i wspolnikami Ko?cio?a Zjednoczeniowego, ktorych nale?y os?dzi?.
Dlaczego wci?? sp?dzasz dni na nieistotnej krytyce, jakby to by? problem kogo? innego?
Prawd? mowi?c, odpowiedzialno?? Nobusuke Kishi za sprowadzenie Ko?cio?a Zjednoczenia jest powa?na.
Dlaczego wi?c sprowadzi? tak okrutn? grup??
Poniewa? w tym czasie japo?ska lewica przeprowadza?a przemoc w ca?ej Japonii.
Jak mo?esz bezczelnie nazywa? j? ?Antywojenn? Parti? Pokoju”? Ile ?y? odebra?e?? Linki s? ?rod?em wszystkich nieszcz???.
Dlaczego japo?ska lewica udaje dobrego cz?owieka i obwinia sprawy zwi?zane z Ko?cio?em Zjednoczeniowym?
?eby by?o jasne, wy, lewicowcy, uczestniczycie..
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:53:45.40ID:Spm2p1u00
Kial la japana maldekstra flanko ?ajnigas esti bona homo kaj kulpigas aferojn implikantajn la Unuigan Eklezion?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:54:21.61ID:Spm2p1u00
"En la pasinteco, Japanio subpremis, bu?is kaj ekspluatis koreojn.
Tial via malsupera japana raso devas da?re peti pardonon kaj kompensi por ?iam."

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:54:53.34ID:Spm2p1u00
Se oni ne estas infektita de tiaj distorditaj ideoj, li ne falos en la ruzon de la Unuiga Eklezio.

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:55:24.25ID:Spm2p1u00
Tial, vi maldekstruloj estas la hontindaj partoprenantoj en la problemo kaj komplicoj de la Unuiga Eklezio, kiujn oni devas ju?i.

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:55:39.75ID:Spm2p1u00
Kial vi ankora? pasigas viajn tagojn pri senrilata kritiko kvaza? ?i estus problemo de aliulo?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:57:03.29ID:Spm2p1u00
Kiom da vivoj vi prenis? Ligiloj estas la radiko de ?iuj malfeli?oj.

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:58:18.91ID:Spm2p1u00
20 jaroj. Vi ?ajnas malklera, do mi rakontos al vi. ?u vi dankas?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:58:36.26ID:Spm2p1u00
Kial la japana maldekstra flanko ?ajnigas esti bona homo kaj kulpigas aferojn implikantajn la Unuigan Eklezion?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 20:58:52.51ID:Spm2p1u00
Por esti klare, vi maldekstruloj estas tiuj en problemoj kaj komplicoj de ilia trompo.

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:00:00.99ID:Spm2p1u00
Se oni ne estas infektita de tiaj distorditaj ideoj, li ne falos en la ruzon de la Unuiga Eklezio.

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:00:16.50ID:Spm2p1u00
La japana maldekstra flanko disvastigis tian malveran ideon. Tial, vi maldekstruloj estas la hontindaj partoprenantoj en la problemo kaj komplicoj de la Unuiga Eklezio, kiujn oni devas ju?i.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:03:06.86ID:Spm2p1u00
Kial la japana maldekstra flanko ?ajnigas esti bona
homo kaj kulpigas aferojn implikantajn la Unuigan Eklezion?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:04:33.15ID:Spm2p1u00
Se oni ne estas infektita de tiaj distorditaj ideoj, li ne falos en la ruzon de la Unuiga Eklezio.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:04:50.04ID:Spm2p1u00
La japana maldekstra flanko disvastigis tian malveran ideon. Tial, vi maldekstruloj estas la hontindaj partoprenantoj en la problemo kaj komplicoj de la Unuiga Eklezio, kiujn oni devas ju?i.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:05:06.56ID:Spm2p1u00
Kial vi ankora? pasigas viajn tagojn pri senrilata kritiko kvaza? ?i estus problemo de aliulo?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:05:22.79ID:Spm2p1u00
Por diri la veron, la respondeco de Nobusuke Kishi por alportado de la Unui?o-Pre?ejo estas grava.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:06:25.41ID:Spm2p1u00
Kiom da vivoj vi prenis? Ligiloj estas la radiko de ?iuj malfeli?oj.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:06:40.79ID:Spm2p1u00
Kial la japana maldekstra flanko ?ajnigas esti bona homo kaj kulpigas aferojn implikantajn la Unuigan Eklezion?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:07:47.00ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
[De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee]. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
Dus waarom bracht hij zo'n vicieuze groep binnen?
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
Een "netouyo" is een kreet. Het is de kreet van een incompetente kerel die alleen maar kan labelen. En ongetwijfeld zul je over 20 jaar nog steeds netouyonetouyo schreeuwen. Je lijkt onwetend, dus ik zal het je vertellen. Ben je dankbaar?
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
Dus waarom bracht hij zo'n vicieuze groep binnen?
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:08:12.31ID:Spm2p1u00
-Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
[De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee]. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
Dus waarom bracht hij zo'n vicieuze groep binnen?
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
Een "netouyo" is een kreet. Het is de kreet van een incompetente kerel die alleen maar kan labelen. En ongetwijfeld zul je over 20 jaar nog steeds netouyonetouyo schreeuwen. Je lijkt onwetend, dus ik zal het je vertellen. Ben je dankbaar?
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
Dus waarom bracht hij zo'n vicieuze groep binnen?
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:08:34.72ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:08:50.07ID:Spm2p1u00
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:09:05.76ID:Spm2p1u00
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:09:21.38ID:Spm2p1u00
Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:09:52.73ID:Spm2p1u00
Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:10:23.72ID:Spm2p1u00
Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:11:07.77ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:11:45.40ID:Spm2p1u00
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:12:41.03ID:Spm2p1u00
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:13:12.11ID:Spm2p1u00
Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:13:27.49ID:Spm2p1u00
Een "netouyo" is een kreet. Het is de kreet van een incompetente kerel die alleen maar kan labelen.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:13:43.21ID:Spm2p1u00
En ongetwijfeld zul je over 20 jaar nog steeds netouyonetouyo schreeuwen.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:13:58.74ID:Spm2p1u00
Je lijkt onwetend, dus ik zal het je vertellen. Ben je dankbaar?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:14:14.28ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en
geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:14:31.15ID:Spm2p1u00
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog..
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:14:46.93ID:Spm2p1u00
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:15:15.31ID:Spm2p1u00
De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee.

Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:15:31.02ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:15:49.70ID:Spm2p1u00
Dus waarom bracht hij zo'n vicieuze groep binnen?
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:16:06.02ID:Spm2p1u00
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen?
Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:16:21.37ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:16:37.73ID:Spm2p1u00
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:16:56.64ID:Spm2p1u00
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd.
Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:17:37.38ID:Spm2p1u00
De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee.
Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:17:54.50ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:18:09.98ID:Spm2p1u00
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:18:41.38ID:Spm2p1u00
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:19:12.98ID:Spm2p1u00
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:20:23.72ID:Spm2p1u00
[Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
Dus waarom bracht hij zo'n vicieuze groep binnen?
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
Een "netouyo" is een kreet. Het is de kreet van een incompetente kerel die alleen maar kan labelen. En ongetwijfeld zul je over 20 jaar nog steeds netouyonetouyo schreeuwen. Je lijkt onwetend, dus ik zal het je vertellen. Ben je dankbaar?
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.
Dus waarom bracht hij zo'n vicieuze groep binnen?
Omdat de Japanse linkervleugel in die tijd overal in Japan geweld uitoefende.
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:21:10.03ID:Spm2p1u00
>mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkning det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige..
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:22:34.55ID:Spm2p1u00
-dig mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkning det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:23:30.53ID:Spm2p1u00
*gav dig mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:24:33.50ID:Spm2p1u00
-Jeg gav dig mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
Det er alt.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:25:28.78ID:Spm2p1u00
~Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
? Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Ein ?netouyo“ ist ein Schrei. Es ist der Schrei eines inkompetenten Kerls, der nur etikettieren kann. Und ohne Zweifel wirst du in 20 Jahren immer noch netouyonetouyo schreien. Du wirkst unwissend, also werde ich es dir sagen. Bist du dankbar?
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:26:07.57ID:Spm2p1u00
Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:26:38.50ID:Spm2p1u00
na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Deve essere una ragione neverovatno glup.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:26:53.91ID:Spm2p1u00
Ora che ci penso, cosa hai detto del terzo anno?? Non ho mai visto nessuno affermare che le mascherine accelerino la convergenza o la impediscano del tutto. Sono sicuro che e nel tuo cervello.
Pri?a se ne bori logi?no. Ne?u govoriti lude stvari u ?aru trenutka. Radi ili ne, uspjeh ili neuspjeh, samo 0 ili 1 possono se uzimaju u obzir.
Cio zna?i da va? um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:27:09.71ID:Spm2p1u00
Zadr?ite indietro, non sapevi niente. Broj smrtnih slu?ajeva tamo, linija koju vodi Ministarstvo zdravlja, advokat i Previdenza, i gotovo razni dall'adolescent maschio morto in incidente, definicija zaraznog, il buon senso e...
Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.
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2023/02/19(日) 21:27:25.78ID:Spm2p1u00
sve je dobro
Non ho l'obbligo di consigliarti, ma lascia che te lo dica per ogni evenienza.
"Informacije u po?ti ili chiunque puo scrivere non e un Ebidensu"
To je zdrav razum. Yahoo! To je formica, to je i grafiti, to je telefonski stup, fontana.
Drugim rije?ima, ono ?to ja ka?em je pazzesco. Non dire mai piu "l'ho visto su Yahoo"?!
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:27:41.65ID:Spm2p1u00
Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako se namjerava suprotno, poka?ite to akcijom.
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche no ha senso piazzare trappole.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 21:27:57.62ID:Spm2p1u00
Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:23:13.77ID:Spm2p1u00
na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Deve essere una ragione neverovatno glup.

Ora che ci penso, cosa hai detto del terzo anno?? Non ho mai visto nessuno affermare che le mascherine accelerino la convergenza o la impediscano del tutto. Sono sicuro che e nel tuo cervello.
Pri?a se ne bori logi?no. Ne?u govoriti lude stvari u ?aru trenutka. Radi ili ne, uspjeh ili neuspjeh, samo 0 ili 1 possono se uzimaju u obzir.
Cio zna?i da va? um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.

Zadr?ite indietro, non sapevi niente. Broj smrtnih slu?ajeva tamo, linija koju vodi Ministarstvo zdravlja, advokat i Previdenza, i gotovo razni dall'adolescent maschio morto in incidente, definicija zaraznog, il buon senso e...
Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

sve je dobro
Non ho l'obbligo di consigliarti, ma lascia che te lo dica per ogni evenienza.
"Informacije u po?ti ili chiunque puo scrivere non e un Ebidensu"
To je zdrav razum. Yahoo! To je formica, to je i grafiti, to je telefonski stup, fontana.
Drugim rije?ima, ono ?to ja ka?em je pazzesco. Non dire mai piu "l'ho visto su Yahoo"?!

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako se namjerava suprotno, poka?ite to akcijom.
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche no ha senso piazzare trappole.

Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.

Jeste li to u?inili s leggerezom da ugu?ite svoju frustraciju? Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Ovo mora da je neverovatno glup razlog, hajde, hajde, hajde

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako ka?ete druga?ije, poka?ite to uz akciju come vuoi
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare trappole. Beh, con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.

Beh, sei tu quello di cui vergognarsi

In questo senso, e una grande victoria per te. Dovresti je ponosan.

E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare No, no c'e bisogno di scusarsi.

Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.
con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.Ovo mora da je neverovatno a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.tsrbtosk rtlni
um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije

o.Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.piazzare No, no c'e bisogno puo scrivere non e un Ebidensu
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:23:53.85ID:Spm2p1u00
-na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Deve essere una ragione neverovatno glup.

Ora che ci penso, cosa hai detto del terzo anno?? Non ho mai visto nessuno affermare che le mascherine accelerino la convergenza o la impediscano del tutto. Sono sicuro che e nel tuo cervello.
Pri?a se ne bori logi?no. Ne?u govoriti lude stvari u ?aru trenutka. Radi ili ne, uspjeh ili neuspjeh, samo 0 ili 1 possono se uzimaju u obzir.
Cio zna?i da va? um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.

Zadr?ite indietro, non sapevi niente. Broj smrtnih slu?ajeva tamo, linija koju vodi Ministarstvo zdravlja, advokat i Previdenza, i gotovo razni dall'adolescent maschio morto in incidente, definicija zaraznog, il buon senso e...
Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

sve je dobro
Non ho l'obbligo di consigliarti, ma lascia che te lo dica per ogni evenienza.
"Informacije u po?ti ili chiunque puo scrivere non e un Ebidensu"
To je zdrav razum. Yahoo! To je formica, to je i grafiti, to je telefonski stup, fontana.
Drugim rije?ima, ono ?to ja ka?em je pazzesco. Non dire mai piu "l'ho visto su Yahoo"?!

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako se namjerava suprotno, poka?ite to akcijom.
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche no ha senso piazzare trappole.

Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.

Jeste li to u?inili s leggerezom da ugu?ite svoju frustraciju? Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Ovo mora da je neverovatno glup razlog, hajde, hajde, hajde

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako ka?ete druga?ije, poka?ite to uz akciju come vuoi
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare trappole. Beh, con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.

Beh, sei tu quello di cui vergognarsi

In questo senso, e una grande victoria per te. Dovresti je ponosan.

E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare No, no c'e bisogno di scusarsi.

Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.
con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.Ovo mora da je neverovatno a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.tsrbtosk rtlni
um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije

o.Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.piazzare No, no c'e bisogno puo scrivere non e un Ebidensu
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:25:12.72ID:Spm2p1u00
>obratio sam pa?";nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Deve essere una ragione neverovatno glup.

Ora che ci penso, cosa hai detto del terzo anno?? Non ho mai visto nessuno affermare che le mascherine accelerino la convergenza o la impediscano del tutto. Sono sicuro che e nel tuo cervello.
Pri?a se ne bori logi?no. Ne?u govoriti lude stvari u ?aru trenutka. Radi ili ne, uspjeh ili neuspjeh, samo 0 ili 1 possono se uzimaju u obzir.
Cio zna?i da va? um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.

Zadr?ite indietro, non sapevi niente. Broj smrtnih slu?ajeva tamo, linija koju vodi Ministarstvo zdravlja, advokat i Previdenza, i gotovo razni dall'adolescent maschio morto in incidente, definicija zaraznog, il buon senso e...
Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

sve je dobro
Non ho l'obbligo di consigliarti, ma lascia che te lo dica per ogni evenienza.
"Informacije u po?ti ili chiunque puo scrivere non e un Ebidensu"
To je zdrav razum. Yahoo! To je formica, to je i grafiti, to je telefonski stup, fontana.
Drugim rije?ima, ono ?to ja ka?em je pazzesco. Non dire mai piu "l'ho visto su Yahoo"?!

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako se namjerava suprotno, poka?ite to akcijom.
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche no ha senso piazzare trappole.

Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.

Jeste li to u?inili s leggerezom da ugu?ite svoju frustraciju? Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Ovo mora da je neverovatno glup razlog, hajde, hajde, hajde

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako ka?ete druga?ije, poka?ite to uz akciju come vuoi
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare trappole. Beh, con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.

Beh, sei tu quello di cui vergognarsi

In questo senso, e una grande victoria per te. Dovresti je ponosan.

E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare No, no c'e bisogno di scusarsi.

Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.
con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.Ovo mora da je neverovatno a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.tsrbtosk rtlni
um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije

piazzare.i grafiti, to je telefonski stup, fontana.una ragione neverovatno glup.
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:26:12.31ID:Spm2p1u00
*i obratio sam pa?";nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Deve essere una ragione neverovatno glup.

Ora che ci penso, cosa hai detto del terzo anno?? Non ho mai visto nessuno affermare che le mascherine accelerino la convergenza o la impediscano del tutto. Sono sicuro che e nel tuo cervello.
Pri?a se ne bori logi?no. Ne?u govoriti lude stvari u ?aru trenutka. Radi ili ne, uspjeh ili neuspjeh, samo 0 ili 1 possono se uzimaju u obzir.
Cio zna?i da va? um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.

Zadr?ite indietro, non sapevi niente. Broj smrtnih slu?ajeva tamo, linija koju vodi Ministarstvo zdravlja, advokat i Previdenza, i gotovo razni dall'adolescent maschio morto in incidente, definicija zaraznog, il buon senso e...
Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

sve je dobro
Non ho l'obbligo di consigliarti, ma lascia che te lo dica per ogni evenienza.
"Informacije u po?ti ili chiunque puo scrivere non e un Ebidensu"
To je zdrav razum. Yahoo! To je formica, to je i grafiti, to je telefonski stup, fontana.
Drugim rije?ima, ono ?to ja ka?em je pazzesco. Non dire mai piu "l'ho visto su Yahoo"?!

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako se namjerava suprotno, poka?ite to akcijom.
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche no ha senso piazzare trappole.

Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.

Jeste li to u?inili s leggerezom da ugu?ite svoju frustraciju? Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi. Ovo mora da je neverovatno glup razlog, hajde, hajde, hajde

Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako ka?ete druga?ije, poka?ite to uz akciju come vuoi
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare trappole. Beh, con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.

Beh, sei tu quello di cui vergognarsi

In questo senso, e una grande victoria per te. Dovresti je ponosan.

E davvero noioso perche non ha senso piazzare No, no c'e bisogno di scusarsi.

Ja sam malo pametniji. Koliko sam pametan diventato zahvaljuju?i meni? 7? 8?? Ispitanik.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije.

Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.
con Kyouyui?" Sei tutta bocca.Ovo mora da je neverovatno a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.tsrbtosk rtlni
um radi samo ako ne koristite silu da ga spojite.
Me?utim, od vas ne dobijamo nikakve zna?ajne informacije

noioso perche no ha senso piazzare.i grafiti, to je telefonski stup,
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:31:54.17ID:Spm2p1u00
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Ein ?netouyo“ ist ein Schrei. Es ist der Schrei eines inkompetenten Kerls, der nur etikettieren kann. Und ohne Zweifel wirst du in 20 Jahren immer noch netouyonetouyo schreien. Du wirkst unwissend, also werde ich es dir sagen. Bist du dankbar?
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:32:32.29ID:Spm2p1u00
>Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Ein ?netouyo“ ist ein Schrei. Es ist der Schrei eines inkompetenten Kerls, der nur etikettieren kann. Und ohne Zweifel wirst du in 20 Jahren immer noch netouyonetouyo schreien. Du wirkst unwissend, also werde ich es dir sagen. Bist du dankbar?
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so..
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:33:23.97ID:Spm2p1u00
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de la
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:33:39.60ID:Spm2p1u00
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de de
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:33:56.02ID:Spm2p1u00
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de la
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:34:11.43ID:Spm2p1u00
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en !
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:34:28.43ID:Spm2p1u00
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de la
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2023/02/19(日) 22:34:44.22ID:Spm2p1u00
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de de
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:35:12.29ID:Spm2p1u00
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de la

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:35:38.33ID:Spm2p1u00
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en !

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:35:54.33ID:Spm2p1u00
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de la
垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:36:15.66ID:Spm2p1u00
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de de

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:36:49.32ID:Spm2p1u00
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en
Por que la izquierda japonesa finge ser un buen hombre y culpa a los problemas relacionados con la Iglesia de la

垢版 |
2023/02/19(日) 22:37:30.04ID:Spm2p1u00
Unnotig zu sagen, dass Sie derjenige sind, fur den Sie sich schamen mussen. mach wie du willst

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2023/02/20(月) 23:43:51.62ID:LlX+fbRP0
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
垢版 |
2023/02/20(月) 23:44:15.40ID:LlX+fbRP0
-Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete

垢版 |
2023/02/20(月) 23:44:41.36ID:LlX+fbRP0
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
> Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete

. . . .
垢版 |
2023/02/20(月) 23:46:51.95ID:LlX+fbRP0
──Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete

Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo pr
垢版 |
2023/02/21(火) 17:28:27.10ID:NRrJz7M70
>Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" je krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?
垢版 |
2023/02/21(火) 17:29:57.63ID:NRrJz7M70
>Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
>Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
>"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
>Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
>Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
>Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
>Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
>Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?

Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" je krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?

垢版 |
2023/02/21(火) 17:30:48.68ID:NRrJz7M70
->Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
>Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
>"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
>Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
>Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
>Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
>Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
>Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?

Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" je krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?

垢版 |
2023/02/21(火) 17:31:49.69ID:NRrJz7M70
*Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" je krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?

垢版 |
2023/02/21(火) 17:33:15.93ID:NRrJz7M70
/|Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" je krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje probleme koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?|/

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:21:39.17ID:jVehc44K0
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:22:14.58ID:jVehc44K0
-Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete

垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:23:11.28ID:jVehc44K0
*Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:24:01.55ID:jVehc44K0
|Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:25:53.05ID:jVehc44K0
>Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
>>"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
>Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
>Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
>Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
>Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
>Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
>Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
>"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
>Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
>Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
>"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
>Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
>Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?

"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:31:37.34ID:jVehc44K0
・・・Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:56:09.17ID:lQuJFgGf0
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
───Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
 .  .
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:57:01.55ID:lQuJFgGf0
=Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
. . . . . ..
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:57:44.80ID:lQuJFgGf0
/|/|Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
. . . . .
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:58:36.80ID:lQuJFgGf0
""Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
垢版 |
2023/02/22(水) 17:59:19.09ID:lQuJFgGf0
ZZa?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
. . . . . . .
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 09:38:18.65ID:mKLK+b/K0
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation

Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"

“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”

On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.

"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."

Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]

Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).

Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.

In the comfort women issue,
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 09:41:24.23ID:mKLK+b/K0
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”

On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."

Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 09:41:52.93ID:mKLK+b/K0
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim

If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized.
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 09:43:14.87ID:mKLK+b/K0
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”

On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world      .
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...
Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 09:43:53.59ID:mKLK+b/K0
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”

On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world      .
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 10:32:13.14ID:sI3eiK4d0
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:04:17.10ID:7bq7bt0Z0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:04:58.75ID:7bq7bt0Z0
*Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:05:51.91ID:7bq7bt0Z0
-Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:06:39.78ID:7bq7bt0Z0
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:08:05.44ID:7bq7bt0Z0
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:08:51.02ID:7bq7bt0Z0
─Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:14:25.01ID:7bq7bt0Z0
"Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 11:15:35.37ID:7bq7bt0Z0
[Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:00:00.07ID:7bq7bt0Z0
%Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
        .                           .
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:00:26.20ID:7bq7bt0Z0
-Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:02:07.41ID:7bq7bt0Z0
(Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:02:50.82ID:7bq7bt0Z0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
. . .                                 ||
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:06:48.50ID:7bq7bt0Z0
$Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
. . .                ;                 
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:07:18.96ID:7bq7bt0Z0
:Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
. . .      .                           
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:08:04.21ID:7bq7bt0Z0
>Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
. .    ,                             
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 20:09:26.41ID:7bq7bt0Z0
#Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
. . .                  ;:;:;             
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 21:06:03.34ID:7bq7bt0Z0
=Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
 ..                                 ,
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 21:08:35.15ID:7bq7bt0Z0
/Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
                ,  ,                 
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 21:09:18.08ID:7bq7bt0Z0
'Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
   ;    :            :                
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 21:10:13.74ID:7bq7bt0Z0
\Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
 :  ;      _           ;   :     ;     
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 21:10:47.07ID:7bq7bt0Z0
&Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 21:11:54.99ID:7bq7bt0Z0
*Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
         :                          :
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:07:31.37ID:7bq7bt0Z0
/Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
            ;                :       
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:39:07.74ID:/idFFnL50
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
            ;                :       .
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:40:05.75ID:/idFFnL50
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
 ...            .                 .
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:40:51.79ID:/idFFnL50
$Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
     :     :    : :         ;         
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:41:46.69ID:/idFFnL50
%Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
         ;                      ,   ,
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:42:32.08ID:/idFFnL50
.Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
  .  : ,         ;                    
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:42:50.38ID:/idFFnL50
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/02/23(木) 22:43:27.77ID:/idFFnL50
.Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
             .  .  .  :               
垢版 |
2023/02/24(金) 23:55:15.26ID:OdU85zYF0
-Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
       .           .                 
垢版 |
2023/02/24(金) 23:56:26.77ID:OdU85zYF0
/Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
.        .            ;   :   ,       
垢版 |
2023/02/24(金) 23:57:37.61ID:OdU85zYF0
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
               ,         .           
垢版 |
2023/02/25(土) 23:15:30.30ID:SsULgBh/0
Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
垢版 |
2023/02/25(土) 23:16:02.33ID:SsULgBh/0
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 13:23:37.42ID:kqji66YI0
        r-──-.   __
     / ̄\|_D_,,|/  `ヽ   【呪いのパンダ】
    l r'~ヽ ゝ__.ノヽ/~ ヽ l
    | |  l ´・ ▲ ・` l   | |  とてもカワイイこのAAを統一教会関係者の荒らしが見たら即タヒします♥
    ゝ::--ゝ,__∀_ノヽ--::ノ   他の場所にコピペしても無駄です♥
       l;;ノ:::::::::::::::l l;::;:!
      /:::::/´  ヽ:::l
      .〔:::::l     l:::l
      ヽ;;;>     \;;>
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 17:39:01.37ID:uSs4Ih8s0
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:03:49.59ID:36GsIHb10
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:05:03.78ID:36GsIHb10
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:06:36.32ID:36GsIHb10
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:07:22.08ID:36GsIHb10
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:08:00.53ID:36GsIHb10
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:08:30.14ID:36GsIHb10
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:09:18.92ID:36GsIHb10
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:10:18.46ID:36GsIHb10
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
               ,         .           .
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:10:51.24ID:36GsIHb10
|Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
               ,         .       : : : : :
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:11:31.95ID:36GsIHb10
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
-A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
               ,     .:   .           
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 20:12:08.51ID:36GsIHb10
*Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
               ,         .          -
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 23:45:39.88ID:0csBA88p0
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.

"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.

The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.

In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.

So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 23:46:11.79ID:0csBA88p0
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 23:46:33.93ID:0csBA88p0
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.

"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."

This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 23:47:11.97ID:0csBA88p0
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.

In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?

To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.

So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 23:47:37.91ID:0csBA88p0
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.

Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.

You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.

It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 23:48:16.93ID:0csBA88p0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?

To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.

"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."

This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.

The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.

In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
垢版 |
2023/02/26(日) 23:49:56.03ID:0csBA88p0
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
垢版 |
2023/02/27(月) 19:19:21.68ID:yWymA2u/0
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2023/02/27(月) 20:57:43.06ID:yho6NGVT0
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
                                            .                                                 .
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
                      .                                       .                                                         .
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
                                                        .                                       .
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?                            .                       .                   
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.                                  .                     .            
垢版 |
2023/02/27(月) 20:58:42.35ID:yho6NGVT0
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?

To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.

"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."

This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.

The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.

In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?

To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.

So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.

How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.

Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.

You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.

It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
垢版 |
2023/02/27(月) 21:00:11.89ID:yho6NGVT0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
                                                               .                                .
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.                        .                       
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."

This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
                .           .             .                                                                      .
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
                                 ..                             .                                                          
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?                                    .            
                                         .                                    .                              .      
垢版 |
2023/02/27(月) 21:00:49.22ID:yho6NGVT0
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
                ; : :          .
垢版 |
2023/02/27(月) 21:01:38.29ID:yho6NGVT0
-A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
垢版 |
2023/02/27(月) 21:42:50.85ID:awZCQ5X/0
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
?Netouyo“ yra verksmas. Tai nekompetentingo bendra?ygio, kuris gali tik klijuoti etiketes, ?auksmas. Be jokios abejon?s, po 20 met? vis tiek r?ksite netouyonetouyo. Atrodai nei?man?lis, tod?l a? tau pasakysiu. Ar esi d?kingas?
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.                                    
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.                                 
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.                  ..
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s,
垢版 |
2023/02/27(月) 21:43:52.29ID:awZCQ5X/0
|||Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
?Netouyo“ yra verksmas. Tai nekompetentingo bendra?ygio, kuris gali tik klijuoti etiketes, ?auksmas. Be jokios abejon?s, po 20 met? vis tiek r?ksite netouyonetouyo. Atrodai nei?man?lis, tod?l a? tau pasakysiu. Ar esi d?kingas?
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
Kad b?t? ai?ku, j?s, kairieji, esate b?doje ir j? apgaul?s bendrininkai.
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
Kod?l vis dar leid?iate dienas su nereik?minga kritika, tarsi tai b?t? ka?kieno problema?
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s,
                       .                   .   
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
Tai kod?l jis sub?r? toki? ?iauri? grup??
Nes tuo metu japon? kairysis sparnas smurtavo visoje Japonijoje.
垢版 |
2023/02/28(火) 19:36:13.47ID:lFDYtYGW0
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2023/02/28(火) 21:28:28.12ID:yO1U5eXM0
Muitos porcos mortos fedorentos e fezes.

Enormi quantita di escrementi di maiale e sciami di mosche.

In poco tempo, i larve di mosca sciamarono.
垢版 |
2023/03/01(水) 05:18:36.77ID:uFi+WPWS0
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
           .             .   .
垢版 |
2023/03/01(水) 05:20:06.44ID:uFi+WPWS0
-A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
       :  ,      .   : ,     . 
垢版 |
2023/03/01(水) 05:21:00.47ID:uFi+WPWS0
|A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
   .   ;   ,               .....
垢版 |
2023/03/01(水) 05:22:00.49ID:uFi+WPWS0
/A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
. ; . , . ,: , . ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
垢版 |
2023/03/01(水) 05:29:07.94ID:uFi+WPWS0
*A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
           :                ,
垢版 |
2023/03/01(水) 09:49:38.36ID:wMIhcghP0
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:40:00.87ID:V2m2PX3R0
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:51:56.96ID:V2m2PX3R0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:52:12.84ID:V2m2PX3R0
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:52:33.46ID:V2m2PX3R0
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:52:49.17ID:V2m2PX3R0
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:53:05.58ID:V2m2PX3R0
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:53:28.53ID:V2m2PX3R0
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:54:16.15ID:V2m2PX3R0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
                                   . .      :
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:54:53.09ID:V2m2PX3R0
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:55:25.22ID:V2m2PX3R0
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:55:46.15ID:V2m2PX3R0
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:56:12.02ID:V2m2PX3R0
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:56:43.64ID:V2m2PX3R0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.         .
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:57:25.32ID:V2m2PX3R0
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
                          .               。                     .                                                       .
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:57:45.68ID:V2m2PX3R0
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?                                             .
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:58:03.33ID:V2m2PX3R0
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:58:55.62ID:V2m2PX3R0
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
           .                 .                           .                                                                    . 
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:59:39.84ID:V2m2PX3R0
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.                                        .
                              .                    .                                       .           
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 07:59:55.90ID:V2m2PX3R0
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 08:00:13.78ID:V2m2PX3R0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 08:00:52.15ID:V2m2PX3R0
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
           :                ,.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 08:01:56.48ID:V2m2PX3R0
Enormi quantita di escrementi di maiale e sciami di mosche. In poco tempo, i larve di mosca sciamarono.                     .
                                              .                     .               
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 08:25:23.26ID:5hxyw1Jw0
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 08:25:54.64ID:5hxyw1Jw0
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 08:26:10.55ID:5hxyw1Jw0
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:46:45.32ID:zmeCgbWG0
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:48:04.72ID:zmeCgbWG0
Kaip j?s galite tai dr?siai pavadinti ?Antikaro taikos partija“? Kiek gyvybi? at?m?te? Nuorodos yra vis? nelaimi? ?aknys.
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:48:20.17ID:zmeCgbWG0
Netouyo“ yra verksmas. Tai nekompetentingo bendra?ygio, kuris gali tik klijuoti etiketes, ?auksmas. Be jokios abejon?s, po 20 met? vis tiek r?ksite netouyonetouyo. Atrodai nei?man?lis,
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:49:07.63ID:zmeCgbWG0
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:49:36.44ID:zmeCgbWG0
Kod?l japon? kairysis sparnas apsimeta geru ?mogumi ir kaltina su Susivienijimo ba?ny?ia susijusias problemas?
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:50:24.48ID:zmeCgbWG0
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."
. .
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:50:59.01ID:zmeCgbWG0
Tai melagingas kaltinimas, nepagr?stas faktais. Jei ?mogus n?ra u?kr?stas tokiomis i?kreiptomis id?jomis, jis nepaklius ? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios klast?.

. .
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:51:46.47ID:zmeCgbWG0
Japonijos kairysis sparnas paskleid? toki? klaiding? id?j?. Tod?l j?s, kairieji, esate g?dingi problemos dalyviai ir Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios bendrininkai, kuriuos reikia teisti.
. .
. .
. .
. . .
. .
. .
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:52:51.53ID:zmeCgbWG0
Ties? pasakius, Nobusuke Kishi atsakomyb? u? Susivienijimo ba?ny?ios atvedim? yra rimta.
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .

. . . .
. .
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:53:28.25ID:zmeCgbWG0
?Netouyo“ yra verksmas. Tai nekompetentingo bendra?ygio, kuris gali tik klijuoti etiketes, ?auksmas. Be jokios abejon?s, po 20 met? vis tiek r?ksite netouyonetouyo. Atrodai nei?man?lis,
垢版 |
2023/03/02(木) 20:53:54.30ID:zmeCgbWG0
"Praeityje Japonija eng?, skerd? ir i?naudojo kor?jie?ius. Tod?l j?s? prastesn? japon? ras? turi ir toliau am?inai atsipra?in?ti ir taisytis."


垢版 |
2023/03/03(金) 21:33:50.24ID:6NrOSdBO0
Enormi quantita di escrementi di maiale e sciami di mosche. In poco tempo, i larve di mosca sciamarono.
垢版 |
2023/03/03(金) 21:35:08.07ID:6NrOSdBO0
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 01:26:38.68ID:p6B3cL7r0
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
. . .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 01:26:58.98ID:p6B3cL7r0
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog.    . 
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 01:27:30.10ID:p6B3cL7r0
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."

.. .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 01:27:56.22ID:p6B3cL7r0
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk. 
. .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:09:51.05ID:1AvJ9gy30
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:10:09.16ID:1AvJ9gy30
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog. 
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:10:26.17ID:1AvJ9gy30
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:11:04.06ID:1AvJ9gy30
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:11:23.34ID:1AvJ9gy30
[De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee]. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:11:39.38ID:1AvJ9gy30
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:11:54.82ID:1AvJ9gy30
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.

垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:13:11.25ID:1AvJ9gy30
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen.

垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:13:31.26ID:1AvJ9gy30
Een "netouyo" is een kreet. Het is de kreet van een incompetente kerel die alleen maar kan labelen. En ongetwijfeld zul je over 20 jaar nog steeds netouyonetouyo schreeuwen. Je lijkt onwetend, dus ik zal het je vertellen. Ben je dankbaar?.
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:13:46.71ID:1AvJ9gy30
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?

垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:14:02.28ID:1AvJ9gy30
Voor alle duidelijkheid, jullie linksen zijn degenen die in de problemen zitten en medeplichtigen zijn aan hun bedrog..
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:14:32.58ID:1AvJ9gy30
"In het verleden heeft Japan Koreanen onderdrukt, afgeslacht en uitgebuit. Daarom moet jullie inferieur Japans ras zich blijven verontschuldigen en het voor altijd goedmaken."
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:14:58.43ID:1AvJ9gy30
Dit is een valse beschuldiging die niet op feiten is gebaseerd. Als iemand niet besmet is met zulke verwrongen ideeen, zal hij niet trappen in het bedrog van de Verenigingskerk.    ..
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:15:22.46ID:1AvJ9gy30
De Japanse linkervleugel verspreidde zo'n verkeerd idee. Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.

垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:15:38.32ID:1AvJ9gy30
Waarom besteed je desondanks je dagen aan irrelevante kritiek alsof het iemand anders' probleem is?

垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:16:04.65ID:1AvJ9gy30
Om de waarheid te zeggen, de verantwoordelijkheid van Nobusuke Kishi voor het binnenhalen van de Unification Church is ernstig.

.   .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:16:55.51ID:1AvJ9gy30
Hoe kun je het schaamteloos de "Anti-oorlogsvredespartij" noemen? Hoeveel levens heb je genomen? Links zijn de wortel van alle tegenslagen. .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:17:12.11ID:1AvJ9gy30
Waarom doet de Japanse linkervleugel alsof ze een goede man is en geeft ze de schuld aan kwesties waarbij de Unificatiekerk betrokken is?

垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:17:53.29ID:1AvJ9gy30
sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:18:24.47ID:1AvJ9gy30
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare". .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:18:49.92ID:1AvJ9gy30
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:19:29.57ID:1AvJ9gy30
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
 . .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:20:01.99ID:1AvJ9gy30
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi. .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:20:49.33ID:1AvJ9gy30
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
. .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:21:04.90ID:1AvJ9gy30
"netouyo" clamor est. Clamor incompetentis est, qui tantum pittacium potest. Et sine dubio netouyonetouyo adhuc quiritatio in XX annis. Inscius videris, ita dicam. Gratias agis?
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:21:34.49ID:1AvJ9gy30
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:22:05.86ID:1AvJ9gy30
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:22:27.17ID:1AvJ9gy30
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
. .
垢版 |
2023/03/04(土) 20:22:43.26ID:1AvJ9gy30
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt...
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 12:12:12.68ID:r8dl6zpe0
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 12:13:00.28ID:r8dl6zpe0
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2023/03/05(日) 12:13:31.62ID:r8dl6zpe0
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2023/03/05(日) 12:13:50.07ID:r8dl6zpe0
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2023/03/05(日) 12:13:56.15ID:r8dl6zpe0
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2023/03/05(日) 21:20:46.08ID:ruzwQp860
Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 21:26:12.74ID:ruzwQp860
Ein ?netouyo“ ist ein Schrei. Es ist der Schrei eines inkompetenten Kerls, der nur etikettieren kann. Und ohne
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 21:26:28.67ID:ruzwQp860
Zweifel wirst du in 20 Jahren immer noch netouyonetouyo schreien. Du wirkst unwissend, also werde ich es dir sagen. Bist du dankbar?
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 23:17:27.41ID:NHr32xiI0
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 23:20:40.73ID:NHr32xiI0
Daarom zijn jullie linksen de beschamende deelnemers aan het probleem en medeplichtigen van de Verenigingskerk die moeten worden beoordeeld.
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 23:30:24.17ID:NHr32xiI0
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare". .
垢版 |
2023/03/05(日) 23:30:46.77ID:NHr32xiI0
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.

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2023/03/06(月) 14:13:32.25ID:5AwSOu0D0
          r〃〃〃 f7⌒ろ)
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     (在位 2012年12月26日~2020年9月16日)

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2023/03/06(月) 20:39:57.18ID:XECygbOm0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
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2023/03/06(月) 20:40:29.63ID:XECygbOm0
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
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2023/03/06(月) 20:40:52.26ID:XECygbOm0
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
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2023/03/06(月) 20:41:08.19ID:XECygbOm0
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
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2023/03/06(月) 20:41:24.85ID:XECygbOm0
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
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2023/03/06(月) 20:42:54.96ID:XECygbOm0
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
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2023/03/06(月) 20:43:13.06ID:XECygbOm0
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
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2023/03/06(月) 20:45:22.29ID:XECygbOm0
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
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2023/03/06(月) 20:48:02.42ID:XECygbOm0
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
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2023/03/07(火) 21:01:42.32ID:x27fixh00
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent..
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2023/03/07(火) 21:02:56.36ID:x27fixh00
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
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2023/03/07(火) 21:03:27.81ID:x27fixh00
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
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2023/03/07(火) 21:03:43.32ID:x27fixh00
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
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2023/03/07(火) 21:04:40.90ID:x27fixh00
Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
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2023/03/07(火) 21:05:00.38ID:x27fixh00
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
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2023/03/07(火) 21:07:07.47ID:x27fixh00
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
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2023/03/07(火) 23:31:19.73ID:0FIyJYz20
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
. ,
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2023/03/08(水) 19:18:23.75ID:fjyIevYN0
Considering the history of Yamagami's family, you leftists are his true enemies. 
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2023/03/08(水) 19:19:22.90ID:fjyIevYN0
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent. 
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2023/03/08(水) 20:05:46.24ID:fjyIevYN0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
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2023/03/08(水) 20:06:17.29ID:fjyIevYN0
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
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2023/03/08(水) 20:06:40.82ID:fjyIevYN0
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
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2023/03/08(水) 20:06:58.32ID:fjyIevYN0
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
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2023/03/08(水) 20:07:12.69ID:fjyIevYN0
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
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2023/03/08(水) 20:07:28.92ID:fjyIevYN0
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
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2023/03/08(水) 20:08:19.18ID:fjyIevYN0
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
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2023/03/08(水) 20:09:12.00ID:fjyIevYN0
And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
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2023/03/08(水) 20:16:46.01ID:ggx2lKqs0
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2023/03/08(水) 23:17:39.48ID:W2UwWouY0
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions. 
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2023/03/08(水) 23:18:42.99ID:W2UwWouY0
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
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2023/03/08(水) 23:19:14.66ID:W2UwWouY0
I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
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2023/03/08(水) 23:19:30.73ID:W2UwWouY0
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ” 
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2023/03/09(木) 00:49:51.05ID:t8iAca2H0
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
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2023/03/09(木) 20:06:34.30ID:n2gy5HCo0
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
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2023/03/09(木) 20:13:08.40ID:n2gy5HCo0
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
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2023/03/09(木) 20:13:39.66ID:n2gy5HCo0
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
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2023/03/09(木) 23:20:58.50ID:POYgyndU0
hose who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent. 
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2023/03/10(金) 11:53:47.37ID:zD3epwHv0



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2023/03/10(金) 20:02:38.48ID:NFdwobqB0
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
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2023/03/10(金) 20:02:54.06ID:NFdwobqB0
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
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2023/03/10(金) 20:03:25.48ID:NFdwobqB0
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
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2023/03/10(金) 20:03:41.33ID:NFdwobqB0
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
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2023/03/10(金) 20:05:23.13ID:NFdwobqB0
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
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2023/03/10(金) 22:37:18.49ID:ijlT40G30
hose who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.   .
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2023/03/14(火) 21:33:23.48ID:pM+ttM2b0
In addition, there is growing concern that the appreciation of the yen as a result of the narrowing of the interest rate differential between Japan and the United States due to the decline in US interest rates will put pressure on the earnings of Japanese companies, especially those in the manufacturing industry.
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2023/03/15(水) 20:02:55.42ID:2zpKL43D0
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2023/03/16(木) 19:02:35.72ID:35wfb66A0
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2023/03/16(木) 19:02:49.66ID:35wfb66A0
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2023/03/16(木) 22:04:35.54ID:ya/Eqif30
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
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2023/03/16(木) 22:06:17.76ID:ya/Eqif30
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
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2023/03/16(木) 22:07:52.57ID:ya/Eqif30
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.

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2023/03/16(木) 22:10:50.18ID:ya/Eqif30
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.

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2023/03/17(金) 12:24:27.84ID:3hoQDV2v0
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2023/03/17(金) 20:17:25.68ID:3aUpMjXG0
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
 .. .. 
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2023/03/17(金) 20:42:13.09ID:COV9HP7r0
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
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2023/03/17(金) 20:42:29.61ID:COV9HP7r0
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
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2023/03/17(金) 20:43:00.81ID:COV9HP7r0
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...
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2023/03/17(金) 20:43:16.42ID:COV9HP7r0
Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
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2023/03/17(金) 20:43:32.39ID:COV9HP7r0
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
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2023/03/17(金) 20:43:51.26ID:COV9HP7r0
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
                 .               .
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2023/03/17(金) 20:44:07.80ID:COV9HP7r0
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
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2023/03/17(金) 20:44:23.40ID:COV9HP7r0
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
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2023/03/17(金) 20:44:41.46ID:COV9HP7r0
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
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2023/03/17(金) 20:45:32.20ID:COV9HP7r0
Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
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2023/03/17(金) 20:45:48.10ID:COV9HP7r0
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
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2023/03/17(金) 20:47:25.99ID:COV9HP7r0
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
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2023/03/17(金) 20:47:48.48ID:COV9HP7r0
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
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2023/03/17(金) 20:48:08.82ID:COV9HP7r0
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
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2023/03/17(金) 20:48:27.24ID:COV9HP7r0
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
                          .               .            
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2023/03/17(金) 20:48:47.33ID:COV9HP7r0
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
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2023/03/17(金) 23:46:42.16ID:H4/VS67I0
Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
  .  . 
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2023/03/17(金) 23:46:58.09ID:H4/VS67I0
It's not mine.
                    .                        .
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2023/03/19(日) 12:45:57.60ID:2qh40ruN0
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2023/03/19(日) 12:46:02.99ID:2qh40ruN0
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2023/03/19(日) 21:37:27.95ID:zIzcrO+V0
Calls of unknown date and time

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.
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2023/03/19(日) 21:39:18.48ID:zIzcrO+V0
On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
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2023/03/19(日) 21:39:40.69ID:zIzcrO+V0
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.
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2023/03/19(日) 21:39:57.24ID:zIzcrO+V0
Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.
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2023/03/19(日) 21:40:16.60ID:zIzcrO+V0
The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...
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2023/03/19(日) 21:40:31.81ID:zIzcrO+V0
Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.
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2023/03/19(日) 21:40:48.58ID:zIzcrO+V0
The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.
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2023/03/19(日) 21:41:07.69ID:zIzcrO+V0
Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/19(日) 21:41:34.19ID:zIzcrO+V0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
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2023/03/19(日) 21:41:49.86ID:zIzcrO+V0
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!
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2023/03/19(日) 21:42:06.10ID:zIzcrO+V0
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
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2023/03/19(日) 21:42:26.41ID:zIzcrO+V0
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!

In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!

Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
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2023/03/19(日) 21:42:42.62ID:zIzcrO+V0
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/03/19(日) 21:45:09.37ID:zIzcrO+V0
Calls of unknown date and time

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/19(日) 21:47:51.43ID:zIzcrO+V0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/03/19(日) 22:27:08.66ID:2qh40ruN0
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2023/03/19(日) 22:27:14.77ID:2qh40ruN0
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2023/03/20(月) 21:16:07.28ID:KhEh6Egs0
Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:16:23.05ID:KhEh6Egs0
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
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2023/03/20(月) 21:16:41.79ID:KhEh6Egs0
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:16:57.89ID:KhEh6Egs0
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:17:13.59ID:KhEh6Egs0
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:17:29.51ID:KhEh6Egs0
On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:17:45.67ID:KhEh6Egs0
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:18:01.40ID:KhEh6Egs0
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.                                       
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2023/03/20(月) 21:18:17.20ID:KhEh6Egs0
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.           
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2023/03/20(月) 21:18:33.23ID:KhEh6Egs0
Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.               
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2023/03/20(月) 21:19:38.03ID:KhEh6Egs0
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:20:13.91ID:KhEh6Egs0
If the topic is true...                                             
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2023/03/20(月) 21:20:31.44ID:KhEh6Egs0
Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:20:48.30ID:KhEh6Egs0
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:21:07.26ID:KhEh6Egs0
The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:21:26.63ID:KhEh6Egs0
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.                                                                                              
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2023/03/20(月) 21:21:48.42ID:KhEh6Egs0
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this. 
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2023/03/20(月) 21:22:05.53ID:KhEh6Egs0
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
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2023/03/20(月) 21:22:23.28ID:KhEh6Egs0
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:22:41.82ID:KhEh6Egs0
Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:23:01.98ID:KhEh6Egs0
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
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2023/03/20(月) 21:23:31.37ID:KhEh6Egs0
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/20(月) 21:24:41.12ID:KhEh6Egs0
--Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/03/20(月) 22:48:29.48ID:JUwEifDa0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

垢版 |
2023/03/20(月) 22:50:57.65ID:JUwEifDa0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamagami's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not mine. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

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2023/03/20(月) 22:52:16.71ID:JUwEifDa0
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/20(月) 22:52:48.37ID:JUwEifDa0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
垢版 |
2023/03/20(月) 22:53:38.52ID:JUwEifDa0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

;                              ......
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2023/03/21(火) 09:45:06.12ID:sqj7T2J40
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2023/03/21(火) 09:45:24.04ID:sqj7T2J40
youtubeでは統一教会、日本会議、自民党阿部派から、金で雇われた連中が、高市早苗擁護の動画を、突然大量にUPし始めた。そのコメント欄には、金で雇われた提灯持ち達が、大量に高市早苗擁護の書き込みをしている。こいつらを動かすために、統一教会が霊感商法、被害者や犠牲者から巻き上げた莫大な金が、相当使われているはず!YouTube というのは、その金を受け取る人間が居れば、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメ動画をいくらでもUPできるし、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメコメントをいくらでも書き込む事も出来るし、統一教会に都合のいい視聴回数をいくらでも増やす事が出来る。日本会議と統一教会を一刻も早く潰さないと、泣きを見なければならない日本人がどんどん増えていく。それを考えたら、今は、日本会議と統一教会の霊感商法の加害者を何人か叩き殺すのは、やむを得ない事だと思う!
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2023/03/21(火) 09:45:29.46ID:sqj7T2J40
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2023/03/22(水) 21:31:52.82ID:5FasdIII0
- Calls of unknown date and time -
Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.                                      
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.                             
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.
垢版 |
2023/03/22(水) 21:33:38.34ID:5FasdIII0
On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.                                             
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.                                            
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.                                                                    
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.                     
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2023/03/22(水) 21:34:07.84ID:5FasdIII0
Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.                                                 
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.                                                                                      
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2023/03/22(水) 21:34:40.69ID:5FasdIII0
The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.                                     
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".                                                            
If the topic is true...                                                                                             
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2023/03/22(水) 21:35:09.10ID:5FasdIII0
Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.                                                                             
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2023/03/22(水) 21:35:54.01ID:5FasdIII0
The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.                                                            
                     .                                                                                                                                                                           .
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2023/03/22(水) 21:36:22.04ID:5FasdIII0
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.               
                                                            .                                                                                  .
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2023/03/22(水) 21:36:51.16ID:5FasdIII0
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
                                      .                                                                                   .
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2023/03/22(水) 21:37:28.17ID:5FasdIII0
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).                                                                                                     
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.                              .
                            .                                                                                          .
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2023/03/22(水) 21:37:54.10ID:5FasdIII0
Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.             .
                                       .                                                                                                            .
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2023/03/22(水) 21:38:16.96ID:5FasdIII0
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.  
.                                                                                                    .
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2023/03/22(水) 21:38:45.36ID:5FasdIII0
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/22(水) 21:39:42.33ID:5FasdIII0
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/23(木) 22:13:43.30ID:rDtcrib00
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?                         
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2023/03/23(木) 22:14:11.78ID:rDtcrib00
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.                             .
.                                                                                                  .                                                       .                                             .
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2023/03/23(木) 22:14:30.97ID:rDtcrib00
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.                                      .
          .                                                                                                                     .                         
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2023/03/23(木) 22:14:48.42ID:rDtcrib00
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?                    .
                 .                                                                                                       .                                                    
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2023/03/23(木) 22:15:08.83ID:rDtcrib00
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   .
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2023/03/23(木) 22:15:31.61ID:rDtcrib00
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                         .                                           .
                            .                                                                              .
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2023/03/23(木) 22:16:00.02ID:rDtcrib00
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.                                                                    
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.                                   .
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2023/03/23(木) 22:16:42.28ID:rDtcrib00
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
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2023/03/23(木) 22:17:19.47ID:rDtcrib00
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!                                                                                  .
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2023/03/23(木) 22:17:43.76ID:rDtcrib00
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."                                                         .
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2023/03/23(木) 23:13:42.30ID:m6c7I/VL0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?                            .
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.                                                 .
                                                          .                                                                      .  
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2023/03/23(木) 23:14:11.02ID:m6c7I/VL0
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."                                    .
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.                                           .
                                              .                                                                              .
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2023/03/23(木) 23:14:56.54ID:m6c7I/VL0
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.                                          .
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?                                                                     .               .
                                                         .                                                                         .
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2023/03/23(木) 23:15:39.26ID:m6c7I/VL0
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.                                           .
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?                                                                                 .
                                       .                                                                  .
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2023/03/23(木) 23:16:11.32ID:m6c7I/VL0
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.                                                       .
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.                                      .
                                                           .                                     .
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2023/03/23(木) 23:16:53.36ID:m6c7I/VL0
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.                                                     .
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.                         .
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?                                        .                                                        .
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2023/03/24(金) 12:18:45.90ID:FhFYhN9T0
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2023/03/24(金) 12:18:56.97ID:FhFYhN9T0
youtubeでは統一教会、日本会議、自民党阿部派から、金で雇われた連中が、高市早苗擁護の動画を、突然大量にUPし始めた。そのコメント欄には、金で雇われた提灯持ち達が、大量に高市早苗擁護の書き込みをしている。こいつらを動かすために、統一教会が霊感商法、被害者や犠牲者から巻き上げた莫大な金が、相当使われているはず!YouTube というのは、その汚い金を受け取る人間が居れば、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメ動画をいくらでもUPできるし、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメコメントをいくらでも書き込む事も出来るし、統一教会に都合のいい視聴回数をいくらでも増やす事が出来る。日本会議と統一教会を一刻も早く潰さないと、泣きを見なければならない日本人がどんどん増えていく。それを考えたら、今は、日本会議と統一教会の霊感商法の加害者を何人か叩き殺すのは、やむを得ない事だと思う!
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2023/03/24(金) 12:19:02.30ID:FhFYhN9T0
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2023/03/25(土) 21:18:21.29ID:vxmFnzQ90
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?                                 .                           
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.                                                      .
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2023/03/25(土) 21:18:47.18ID:vxmFnzQ90
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."                                .
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.                                    
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2023/03/25(土) 21:19:12.78ID:vxmFnzQ90
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?                                                                  .
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2023/03/25(土) 21:19:50.80ID:vxmFnzQ90
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.                                       .
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?                                                               
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.                              .
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2023/03/25(土) 21:20:24.17ID:vxmFnzQ90
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
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2023/03/25(土) 21:23:07.60ID:vxmFnzQ90
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.                                                           ..
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.                    .
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?                                                         .
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2023/03/25(土) 21:23:54.42ID:vxmFnzQ90
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/25(土) 21:24:56.05ID:vxmFnzQ90
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

垢版 |
2023/03/25(土) 21:25:55.10ID:vxmFnzQ90
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/03/25(土) 21:34:44.56ID:vxmFnzQ90
The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mount Fuji, which touched my heart more than the unforgettable
impression of the stateless Japanese sword. Like a museum worker who can't destroy a building with his bare hands by looking back, it's a quiet, yielding defeatist bread. In other words, there's absolutely no problem with breaking a balloon in three and exchanging greetings with a beautiful, bloody deer, or a sense of justice that makes you stick your finger in something to commemorate something.
Who can't cross the ridge where the voices of tofu-loving Christians can be heard?
i knew festival But as for that, I won't let you smoke here.

Raising my feelings for the former Candies member into the stratosphere for the first time in a while, I happened to see Daruma riding a unicorn that was walking in the garden, and I was convinced that this was the final dream piece of the year had to be .
Finally, I opened up the digital camera I bought two years ago and took a close-up of Araki-ryu's admiration. However, it was too late, the unicorn had degenerated into a unicorn, and Pyokko Pyokko was running around in the garden. Frustrated, I put my digital camera in my bag and jumped into the rooftop pool. However, the season is extremely cold winter. I was about to freeze to death.
Having just witnessed such an unimaginable sight, I cannot imagine how dangerous it is to take a helicopter, walk around Tokyo without chopping firewood, use the phone as an answering machine, or forget to lock the door. Since it is a lot, I would like to replace it with a New Year's greeting by observing seppuku. Marlboro.

The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mo
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2023/03/26(日) 16:38:27.38ID:uUiVTuqY0
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2023/03/26(日) 16:38:39.57ID:uUiVTuqY0
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2023/03/26(日) 16:38:46.21ID:uUiVTuqY0
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2023/03/26(日) 16:39:08.97ID:uUiVTuqY0
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2023/03/26(日) 16:39:20.83ID:uUiVTuqY0
youtubeでは統一教会、日本会議、自民党阿部派から、金で雇われた連中が、高市早苗擁護の動画を、突然大量にUPし始めた。そのコメント欄には、金で雇われた提灯持ち達が、大量に高市早苗擁護の書き込みをしている。こいつらを動かすために、統一教会が霊感商法、被害者や犠牲者から巻き上げた莫大な金が、相当使われているはず!YouTube というのは、その汚い金を受け取る人間が居れば、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメ動画をいくらでもUPできるし、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメコメントをいくらでも書き込む事も出来るし、統一教会に都合のいい視聴回数をいくらでも増やす事が出来る。日本会議と統一教会を一刻も早く潰さないと、泣きを見なければならない日本人がどんどん増えていく。それを考えたら、今は、日本会議と統一教会の霊感商法の加害者を何人か叩き殺すのは、やむを得ない事だと思う!
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2023/03/26(日) 16:39:28.58ID:uUiVTuqY0
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2023/03/29(水) 01:10:30.17ID:RcXvGvqI0
[Original] North Korea ``A monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima.
2023/03/24 15:38 stupid-chung

Members of the so-called ``Changwon spy group,'' which secretly contacted North Korean agents and acted on orders from North Korea, and members of the People's Vanguard for Self-Reunification (Ji-Tong), fanned ``anti-Japanese sentiment'' from North Korea. It was revealed on the 23rd that he had been ordered to fight.

North Korea, in particular, has voluntarily expressed its anti-Japanese sentiment, saying, ``The public opinion dissemination team should mass-disseminate false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of monster fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of deformed children, thereby amplifying social antipathy and anxiety.'' It was revealed that he had issued a specific order to provoke him.

Based on the interviews of this paper, in July 2019, defendant Hwang, who is the general manager of the self-organization, and defendant Song, a member of the organization, were sent to North Korea's cultural exchange bureau.
(1) Actively carry out a nationwide struggle to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment among the Korean people.
(2) Actively combine and expand the anti-Japanese struggle with the anti-U.S. struggle and the general strike, and use this as an opportunity to skillfully combine the blows against the pro-Japanese and anti-injustice conservative forces.
- I received a directive with the content.

North Korea has voluntarily said, ``Using Japan's problem of releasing radioactive contaminated water to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment and stimulate the Japanese government, it will pressurize the Moon Jae-in administration to recover from the conflict with the Japanese government. We should systematically develop the anti-Japanese struggle with a focus on driving it to a state of non-existence.”
For this reason, the ministry reportedly ordered environmental activists and marine experts to appear in TV debates and other events to demonstrate the catastrophic disaster that Japan's release of contaminated water would have on the Korean Peninsula.

Furthermore, North Korea said, ``The public opinion dissemination team of the council (Jito) spread a large amount of false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of a strange fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of a deformed child. Let the fishermen who receive stand up, collective hunger strike, sit-down haircut,
At the same time as violently developing large-scale maritime demonstrations that mobilize fishing boats, local government chiefs and parliamentarians from constituencies should join forces to develop activities to focus international public opinion.” He also gave orders that included.
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2023/03/29(水) 01:11:24.10ID:RcXvGvqI0
The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mount Fuji, which touched my heart more than the unforgettable
impression of the stateless Japanese sword. Like a museum worker who can't destroy a building with his bare hands by looking back, it's a quiet, yielding defeatist bread. In other words, there's absolutely no problem with breaking a balloon in three and exchanging greetings with a beautiful, bloody deer, or a sense of justice that makes you stick your finger in something to commemorate something.
Who can't cross the ridge where the voices of tofu-loving Christians can be heard?
i knew festival But as for that, I won't let you smoke here.

Raising my feelings for the former Candies member into the stratosphere for the first time in a while, I happened to see Daruma riding a unicorn that was walking in the garden, and I was convinced that this was the final dream piece of the year had to be .
Finally, I opened up the digital camera I bought two years ago and took a close-up of Araki-ryu's admiration. However, it was too late, the unicorn had degenerated into a unicorn, and Pyokko Pyokko was running around in the garden. Frustrated, I put my digital camera in my bag and jumped into the rooftop pool. However, the season is extremely cold winter. I was about to freeze to death.
Having just witnessed such an unimaginable sight, I cannot imagine how dangerous it is to take a helicopter, walk around Tokyo without chopping firewood, use the phone as an answering machine, or forget to lock the door. Since it is a lot, I would like to replace it with a New Year's greeting by observing seppuku. Marlboro.

The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mo
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2023/03/29(水) 01:11:44.66ID:RcXvGvqI0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/03/29(水) 01:12:09.83ID:RcXvGvqI0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

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2023/03/29(水) 01:12:47.89ID:RcXvGvqI0
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/29(水) 01:14:18.54ID:RcXvGvqI0
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”

On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world      .
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
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2023/03/29(水) 01:15:32.96ID:RcXvGvqI0
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim

If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized.

Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
.                                                                                                                        .
                                                .                                         .                       .
                                                                              .                       .
If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized.
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2023/03/29(水) 13:17:31.45ID:gBaOiOg80
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2023/03/29(水) 13:17:45.66ID:gBaOiOg80
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2023/03/29(水) 13:17:51.11ID:gBaOiOg80
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2023/03/29(水) 13:18:13.73ID:gBaOiOg80
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2023/03/29(水) 13:18:25.22ID:gBaOiOg80
youtubeでは統一教会、日本会議、自民党阿部派から、金で雇われた連中が、高市早苗擁護の動画を、突然大量にUPし始めた。そのコメント欄には、金で雇われた提灯持ち達が、大量に高市早苗擁護の書き込みをしている。こいつらを動かすために、統一教会が霊感商法、被害者や犠牲者から巻き上げた莫大な金が、相当使われているはず!YouTube というのは、その汚い金を受け取る人間が居れば、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメ動画をいくらでもUPできるし、統一教会に都合のいいデタラメコメントをいくらでも書き込む事も出来るし、統一教会に都合のいい視聴回数をいくらでも増やす事が出来る。この汚い金を受け取る連中こそが、霊感商法の加害者だ!日本会議と統一教会を一刻も早く潰さないと、泣きを見なければならない日本人がどんどん増えていく。それを考えたら、今は、日本会議と統一教会の霊感商法の加害者を何人か叩き殺すのは、やむを得ない事だと思う!
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2023/03/29(水) 13:18:41.19ID:gBaOiOg80
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2023/03/31(金) 23:53:14.25ID:o9OWL1/+0
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim

If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized.

Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
.                                                                                                                        .
                                                .                                         .                       .
                                                                              .                       .
If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized.
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2023/03/31(金) 23:53:35.62ID:o9OWL1/+0
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”

On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world      .
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
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2023/03/31(金) 23:54:13.96ID:o9OWL1/+0
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/03/31(金) 23:55:42.44ID:o9OWL1/+0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

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2023/03/31(金) 23:56:03.06ID:o9OWL1/+0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document.".
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2023/03/31(金) 23:56:33.40ID:o9OWL1/+0
The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mount Fuji, which touched my heart more than the unforgettable
impression of the stateless Japanese sword. Like a museum worker who can't destroy a building with his bare hands by looking back, it's a quiet, yielding defeatist bread. In other words, there's absolutely no problem with breaking a balloon in three and exchanging greetings with a beautiful, bloody deer, or a sense of justice that makes you stick your finger in something to commemorate something.
Who can't cross the ridge where the voices of tofu-loving Christians can be heard?
i knew festival But as for that, I won't let you smoke here.

Raising my feelings for the former Candies member into the stratosphere for the first time in a while, I happened to see Daruma riding a unicorn that was walking in the garden, and I was convinced that this was the final dream piece of the year had to be .
Finally, I opened up the digital camera I bought two years ago and took a close-up of Araki-ryu's admiration. However, it was too late, the unicorn had degenerated into a unicorn, and Pyokko Pyokko was running around in the garden. Frustrated, I put my digital camera in my bag and jumped into the rooftop pool. However, the season is extremely cold winter. I was about to freeze to death.
Having just witnessed such an unimaginable sight, I cannot imagine how dangerous it is to take a helicopter, walk around Tokyo without chopping firewood, use the phone as an answering machine, or forget to lock the door. Since it is a lot, I would like to replace it with a New Year's greeting by observing seppuku. Marlboro.

The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mo.
垢版 |
2023/03/31(金) 23:57:39.01ID:o9OWL1/+0
[Original] North Korea ``A monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima.
2023/03/24 15:38 stupid-chung

Members of the so-called ``Changwon spy group,'' which secretly contacted North Korean agents and acted on orders from North Korea, and members of the People's Vanguard for Self-Reunification (Ji-Tong), fanned ``anti-Japanese sentiment'' from North Korea. It was revealed on the 23rd that he had been ordered to fight.

North Korea, in particular, has voluntarily expressed its anti-Japanese sentiment, saying, ``The public opinion dissemination team should mass-disseminate false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of monster fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of deformed children, thereby amplifying social antipathy and anxiety.'' It was revealed that he had issued a specific order to provoke him.

Based on the interviews of this paper, in July 2019, defendant Hwang, who is the general manager of the self-organization, and defendant Song, a member of the organization, were sent to North Korea's cultural exchange bureau.
(1) Actively carry out a nationwide struggle to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment among the Korean people.
(2) Actively combine and expand the anti-Japanese struggle with the anti-U.S. struggle and the general strike, and use this as an opportunity to skillfully combine the blows against the pro-Japanese and anti-injustice conservative forces.
- I received a directive with the content.

North Korea has voluntarily said, ``Using Japan's problem of releasing radioactive contaminated water to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment and stimulate the Japanese government, it will pressurize the Moon Jae-in administration to recover from the conflict with the Japanese government. We should systematically develop the anti-Japanese struggle with a focus on driving it to a state of non-existence.”
For this reason, the ministry reportedly ordered environmental activists and marine experts to appear in TV debates and other events to demonstrate the catastrophic disaster that Japan's release of contaminated water would have on the Korean Peninsula.

Furthermore, North Korea said, ``The public opinion dissemination team of the council (Jito) spread a large amount of false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of a strange fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of a deformed child. Let the fishermen who receive stand up, collective hunger strike, sit-down haircut,
At the same time as violently developing large-scale maritime demonstrations that mobilize fishing boats, local government chiefs and parliamentarians from constituencies should join forces to develop activities to focus international public opinion.” He also gave orders that included.

[Original] North Korea ``A monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima.
2023/03/24 15:38 stupid-chung

Members of the so-called ``Changwon spy group,'' which secretly contacted North Korean agents and acted on orders from North Korea, and members of the People's Vanguard for Self-Reunification (Ji-Tong), fanned ``anti-Japanese sentiment'' from North Korea. It was revealed on the 23rd that he had been ordered to fight.

North Korea, in particular, has voluntarily expressed its anti-Japanese sentiment, saying, ``The public opinion dissemination team should mass-disseminate false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of monster fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of deformed children, thereby amplifying social antipathy and anxiety.'' It was revealed that he had issued a specific order to provoke him.

Based on the interviews of this paper, in July 2019, defendant Hwang, who is the general manager of the self-organization, and defendant Song, a member of the organization, were sent to North Korea's cultural exchange bureau.
(1) Actively carry out a nationwide struggle to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment among the Korean people.
(2) Actively combine and expand the anti-Japanese struggl.......
垢版 |
2023/03/31(金) 23:58:31.15ID:o9OWL1/+0
>mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkning det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige....
垢版 |
2023/03/31(金) 23:58:57.14ID:o9OWL1/+0
-dig mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkning det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige...
垢版 |
2023/03/31(金) 23:59:54.85ID:o9OWL1/+0
ZZa?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
>Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
"Netouyo" per krik. To je vapaj nesposobnjakovi?a koji mo?e samo etiketirati. I bez sumnje ?ete i dalje vri?tati netouyonetouyo za 20 godina. ?ini? se neznalica, pa ?u ti re?i. Jeste li zahvalni?
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da se razumijemo, vi ljevi?ari ste ti koji ste u nevolji i suu?esnici u njihovoj prijevari.
"U pro?losti je Japan ugnjetavao, klao i iskori?tavao Korejce. Stoga se va?a inferiorna japanska rasa mora nastaviti ispri?avati i popravljati zauvijek."
Ovo je la?na optu?ba koja nije utemeljena na ?injenicama. Ako netko nije zara?en takvim iskrivljenim idejama, ne?e nasjesti na prijevaru Crkve ujedinjenja.
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
Istini za volju, odgovornost Nobusuke Kishija za dovo?enje Crkve ujedinjenja je ozbiljna.
Pa za?to je doveo tako opaku skupinu?
Zato ?to je u to vrijeme japansko lijevo krilo provodilo nasilje po cijelom Japanu.
Kako to mo?ete bezo?no nazvati "Antiratnom mirovnom strankom"? Koliko si ?ivota uzeo? Linkovi su korijen svih nesre?a.
Za?to se japansko lijevo krilo pretvara da je dobar ?ovjek i okrivljuje problems koji uklju?uju Crkvu ujedinjenja?
Da budemo jasni, vi ljevaci ste ti koji sudjelujete
Japansko lijevo krilo ?irilo je takvu la?nu ideju. Dakle, vi ljevi?ari ste sramotni sudionici u problemu i suu?esnici Crkve ujedinjenja kojima se mora suditi.
Za?to jo? uvijek dane tro?ite na nebitne kritike kao da je tu?i problem?
. . . . . . .
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2023/04/01(土) 00:02:13.91ID:H5sfwK5l0
-Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan..
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

         .l;| ....                 
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2023/04/01(土) 00:02:35.99ID:H5sfwK5l0
-Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/04/01(土) 00:03:02.11ID:H5sfwK5l0
-The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mount Fuji, which touched my heart more than the unforgettable
impression of the stateless Japanese sword. Like a museum worker who can't destroy a building with his bare hands by looking back, it's a quiet, yielding defeatist bread. In other words, there's absolutely no problem with breaking a balloon in three and exchanging greetings with a beautiful, bloody deer, or a sense of justice that makes you stick your finger in something to commemorate something.
Who can't cross the ridge where the voices of tofu-loving Christians can be heard?
i knew festival But as for that, I won't let you smoke here.

Raising my feelings for the former Candies member into the stratosphere for the first time in a while, I happened to see Daruma riding a unicorn that was walking in the garden, and I was convinced that this was the final dream piece of the year had to be .
Finally, I opened up the digital camera I bought two years ago and took a close-up of Araki-ryu's admiration. However, it was too late, the unicorn had degenerated into a unicorn, and Pyokko Pyokko was running around in the garden. Frustrated, I put my digital camera in my bag and jumped into the rooftop pool. However, the season is extremely cold winter. I was about to freeze to death.
Having just witnessed such an unimaginable sight, I cannot imagine how dangerous it is to take a helicopter, walk around Tokyo without chopping firewood, use the phone as an answering machine, or forget to lock the door. Since it is a lot, I would like to replace it with a New Year's greeting by observing seppuku. Marlboro.

The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mo.
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2023/04/01(土) 00:04:18.35ID:H5sfwK5l0
-[Original] North Korea ``A monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima.
2023/03/24 15:38 stupid-chung

Members of the so-called ``Changwon spy group,'' which secretly contacted North Korean agents and acted on orders from North Korea, and members of the People's Vanguard for Self-Reunification (Ji-Tong), fanned ``anti-Japanese sentiment'' from North Korea. It was revealed on the 23rd that he had been ordered to fight.

North Korea, in particular, has voluntarily expressed its anti-Japanese sentiment, saying, ``The public opinion dissemination team should mass-disseminate false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of monster fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of deformed children, thereby amplifying social antipathy and anxiety.'' It was revealed that he had issued a specific order to provoke him.

Based on the interviews of this paper, in July 2019, defendant Hwang, who is the general manager of the self-organization, and defendant Song, a member of the organization, were sent to North Korea's cultural exchange bureau.
(1) Actively carry out a nationwide struggle to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment among the Korean people.
(2) Actively combine and expand the anti-Japanese struggle with the anti-U.S. struggle and the general strike, and use this as an opportunity to skillfully combine the blows against the pro-Japanese and anti-injustice conservative forces.
- I received a directive with the content.

North Korea has voluntarily said, ``Using Japan's problem of releasing radioactive contaminated water to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment and stimulate the Japanese government, it will pressurize the Moon Jae-in administration to recover from the conflict with the Japanese government. We should systematically develop the anti-Japanese struggle with a focus on driving it to a state of non-existence.”
For this reason, the ministry reportedly ordered environmental activists and marine experts to appear in TV debates and other events to demonstrate the catastrophic disaster that Japan's release of contaminated water would have on the Korean Peninsula.

Furthermore, North Korea said, ``The public opinion dissemination team of the council (Jito) spread a large amount of false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of a strange fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of a deformed child. Let the fishermen who receive stand up, collective hunger strike, sit-down haircut,
At the same time as violently developing large-scale maritime demonstrations that mobilize fishing boats, local government chiefs and parliamentarians from constituencies should join forces to develop activities to focus international public opinion.” He also gave orders that included.

[Original] North Korea ``A monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima.
2023/03/24 15:38 stupid-chung

Members of the so-called ``Changwon spy group,'' which secretly contacted North Korean agents and acted on orders from North Korea, and members of the People's Vanguard for Self-Reunification (Ji-Tong), fanned ``anti-Japanese sentiment'' from North Korea. It was revealed on the 23rd that he had been ordered to fight.

North Korea, in particular, has voluntarily expressed its anti-Japanese sentiment, saying, ``The public opinion dissemination team should mass-disseminate false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of monster fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of deformed children, thereby amplifying social antipathy and anxiety.'' It was revealed that he had issued a specific order to provoke him.

Based on the interviews of this paper, in July 2019, defendant Hwang, who is the general manager of the self-organization, and defendant Song, a member of the organization, were sent to North Korea's cultural exchange bureau.
(1) Actively carry out a nationwide struggle to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment among the Korean people.
(2) Actively combine and expand the anti-Japanese struggl......
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2023/04/01(土) 00:05:06.47ID:H5sfwK5l0
.- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/04/02(日) 21:06:06.61ID:0+GpNgfZ0
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2023/04/02(日) 21:06:22.64ID:0+GpNgfZ0
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2023/04/02(日) 21:06:27.75ID:0+GpNgfZ0
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2023/04/03(月) 22:18:00.12ID:Kh5aT3kR0
Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."

Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."
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2023/04/03(月) 22:19:33.57ID:Kh5aT3kR0
A political journalist explains.

"Mr. Konishi later explained, 'I understood it was off the record' and 'I withdrew it on the spot', but even if it was off the record, you can say that 'monkey' and 'barbarian' are discriminatory remarks.
In the first place, since the reporters were putting out IC recorders in a way that Mr. Konishi could see, it is common knowledge in Nagatacho that it is okay to publish the real name of the speaker and report it 'on the record'.

Not only the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Meiji Restoration, which are active in discussing constitutional revision, but also voices of opposition from within the party, who said it was "unpleasant,"
(Chairman Masaharu Nakagawa of the Research Commission on the Constitution), quickly decided to sack Konishi.

At the same time, the dissolution of the party on March 31st was rumored, and the gaffe caused disappointment within the Rikken.

``The constitutional system has a bad image again. Former member of the House of Representatives scheduled to run)
The “Quiz King of the Diet” likes to give quizzes even at drinking parties.

"When the reporter asks questions such as 'Do you know the theory called XX?' and 'Who is the scholar called XX?' Even so, when the reporter later said,
``I live in Chiba Prefecture (in Mr. Konishi's constituency),'' he replied, ``Thank you very much. Then he suddenly became humble and shook my hand.”

Pointing at a young Sankei reporter during a toast at a social gathering
"Sankei is a really terrible newspaper!" 
This time, a Sankei Shimbun reporter who immediately reported the "monkey" remark on the Internet and was named
"I will refuse any interviews in the future" also reveals this side of Mr. Konishi.

“About 10 years ago, a social gathering was held in Chiba City for a buffet dinner attended by members of the Democratic Party of Japan,
local lawmakers, and local reporters. He smiled and said, ``I'm doing great things with Mr. Sankei in national affairs, but let's get along well in the provinces!

Afterwards, the reporter was stunned by Mr. Konishi's actions during the toast.

"Mr. Konishi pointed at me in the corner of the venue in front of a large number of Diet members and local legislators and said,
``There is a Sankei reporter over there, but Sankei is a really terrible newspaper! I'm doing it, but I'll win!"

A young reporter at the time who had just started covering the Chiba prefectural government was confused, but Mr. Konishi, who finished the toast, approached him lightly and said,
"I'm sorry. I touched you in my greeting. '' he said with a big smile.

"Of course, I never said 'thank you' after that. I didn't go to any interviews." (Sankei Shimbun reporter mentioned above)
Mr. Konishi is said to have urged Sankei Shimbun reporters to "revise their articles."
A reporter for the political department of a national newspaper is astounded.
"Mr. Konishi was pursuing that the Abe administration put pressure on the TV station over the broadcasting law document, but Mr. Konishi himself was putting pressure on the media, saying that it was outrageous for reports that were inconvenient for him. It's a punch line that can't be laughed at."
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2023/04/03(月) 22:20:21.19ID:Kh5aT3kR0
-Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."

Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."
垢版 |
2023/04/03(月) 22:20:48.72ID:Kh5aT3kR0
*Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."

Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."
垢版 |
2023/04/03(月) 22:21:04.70ID:Kh5aT3kR0
…Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."

Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."
垢版 |
2023/04/03(月) 22:22:16.98ID:Kh5aT3kR0
- A political journalist explains.

"Mr. Konishi later explained, 'I understood it was off the record' and 'I withdrew it on the spot', but even if it was off the record, you can say that 'monkey' and 'barbarian' are discriminatory remarks.
In the first place, since the reporters were putting out IC recorders in a way that Mr. Konishi could see, it is common knowledge in Nagatacho that it is okay to publish the real name of the speaker and report it 'on the record'.

Not only the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Meiji Restoration, which are active in discussing constitutional revision, but also voices of opposition from within the party, who said it was "unpleasant,"
(Chairman Masaharu Nakagawa of the Research Commission on the Constitution), quickly decided to sack Konishi.
At the same time, the dissolution of the party on March 31st was rumored, and the gaffe caused disappointment within the Rikken.

``The constitutional system has a bad image again. Former member of the House of Representatives scheduled to run)
The “Quiz King of the Diet” likes to give quizzes even at drinking parties.

"When the reporter asks questions such as 'Do you know the theory called XX?' and 'Who is the scholar called XX?' Even so, when the reporter later said,
``I live in Chiba Prefecture (in Mr. Konishi's constituency),'' he replied, ``Thank you very much. Then he suddenly became humble and shook my hand.”

Pointing at a young Sankei reporter during a toast at a social gathering
"Sankei is a really terrible newspaper!" 
This time, a Sankei Shimbun reporter who immediately reported the "monkey" remark on the Internet and was named
"I will refuse any interviews in the future" also reveals this side of Mr. Konishi.

“About 10 years ago, a social gathering was held in Chiba City for a buffet dinner attended by members of the Democratic Party of Japan,
local lawmakers, and local reporters. He smiled and said, ``I'm doing great things with Mr. Sankei in national affairs, but let's get along well in the provinces!

Afterwards, the reporter was stunned by Mr. Konishi's actions during the toast.

"Mr. Konishi pointed at me in the corner of the venue in front of a large number of Diet members and local legislators and said,
``There is a Sankei reporter over there, but Sankei is a really terrible newspaper! I'm doing it, but I'll win!"

A young reporter at the time who had just started covering the Chiba prefectural government was confused, but Mr. Konishi, who finished the toast, approached him lightly and said,
"I'm sorry. I touched you in my greeting. '' he said with a big smile.

"Of course, I never said 'thank you' after that. I didn't go to any interviews." (Sankei Shimbun reporter mentioned above)
Mr. Konishi is said to have urged Sankei Shimbun reporters to "revise their articles."
A reporter for the political department of a national newspaper is astounded.
"Mr. Konishi was pursuing that the Abe administration put pressure on the TV station over the broadcasting law document, but Mr. Konishi himself was putting pressure on the media, saying that it was outrageous for reports that were inconvenient for him. It's a punch line that can't be laughed at."
垢版 |
2023/04/03(月) 22:23:33.31ID:Kh5aT3kR0
Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."

Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."
          ........                                                                            ..
垢版 |
2023/04/07(金) 00:22:30.10ID:F0DztRIe0
Mr. Hiroyuki Konishi asks the Sankei Shimbun to "request corrections in another article"... Tohoho, representative of Izumi, talks about "rabbit in my family" even in SNS storms

On April 1, Constitutional Democratic Party member Hiroyuki Konishi updated Twitter. He has a string of controversial "monkey" and "barbarian" remarks.

“I don’t want the media to go mad, so I will explain the facts.

The Sankei Net article was suspicious of intentional clipping of off-the-record remarks (immediate retraction of remarks), and was recognized as defamation.

As an emergency response, at the very least, I was missing the whole thing because I criticized the weekly constitutional hearings of the House of Representatives that I mentioned.

On March 30, Rep. Konishi said that he would withdraw his remarks about the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution, which was held once a week, saying, "Convening meetings every week is what monkeys who don't think about the Constitution do," and "barbarian acts."

Originally, the remarks spread all at once in the wake of the Sankei Shimbun report. We are consulting," suggesting legal action.

Even more controversial was the exchange with a Sankei Shimbun reporter at the press conference held on the 31st.
Immediately after reporting his remarks, the reporter received a LINE message from Mr. Konishi himself.

"To a Sankei Shimbun reporter, Rep. Konishi said, 'I'm shocked that you wrote a remark that was taken off the record and withdrawn on the spot, but if you do, please tell me to add the following remarks properly.
If you don't correct it, it will be treated as an intentional article and legal action will be taken." The Sankei reporter denounced at the press conference, saying, ``No matter how you look at it, I think it is an interference with editorial rights.
'' I was doing it.” (weekly magazine reporter)

Let's go back to the April 1st tweet. Rep. Konishi explains why he asked for a postscript in the form of a series of tweets at the beginning. He then concluded:
<<The postscript corrections I made to Sankei reporters online was a request for an emergency response to at least reduce the damage caused to the article, which is recognized as defamation, and is not an intervention of the editorial authority.
In addition, a few days ago, I asked this reporter on line to correct another article, and the company received a sincere response. 》

“In other words, Rep. Konishi himself revealed that he requested corrections on LINE in another article.
In Mr. Konishi's tweet, ``Aren't you confessing to repeatedly interfering with editorial rights? 》“Members of the Diet are intervening in the press, but it’s becoming normal.”“This is what power harassment is like.”

At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, announced that he would reshuffle his position as the chief secretary of the Constitutional Council after giving a strict warning to Rep. Konishi.

Perhaps relieved by that, before Congressman Konishi tweeted "another article", he wrote on Twitter, ``My family's rabbit rice has been a favorite since I learned that cherry blossom petals can be eaten a few years ago. ] and posted a picture of his pet rabbit.

"Do something about Konishi." Isn't it time to have a leisurely "rabbit talk"?
垢版 |
2023/04/07(金) 00:23:31.83ID:F0DztRIe0
``Next to monkeys'' enters the trend ``Lack of human resources'' whispered by former TBS Hideya Sugio to succeed Mr. Konishi, who was dismissed
On April 3, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) decided to appoint lawmaker Hideya Sugio as the lead secretary of the House of Councilors Constitutional Council.
Succeeding Representative Hiroyuki Konishi, who was dismissed for saying things like "what monkeys do" at the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held every week.
About this personnel affair, cold voices are flying on SNS.
《Why are you assigning the same kind to your successor... it's meaningless...》
“Constitutional staff seems to be facing a serious shortage…”
“Mr. Sugio is a former TBS reporter and newscaster who was first elected in the 2016 House of Councilors election. On the 15th, at the House of Councilors Budget Committee meeting, he said,
``There is absolutely no basis for what Minister Takaichi is saying. I can't trust you,' but he responded, 'If you can't trust me, and if you can't trust my answer, don't ask me any more questions,' and I was at a loss for words."

"Mr. Konishi's successor is Ms. Sugio." Are parrots next to monkeys? It's like a zoo,” tweeted, and “next to monkeys” became a trend on Twitter.
"Mr. Sugio was the main newscaster for 'JNN News Forest' at the time of the Aum Shinrikyo incident. In the 1994 Matsumoto sarin attack, Yoshiyuki Kono, who was initially suspected as a suspect, was identified as the culprit.
When Mr. Sugio ran for the House of Councilors in 2016, Ms. Kono said at a lecture that ``wrong news reports are so dangerous that some people commit suicide,'' and ``life is taken lightly.
Even if people like that challenge national politics, can these people really protect the lives of the people?” critically criticized.

Regarding Aum Shinrikyo, there were issues such as TBS showing the cult a video before it aired, and there are still deep-rooted voices questioning the responsibility of Mr. Sugio and others who were involved in the reporting at the time.” reporter)

Representative Sugio updated his Twitter on April 4th.

《This morning, I attended the party constitution investigation meeting from 8 o’clock. Mr. Hiroyuki Konishi stepped down as the chief secretary of the Commission on the Constitution of the House of Councillors, and it was decided that I would serve as acting chairman of the Research Commission on the Constitution of the ruling party.
As the debate on the constitution has reached a very important stage, I am both confused and humbled.”

posted. for this tweet

"You didn't get off, right? He can't trust anything you say"

“I am utterly amazed at the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. Rep. Sugio, who was supporting the Konishi document, is the successor... do you have any intention of winning the election? ? 》

and a series of sarcastic comments.
垢版 |
2023/04/07(金) 00:24:33.04ID:F0DztRIe0
Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.

Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.

Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.
Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.
垢版 |
2023/04/07(金) 00:25:08.25ID:F0DztRIe0
-Mr. Hiroyuki Konishi asks the Sankei Shimbun to "request corrections in another article"... Tohoho, representative of Izumi, talks about "rabbit in my family" even in SNS storms

On April 1, Constitutional Democratic Party member Hiroyuki Konishi updated Twitter. He has a string of controversial "monkey" and "barbarian" remarks.

“I don’t want the media to go mad, so I will explain the facts.

The Sankei Net article was suspicious of intentional clipping of off-the-record remarks (immediate retraction of remarks), and was recognized as defamation.

As an emergency response, at the very least, I was missing the whole thing because I criticized the weekly constitutional hearings of the House of Representatives that I mentioned.

On March 30, Rep. Konishi said that he would withdraw his remarks about the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution, which was held once a week, saying, "Convening meetings every week is what monkeys who don't think about the Constitution do," and "barbarian acts."

Originally, the remarks spread all at once in the wake of the Sankei Shimbun report. We are consulting," suggesting legal action.

Even more controversial was the exchange with a Sankei Shimbun reporter at the press conference held on the 31st.
Immediately after reporting his remarks, the reporter received a LINE message from Mr. Konishi himself.

"To a Sankei Shimbun reporter, Rep. Konishi said, 'I'm shocked that you wrote a remark that was taken off the record and withdrawn on the spot, but if you do, please tell me to add the following remarks properly.
If you don't correct it, it will be treated as an intentional article and legal action will be taken." The Sankei reporter denounced at the press conference, saying, ``No matter how you look at it, I think it is an interference with editorial rights.
'' I was doing it.” (weekly magazine reporter)

Let's go back to the April 1st tweet. Rep. Konishi explains why he asked for a postscript in the form of a series of tweets at the beginning. He then concluded:
<<The postscript corrections I made to Sankei reporters online was a request for an emergency response to at least reduce the damage caused to the article, which is recognized as defamation, and is not an intervention of the editorial authority.
In addition, a few days ago, I asked this reporter on line to correct another article, and the company received a sincere response. 》

“In other words, Rep. Konishi himself revealed that he requested corrections on LINE in another article.
In Mr. Konishi's tweet, ``Aren't you confessing to repeatedly interfering with editorial rights? 》“Members of the Diet are intervening in the press, but it’s becoming normal.”“This is what power harassment is like.”

At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, announced that he would reshuffle his position as the chief secretary of the Constitutional Council after giving a strict warning to Rep. Konishi.

Perhaps relieved by that, before Congressman Konishi tweeted "another article", he wrote on Twitter, ``My family's rabbit rice has been a favorite since I learned that cherry blossom petals can be eaten a few years ago. ] and posted a picture of his pet rabbit.

"Do something about Konishi." Isn't it time to have a leisurely "rabbit talk"?
垢版 |
2023/04/07(金) 00:27:16.09ID:F0DztRIe0
*``Next to monkeys'' enters the trend ``Lack of human resources'' whispered by former TBS Hideya Sugio to succeed Mr. Konishi, who was dismissed
On April 3, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) decided to appoint lawmaker Hideya Sugio as the lead secretary of the House of Councilors Constitutional Council.
Succeeding Representative Hiroyuki Konishi, who was dismissed for saying things like "what monkeys do" at the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held every week.
About this personnel affair, cold voices are flying on SNS.
《Why are you assigning the same kind to your successor... it's meaningless...》
“Constitutional staff seems to be facing a serious shortage…”
   :                                                                                              ..
“Mr. Sugio is a former TBS reporter and newscaster who was first elected in the 2016 House of Councilors election. On the 15th, at the House of Councilors Budget Committee meeting, he said,
``There is absolutely no basis for what Minister Takaichi is saying. I can't trust you,' but he responded, 'If you can't trust me, and if you can't trust my answer, don't ask me any more questions,' and I was at a loss for words."

"Mr. Konishi's successor is Ms. Sugio." Are parrots next to monkeys? It's like a zoo,” tweeted, and “next to monkeys” became a trend on Twitter.
"Mr. Sugio was the main newscaster for 'JNN News Forest' at the time of the Aum Shinrikyo incident. In the 1994 Matsumoto sarin attack, Yoshiyuki Kono, who was initially suspected as a suspect, was identified as the culprit.
When Mr. Sugio ran for the House of Councilors in 2016, Ms. Kono said at a lecture that ``wrong news reports are so dangerous that some people commit suicide,'' and ``life is taken lightly.
Even if people like that challenge national politics, can these people really protect the lives of the people?” critically criticized.

Regarding Aum Shinrikyo, there were issues such as TBS showing the cult a video before it aired, and there are still deep-rooted voices questioning the responsibility of Mr. Sugio and others who were involved in the reporting at the time.” reporter)

Representative Sugio updated his Twitter on April 4th.

《This morning, I attended the party constitution investigation meeting from 8 o’clock. Mr. Hiroyuki Konishi stepped down as the chief secretary of the Commission on the Constitution of the House of Councillors, and it was decided that I would serve as acting chairman of the Research Commission on the Constitution of the ruling party.
As the debate on the constitution has reached a very important stage, I am both confused and humbled.”

posted. for this tweet

"You didn't get off, right? He can't trust anything you say"

“I am utterly amazed at the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. Rep. Sugio, who was supporting the Konishi document, is the successor... do you have any intention of winning the election? ? 》

and a series of sarcastic comments..
垢版 |
2023/04/07(金) 00:28:36.56ID:F0DztRIe0
- Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey -

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.

- Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey -

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.

- Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey -

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.
- Democratic Party for the People representative demands Rimin to punish Mr. Konishi for remarks by monkey -

At a press conference on the 4th, Yuichiro Tamaki, leader of the Democratic Party for the People, demanded that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan upper house member Hiroyuki Konishi, who compared members of the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution to monkeys, should be punished by the party.
Referring to Rimin's decision to remove Konishi from the position of head secretary of the opposition party's Constitutional Court in the House of Councillors, he said, "Do you think he was punished just for not being head secretary?"

Mr. Konishi, who criticized the revised interpretation of the Broadcasting Law for political fairness, made a post on Twitter that could be perceived as pressure on the media. He pointed out that if he did not dispose of it, public trust in Limin would be lost.
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2023/04/09(日) 19:23:46.98ID:DaWkKGs50
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2023/04/11(火) 20:43:24.69ID:oxUe7Lg40
[Original] North Korea ``A monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima.
2023/03/24 15:38 stupid-chung

Members of the so-called ``Changwon spy group,'' which secretly contacted North Korean agents and acted on orders from North Korea, and members of the People's Vanguard for Self-Reunification (Ji-Tong), fanned ``anti-Japanese sentiment'' from North Korea. It was revealed on the 23rd that he had been ordered to fight.

North Korea, in particular, has voluntarily expressed its anti-Japanese sentiment, saying, ``The public opinion dissemination team should mass-disseminate false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of monster fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of deformed children, thereby amplifying social antipathy and anxiety.'' It was revealed that he had issued a specific order to provoke him.

Based on the interviews of this paper, in July 2019, defendant Hwang, who is the general manager of the self-organization, and defendant Song, a member of the organization, were sent to North Korea's cultural exchange bureau.
(1) Actively carry out a nationwide struggle to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment among the Korean people.
(2) Actively combine and expand the anti-Japanese struggle with the anti-U.S. struggle and the general strike, and use this as an opportunity to skillfully combine the blows against the pro-Japanese and anti-injustice conservative forces.
- I received a directive with the content.

North Korea has voluntarily said, ``Using Japan's problem of releasing radioactive contaminated water to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment and stimulate the Japanese government, it will pressurize the Moon Jae-in administration to recover from the conflict with the Japanese government. We should systematically develop the anti-Japanese struggle with a focus on driving it to a state of non-existence.”
For this reason, the ministry reportedly ordered environmental activists and marine experts to appear in TV debates and other events to demonstrate the catastrophic disaster that Japan's release of contaminated water would have on the Korean Peninsula.

Furthermore, North Korea said, ``The public opinion dissemination team of the council (Jito) spread a large amount of false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of a strange fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of a deformed child. Let the fishermen who receive stand up, collective hunger strike, sit-down haircut,
At the same time as violently developing large-scale maritime demonstrations that mobilize fishing boats, local government chiefs and parliamentarians from constituencies should join forces to develop activities to focus international public opinion.” He also gave orders that included.
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2023/04/11(火) 20:44:00.85ID:oxUe7Lg40
The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mount Fuji, which touched my heart more than the unforgettable
impression of the stateless Japanese sword. Like a museum worker who can't destroy a building with his bare hands by looking back, it's a quiet, yielding defeatist bread. In other words, there's absolutely no problem with breaking a balloon in three and exchanging greetings with a beautiful, bloody deer, or a sense of justice that makes you stick your finger in something to commemorate something.
Who can't cross the ridge where the voices of tofu-loving Christians can be heard?
i knew festival But as for that, I won't let you smoke here.

Raising my feelings for the former Candies member into the stratosphere for the first time in a while, I happened to see Daruma riding a unicorn that was walking in the garden, and I was convinced that this was the final dream piece of the year had to be .
Finally, I opened up the digital camera I bought two years ago and took a close-up of Araki-ryu's admiration. However, it was too late, the unicorn had degenerated into a unicorn, and Pyokko Pyokko was running around in the garden. Frustrated, I put my digital camera in my bag and jumped into the rooftop pool. However, the season is extremely cold winter. I was about to freeze to death.
Having just witnessed such an unimaginable sight, I cannot imagine how dangerous it is to take a helicopter, walk around Tokyo without chopping firewood, use the phone as an answering machine, or forget to lock the door. Since it is a lot, I would like to replace it with a New Year's greeting by observing seppuku. Marlboro.

The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mo
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2023/04/11(火) 20:44:16.59ID:oxUe7Lg40
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/04/11(火) 20:45:31.20ID:oxUe7Lg40
-Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?..

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

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2023/04/11(火) 20:45:49.69ID:oxUe7Lg40
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/04/11(火) 20:46:13.85ID:oxUe7Lg40
Speech by the President of the United States at the time of the annexation
Harvard Hoover, 31st President of the United States, "Liberty Betrayed"
“I first visited Korea in 1909.
The Koreans of that time were the most exquisitely crafted, as can be seen anywhere in Asia.
It was in a miserable state. There was little law or order.
The common people were poorly fed, poorly dressed, lived in humble houses, and had little possessions.
There was no sanitation, and filth and baseness covered the whole country.
The road is almost impassable. Communication facilities were scarce.
Hardly a single tree was to be seen in the gloomy landscape. Thieves and robbers were rampant.
During the thirty-five years of Japanese rule, the lives of Koreans improved dramatically.
From the human resources of Koreans who had no future at all, the Japanese established order, built a huge fertilizer factory in Korea,
The nation's food situation has been raised to a reasonable level. I planted trees on the bare mountains. He established a system of general education and improved his skills.
The dusty, dirty, dull clothes worn by the Koreans were replaced by clean, brightly colored clothes. ”

On August 22, 1910, President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States
It is said that he made the following speech at the signing of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
"Japan's liberation of the barbaric country of Korea will not only bring happiness to mankind,
Isn't that Japan's obvious destiny, Minifest DeStiny, which bears the Yellow burden, not the White burden?
Incompetent and savage peoples who can't even strike a blow against them,
Koreans are determined to fight and divide if they get together, even if a unified nation could be formed,
I judged that Korea poses no threat in Asia."
Why Europe Bans Korean Ramen? Following France and Italy, Germany also recalls all products [3/5] [Insect Encyclopedia]
Korean ramen that has been recalled in Europe since last year,
Recently, following Italy, it was learned that a recall order was issued in Germany as well.
On the 4th, the Korean economic newspaper Money Today, from "Spicy Kimchi Ramen" sold in Germany by Nongshim
It reported that the chemical substance 2-chloroethanol was detected in excess of the standard value, and a product recall order was issued throughout the EU (European Union).
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world      .
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
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2023/04/11(火) 20:50:14.13ID:oxUe7Lg40
;;Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim....、
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2023/04/11(火) 20:50:38.46ID:oxUe7Lg40
If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized.

Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know...

Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
.                                                                                                   .
                                                . .                                       .                       .
    、                                                                         .                       .
If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized...、
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2023/04/14(金) 21:14:52.77ID:eVm34/fV0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

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2023/04/14(金) 21:15:16.37ID:eVm34/fV0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document.".
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2023/04/14(金) 21:15:37.00ID:eVm34/fV0
The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mount Fuji, which touched my heart more than the unforgettable
impression of the stateless Japanese sword. Like a museum worker who can't destroy a building with his bare hands by looking back, it's a quiet, yielding defeatist bread. In other words, there's absolutely no problem with breaking a balloon in three and exchanging greetings with a beautiful, bloody deer, or a sense of justice that makes you stick your finger in something to commemorate something.
Who can't cross the ridge where the voices of tofu-loving Christians can be heard?
i knew festival But as for that, I won't let you smoke here.

Raising my feelings for the former Candies member into the stratosphere for the first time in a while, I happened to see Daruma riding a unicorn that was walking in the garden, and I was convinced that this was the final dream piece of the year had to be .
Finally, I opened up the digital camera I bought two years ago and took a close-up of Araki-ryu's admiration. However, it was too late, the unicorn had degenerated into a unicorn, and Pyokko Pyokko was running around in the garden. Frustrated, I put my digital camera in my bag and jumped into the rooftop pool. However, the season is extremely cold winter. I was about to freeze to death.
Having just witnessed such an unimaginable sight, I cannot imagine how dangerous it is to take a helicopter, walk around Tokyo without chopping firewood, use the phone as an answering machine, or forget to lock the door. Since it is a lot, I would like to replace it with a New Year's greeting by observing seppuku. Marlboro.

The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mo.
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2023/04/14(金) 21:16:54.98ID:eVm34/fV0
[Original] North Korea ``A monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima.
2023/03/24 15:38 stupid-chung

Members of the so-called ``Changwon spy group,'' which secretly contacted North Korean agents and acted on orders from North Korea, and members of the People's Vanguard for Self-Reunification (Ji-Tong), fanned ``anti-Japanese sentiment'' from North Korea. It was revealed on the 23rd that he had been ordered to fight.

North Korea, in particular, has voluntarily expressed its anti-Japanese sentiment, saying, ``The public opinion dissemination team should mass-disseminate false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of monster fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of deformed children, thereby amplifying social antipathy and anxiety.'' It was revealed that he had issued a specific order to provoke him.
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2023/04/14(金) 21:18:21.81ID:eVm34/fV0
Based on the interviews of this paper, in July 2019, defendant Hwang, who is the general manager of the self-organization, and defendant Song, a member of the organization, were sent to North Korea's cultural exchange bureau.

(1) Actively carry out a nationwide struggle to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment among the Korean people.
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2023/04/14(金) 21:18:38.22ID:eVm34/fV0
(2) Actively combine and expand the anti-Japanese struggle with the anti-U.S. struggle and the general strike, and use this as an opportunity to skillfully combine the blows against the pro-Japanese and anti-injustice conservative forces.

- I received a directive with the content.
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2023/04/14(金) 21:18:55.31ID:eVm34/fV0
North Korea has voluntarily said, ``Using Japan's problem of releasing radioactive contaminated water to arouse anti-Japanese sentiment and stimulate the Japanese government, it will pressurize the Moon Jae-in administration to recover from the conflict with the Japanese government. We should systematically develop the anti-Japanese struggle with a focus on driving it to a state of non-existence.”
For this reason, the ministry reportedly ordered environmental activists and marine experts to appear in TV debates and other events to demonstrate the catastrophic disaster that Japan's release of contaminated water would have on the Korean Peninsula.
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2023/04/14(金) 21:19:10.95ID:eVm34/fV0
Furthermore, North Korea said, ``The public opinion dissemination team of the council (Jito) spread a large amount of false rumors on the Internet, such as the appearance of a strange fish off the coast of Fukushima and the birth of a deformed child. Let the fishermen who receive stand up, collective hunger strike, sit-down haircut,
At the same time as violently developing large-scale maritime demonstrations that mobilize fishing boats, local government chiefs and parliamentarians from constituencies should join forces to develop activities to focus international public opinion.” He also gave orders that included.
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2023/04/14(金) 21:19:35.73ID:eVm34/fV0
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/04/14(金) 21:20:48.79ID:eVm34/fV0
Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."

Hiroyuki Konishi, a lawmaker who said "monkey", was dismissed, "I think I'm the smartest person",
"I pointed at a Sankei reporter in front of a lot of people, and I criticized him"... The bad reputation of "Konitan" spreading in Nagatacho

On March 31, House of Councilors member Hiroyuki Konishi, who had been criticized for saying, "Having weekly meetings is what monkeys do," said a member of the House of Councilors' Constitution Commission on the Constitution.
He was removed from the position of chief secretary of the opposition party. Mr. Konishi, who was cornering Minister of State for Economic and Security Affairs Sanae Takaichi over documents related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Broadcasting Law, was convinced by a person connected with Nagatacho, saying,
"Monkey's remarks are very typical of Konitan." What has Konitan said and done in the Nagatacho area?

``I don't like the dissolution of monkeys.'' Voices of disappointment spread to the constitution
"I don't care about remarks like 'monkeys' and 'barbarians.' At a press conference on March 31, Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said that holding weekly constitutional deliberations was "what monkeys do." announced that it would be removed from
The controversial remark was made by Konishi in front of reporters on the 29th, as he was in charge of coordinating with the ruling party on the constitutional hearing on behalf of the opposition party. Regarding the Constitutional Court, Konishi said,
"I don't want to hold the hearing every week. Holding it every week is what monkeys do." He also criticized the House of Representatives Constitutional Court, which is held once a week, saying, "People who don't think about anything. It's an act of barbarians."
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2023/04/15(土) 23:41:23.56ID:9kjUz45C0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamanoue's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not me. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?

Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?

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2023/04/15(土) 23:41:49.69ID:9kjUz45C0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform!                                                   
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document.".
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2023/04/15(土) 23:42:27.93ID:9kjUz45C0
The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mount Fuji, which touched my heart more than the unforgettable
impression of the stateless Japanese sword. Like a museum worker who can't destroy a building with his bare hands by looking back, it's a quiet, yielding defeatist bread. In other words, there's absolutely no problem with breaking a balloon in three and exchanging greetings with a beautiful, bloody deer, or a sense of justice that makes you stick your finger in something to commemorate something.
Who can't cross the ridge where the voices of tofu-loving Christians can be heard?
i knew festival But as for that, I won't let you smoke here.

Raising my feelings for the former Candies member into the stratosphere for the first time in a while, I happened to see Daruma riding a unicorn that was walking in the garden, and I was convinced that this was the final dream piece of the year had to be .
Finally, I opened up the digital camera I bought two years ago and took a close-up of Araki-ryu's admiration. However, it was too late, the unicorn had degenerated into a unicorn, and Pyokko Pyokko was running around in the garden. Frustrated, I put my digital camera in my bag and jumped into the rooftop pool. However, the season is extremely cold winter. I was about to freeze to death.
Having just witnessed such an unimaginable sight, I cannot imagine how dangerous it is to take a helicopter, walk around Tokyo without chopping firewood, use the phone as an answering machine, or forget to lock the door. Since it is a lot, I would like to replace it with a New Year's greeting by observing seppuku. Marlboro.

The downside is that you get additional knowledge from the internet and you lose sight of who you are.

I pulled sleeves under Uzushio's sleeve like an elementary school student. It was a stylish green turtle. The Turtle certainly didn't have an air spoiler. Gotoda, who was not there, held out his hand indignantly, but the grating of the daikon radish, which was still performed at that time,
seemed to release alkaline natural water from the body, as many proverbs and simple sunglasses do. It seemed to insist on being there.
By the way, conquest is like a dog-like cat leaving a threadlike konjac cursed in the hot sun. It's the season. Looking back, can we say that cuneiform is the life of kitchen knives, or should we boldly profess "I love you", today's theme engraved on the pillar.
Do you now realize that this book doesn't address whether you should discriminate against races that you thought were anything but discriminatory? Maybe it should. In the first place maybe. possibly.
"See thar, le thar"
Two, no, three people, no, even if you're surprised by 35 surprise notes, you don't know what a surprise note is. I almost cried when I saw Mo.
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2023/04/15(土) 23:42:55.66ID:9kjUz45C0
- Calls of unknown date and time -

Let's also take a look at the March 9, 2015 "Results of the telephone conversation between Minister Takaichi and the Prime Minister.
" The title should be "The result of the telephone conversation between the Prime Minister and Minister Takaichi."
Furthermore, Minister Takaichi called the Prime Minister, but the date and time of the call are unknown.
This makes the information memo unreliable. By the way, Mr. Takaichi also denied a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the Broadcast Law.
Mr. Takaichi denied that he was a party to Konishi, who provided the materials. Then, as the order of discussion, it is the turn of Rep. Konishi to refute.
The procedure would be to hear from the people who wrote these administrative documents. We'll see what happens.
At that time, how Konishi obtained this administrative document will also be a matter of debate.

On the 2nd, lawmaker Hiroyuki Konishi held a press conference at the Diet using a forged document.
Subsequently, he tried to discredit Minister Sanae Takaichi in today's parliament based on the forged document.
A long time ago, there was the Nagata Mail Incident.
It became clear that it was a fake email, and Chiba Prefecture lawmaker Nagata, who pursued it, resigned and committed suicide.

Hiroyuki Konishi, who did the same thing, or even more, in the Diet, was elected from Chiba Prefecture.
It is truly a shame for Chiba Prefecture.

The specific program is TBS Sunmoni.
As you know, the Broadcasting Law obligates fair and unbiased opinions, and TBS Sunmoni is clearly violating this.
It was not "targeted" but "discovered".
If the topic is true...

Moreover, Hiroyuki Konishi proudly said many times that he was a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It showed how incompetent the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

The biggest problem is that these unconfirmed documents, which have been designated as confidential, have been handed over to the opposition party without going through procedures such as the Information Disclosure Act, and lawmakers have released them to the world on SNS.
It is known to the world that the information management of the Japanese government is sloppy, and if this is a document about military secrets, the US military will not provide information to the Japanese government.
Konishi claims that this is a whistleblowing (whistleblowing), but in order for whistleblowing to be protected, there must be an illegal act in the administration. There is no illegality in this legal interpretation, so there is no public interest to report this.
A staff member who handed over the document to Rep. Konishi could be charged with violating the National Public Service Law (leakage of secrets).
First of all, we should ask Mr. Nobuo Nishikata (Director, Telecommunications Division, Telecommunications Business Department, Telecommunications Infrastructure Bureau), who wrote most of this material, about the circumstances and clarify the truth.

Although it was eight years ago, Mr. Ogasawara, who was mentioned earlier, was unable to conclude that the lecture was held, even though the statements of the people involved were clearly recorded in the document.
It was unnatural to answer. Yosuke Isozaki, Assistant to the Prime Minister (then ), it is consistent with the assumption that Mr. Takaichi's remarks were fabricated in order to get him to settle his spear.
If things go on like this, the official gazette complex, which is a "demonic union" of radio bureaucrats and press club media, will win a "public opinion battle" with an overwhelming amount of information, and Mr. Takaichi's political life may be cut off. .
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2023/04/15(土) 23:45:10.72ID:9kjUz45C0
Kial la japana maldekstra flanko ?ajnigas esti bona homo kaj kulpigas aferojn implikantajn la Unuigan Eklezion?
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2023/04/16(日) 23:12:47.52ID:7VaWI1jY0
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
? Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Ein ?netouyo“ ist ein Schrei. Es ist der Schrei eines inkompetenten Kerls, der nur etikettieren kann. Und ohne Zweifel wirst du in 20 Jahren immer noch netouyonetouyo schreien. Du wirkst unwissend, also werde ich es dir sagen. Bist du dankbar?
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine so bosartige Gruppe hereingebracht?
Weil der japanische linke Flugel damals in ganz Japan Gewalt ausubte.
Wie konnen Sie sie schamlos die ?Anti-Kriegs-Friedenspartei“ nennen? Wie viele Leben haben Sie genommen? Linke sind die Wurzel allen Unglucks.
Warum gibt der japanische linke Flugel vor, ein guter Mann zu sein, und gibt der Vereinigungskirche die Schuld?
Um es klar zu sagen, ihr Linken seid diejenigen, die in Schwierigkeiten geraten, und Komplizen bei ihrer Tauschung.
?In der Vergangenheit hat Japan Koreaner unterdruckt, massakriert und ausgebeutet. Deshalb muss sich die minderwertige japanische Rasse weiterhin entschuldigen und fur immer Wiedergutmachung leisten.“
Dies ist eine falsche Behauptung, die nicht auf Fakten basiert. Wenn eine Person nicht mit solchen verzerrten Ideen kontaminiert ist, wird sie nicht auf die Tauschung der Vereinigungskirche hereinfallen.
Der japanische linke Flugel verbreitet solch eine falsche Idee. Deshalb seid ihr Linken die schandlichen Teilnehmer an dem Problem und Komplizen der zu richtenden Vereinigungskirche.
Warum verbringst du trotzdem deine Tage mit irrelevanter Kritik, als ware es das Problem von jemand anderem?
Um die Wahrheit zu sagen, Nobusuke Kishis Verantwortung fur die Einfuhrung der Vereinigungskirche ist schwerwiegend.
Warum also hat er eine.
垢版 |
2023/04/16(日) 23:13:28.38ID:7VaWI1jY0
Jeg gav dig mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
Det er alt.                            .
垢版 |
2023/04/16(日) 23:14:13.46ID:7VaWI1jY0
gav dig mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger

.        .
垢版 |
2023/04/16(日) 23:14:55.52ID:7VaWI1jY0
dig mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkning det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige....
垢版 |
2023/04/16(日) 23:15:34.39ID:7VaWI1jY0
mange hints, laver du sjov?
Haa, jeg har ikke teknologien til at finde det... Mon ikke jeg har energien til at undersoge det for det.
Sa held og lykke. Lar med Yahoo!

Uanset hvilken undskyldning du giver, er din teori brudt.
Sa hvordan er den i stykker? Jeg vil have Neymar til at forsta.
"I modsatning til Amerika, hvor der ikke er masker, i Japan, selvom alle barer en maske, er infektionen eksploderet!"
Du sagde, at dine tests og tal er upalidelige, og du har for mange unodvendige tests, hvilket er en selvmodsigelse.
Udsagn fra den samme person er inkonsekvente og uforstaelige. At sammenligne antallet af smittede i begge lande er ogsa yderst uhensigtsmassigt. Det skyldes, at antallet af eftersyn og kontrolsystemet er meget forskellige.
Selve sammenligningen viser en overfladisk forstaelse (indlysende, nar man sammenligner dodstallet i de to lande). Og den forbloffende sjusk ved ikke engang at kende antallet af dodsfald i USA.
For det forste er det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige at kritisere en kommentar, der blev fremsat for et ar siden pa baggrund af den aktuelle situation. Maden du gor det pa er sjusket.
Det er forbloffende, hvor mange fejl der kan vare proppet ind i sa kort en satning.

Jeg er virkelig overrasket, fordi der ikke er nogen del, der ikke er i stykker. Men jeg var i problemer.
Det er klart, at teorien om maskefri Neymar-stil slet ikke galder internationalt. hvordan vil du tage ansvar?
Samlet antal dodsfald ved udgangen af august 2022
Antallet af dodsfald i USA er nasten 30 gange antallet af dodsfald i Japan (mindre end 40.000), og dodstallet i Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien er fire til fem gange hver. Sydkorea havde 26.876 og Taiwan havde 9.914.
Og de seneste tal pr. 3. august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkninger blev fremsat, altsa juli 2022. Dette er ogsa tilstrakkeligt til at afvise din pastand. Du er forpligtet til at soge og kigge.

Er du tilfaldigt studerende i den skolepligtige alder? Hvis det er tilfaldet, er der dele, som jeg er enig i, men det er anderledes. Et billede af en gammel mand.
I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Europaere og amerikanere bruger ikke langere masker! Folk siger nogle gange sadan noget. Men de ved ikke, at udlandet har langt flere dodsfald.
Jeg er fordybet i tv'et, og kigger bare pa artiklens overskrift. Sa det er reaktionen. Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er blot offentlig information.
Det er bare noget, du finder ud af, sa snart du kigger pa det. Folk, der ikke forstar engang elementare fakta. Inklusiv dig, selvfolgelig.

I Japan barer alle en maske, men infektionen eksploderer! Situationen i Europa og Amerika aftog! → Antallet af dodsfald i udlandet er meget hojere, er det ikke?
Dette er afslutningen pa diskussionen. Du kunne ikke engang argumentere tilbage og omdirigere emnet og lavede noget rod, men dette er ogsa fuld af fejl. Det er derfor, hvis du papeger det, vil det igen vende sig vak og lobe vak.
Jeg har allerede sendt dig de oplysninger, du bad om. Du sagde, giv mig beviset, sa jeg lagde det ud, men du siger ikke et ord. Hvad synes du? Kunne du ikke skandes? Sa du det, men forstod det ikke? Jeg tror begge er forskellige.

Du har sikkert ikke engang last det. Det er sadan en du er, mit indtryk af dig. Hvis du vil sige andet, sa vis det med handling.
hvad sagde du? "Ville du dele med Kyouyui?" I er alle mund. Hvis du rent faktisk laser den og er lidt opmarksom, burde du kunne finde to eller tre grove.
Det er virkelig kedeligt, fordi det ikke nytter noget at satte falder op.

Folk som dig er bare irriterende. At sprede fejl er et problem, men det er endnu varre, fordi det skaber meningslose konflikter.
Hvorfor vil du overhovedet slas med mig? Jeg kan ikke tro, at en kommentar, der ikke var hojt vurderet eller ny, ved et uheld var overst.
august, hvor Neymars upassende bemarkning det ogsa ud over det sadvanlige..  .
垢版 |
2023/04/22(土) 22:15:08.69ID:cJFbiJM80
A left-winger who calls himself Japanese only when it's convenient. You were complicit in the Unification Church's fraud. You are the ones who spread the false view of history. You are their accomplices. Don't evade responsibility by lying. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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2023/04/22(土) 22:15:24.06ID:cJFbiJM80
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
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2023/04/22(土) 22:15:39.89ID:cJFbiJM80
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
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2023/04/22(土) 22:15:55.86ID:cJFbiJM80
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
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2023/04/22(土) 22:16:11.54ID:cJFbiJM80
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
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2023/04/22(土) 22:16:31.86ID:cJFbiJM80
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
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2023/04/23(日) 21:25:15.34ID:i7n97dbd0
        r-──-.   __
     / ̄\|_D_,,|/  `ヽ   【呪いのパンダ】
    l r'~ヽ ゝ__.ノヽ/~ ヽ l
    | |  l ´・ ▲ ・` l   | |  とてもカワイイこのAAを統一教会関係者の荒らしが見たら即タヒします♥
    ゝ::--ゝ,__∀_ノヽ--::ノ   他の場所にコピペしても無駄です♥
       l;;ノ:::::::::::::::l l;::;:!
      /:::::/´  ヽ:::l
      .〔:::::l     l:::l
      ヽ;;;>     \;;>
垢版 |
2023/04/29(土) 20:15:48.99ID:HsQAl9yt0
Tetsuro Fukuyama plans to take down Takaichi by misusing a mysterious document called an official document.
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't have the Japanese mentality in his words.                                                   .
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats can take the heads of ministers if they forge official documents?
It is said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has a deep-rooted feud between the former postal service and the former autonomy. This issue is a matter that the former postal service, which has something to do with Minister Takaichi, is trying to trick Minister Takaichi.
The document in question was produced by the former postal administration, and was distributed only to the former postal administration. It is reasonable to say that Minister Takaichi is unaware of this and that it is a fabrication.
Director Ogasawara, who cleverly announced that there was a high possibility that there was a lek, was also the former postal service. Officials are fighting for their lives. Isn't it strange that no TV station steps in there?
TV stations also protect their vested interests in monopolizing radio waves, so the former postal service is also a guru, isn't it?                         
It's not a trivialized issue. Television and mass media coverage needs reform! 
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2023/04/29(土) 20:16:05.03ID:HsQAl9yt0
The oligopoly monopoly of radio waves is the culprit.                                                                                                                     .
Liberalize the airwaves, eliminate concessions, and allow 2-300 TV stations to report freely. It is no longer a trivial matter of all-station bias or one-program bias.
If each bureau clarifies its position and freely argues, there will be no need to pretend to be neutral and make full use of the freedom not to report, and to seek insidious guidance. Or rather, it will not be possible.
Shouldn't we put the radio wave auction on the table and discuss it again as soon as possible?
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2023/04/29(土) 20:16:24.77ID:HsQAl9yt0
Even when Hideya Sugio was a caster on TBS "News Forest", when the Matsumoto sarin attack occurred, he called Yoshiyuki Kono as a suspect and accused the innocent Yoshiyuki Kono of being the culprit on a live broadcast. I showered him with preconceived questions and hung him up!
In addition, when NTV reported on Aum Shinrikyo's [TBS video issue], TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on the TBS "News Forest" that evening, and TBS's Hideya Sugio was reported on NTV's daytime news. In addition to lying and denying the content, he even read out a statement to protest!
Hideya Sugio did not reflect on the serious crime of accusing an innocent person of the sarin sarin attack in Matsumoto when he was on TBS and hanging him up by questioning him. I'm here!
Remarks by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the Konishi Document
``It is unknown whether the call between Abe and Takaichi took place.'' ``The author of the relevant part is unknown.'' ``We were not asked to change the interpretation of the Broadcast Law, nor have we changed our interpretation.''
In other words, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is euphemistically saying, "This is an unidentified garbage document."
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2023/04/30(日) 10:53:13.74ID:OTBw2Gqg0
        r-──-.   __
     / ̄\|_D_,,|/  `ヽ   【呪いのパンダ】
    l r'~ヽ ゝ__.ノヽ/~ ヽ l
    | |  l ´・ ▲ ・` l   | |  とてもカワイイこのAAを旧統一教会関係者の荒らしが見たら即タヒします♥
    ゝ::--ゝ,__∀_ノヽ--::ノ   他の場所にコピペしても無駄です♥
       l;;ノ:::::::::::::::l l;::;:!
      /:::::/´  ヽ:::l
      .〔:::::l     l:::l
      ヽ;;;>     \;;>
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2023/05/07(日) 22:59:36.47ID:FHmYv/ek0
Cur cornu Iaponicum sinistrum bonum virum esse simulans et quaestiones reprehendens quae ad Ecclesiam Unificationem pertinent?
Ut patet, leftistae sunt in tribulatione et conscii doli eorum.
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2023/05/07(日) 22:59:53.35ID:FHmYv/ek0
"In praeteritum, Iaponia oppressit, trucidavit et lucratur Coreanis. Ergo genus tuum inferioris Iaponicae debet semper excusare et emendare".
Hoc est falsum crimen quod non ex factis. Si quis talibus pravis notionibus non inficiatur, non cadet in dolum Unificationis Ecclesiae.
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2023/05/07(日) 23:00:24.31ID:FHmYv/ek0
Ala sinistra Iaponica talem opinionem falsam disseminavit. Vos igitur reliquiae turpes participes estis quaestionis et conscii Unificationis Ecclesiae quae iudicandae sunt.
Cur adhuc dies tuos expendis in nullius reprehensionis tanquam alterius quaestionis?
Ut verum fateamur, Nobusuke Cisi gravis est responsabilitas in Ecclesia Unificationis introducendi.
Cur igitur in tam vitiosorum coetum intulit?
Quia eo tempore ala sinistra Iaponum vim totam per Iaponiam gerebat.
Quomodo blatanter id vocas "Anti-Bellum Pacis Factionis"? Quot animas tulistis? Vincula sunt radix omnium malorum.
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2023/05/08(月) 00:01:06.32ID:noQb97yA0
Do you know? The truth of "Bamboo forest far away" and "Korean Occupation Army"...
Korean grandfathers are rapist murderers
After the war, Koreans forcibly took Japanese women, imprisoned them, and raped them.
In the end, he killed, etc., against the historical fact that there were many victims,
This thing is still unknown to the world
There is not a single bit of meaning in attacking Korea even if we let them know.....
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2023/05/08(月) 00:01:21.93ID:noQb97yA0
Koreans (Korea Security Forces) in Gilju County, Tancheon City, etc. on the Korean Peninsula
Together with Soviet soldiers, he committed a group rape against a non-combatant Japanese female repatriate.
In 1946 (Showa 21), the records of the Futsukaichi Recreation Center, which treated a repatriated woman who became pregnant due to rape, stated:
Until its closure in 1947, Futsukaichi Sanatorium performed 4,500 abortions.
In her autobiography by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, Far from the Bamboo Grove: The War Experiences of a Japanese Girl Yoko
It is recorded that Japanese citizens were victims of violence and rape on the Korean Peninsula by the Soviet Army and the Korean Communist Party Army.
In the comfort women issue,Korean men forced many Korean women,
Japanese police were arresting Koreans
It was written in Hangul characters in newspapers of the tim
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2023/05/08(月) 00:01:43.36ID:noQb97yA0
If South Korea is saying that comfort women are human rights issues, so are Japanese soldiers.
There is still no discussion about the misdemeanor that Koreans committed
against Japanese women after the war.
Let's make the Korean people admit the truth that South Korea has never apologized...
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2023/05/08(月) 20:19:42.29ID:cgmQ3h3d0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
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2023/05/08(月) 20:20:00.22ID:cgmQ3h3d0
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
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2023/05/08(月) 20:20:16.17ID:cgmQ3h3d0
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
Considering the history of Yamagami's family, you leftists are his true enemies.
You leftists are the ones to be ashamed of. Those who cannot understand the achievements of the Abe administration are ignorant and incompetent.
It's not mine. This is Yamagami's statement, but do you have any complaints?
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2023/05/13(土) 13:03:58.91ID:p6BNpYp80
            ヽ、    ヽ     ヽ 、   ヽ
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|6`i/:::. ,,-.―'' /i|.ー-、. |
ヽ ::: i ::    ⌒  : . !  <・・き、恐怖新聞で>>828-836の統一教会工作員死が予言されているッ!?wwwwwwww
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||2ch工作活動の...|自 ||恐|| .|
||やりすぎで死亡!|殺 ||怖|| .|
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| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄.....は | 作 |..|
|..| | | | | | | | | | | | |...深 | 員 |..|
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2023/05/23(火) 20:15:42.19ID:HKWhvZqR0
Why is the Japanese left wing pretending to be a good man and blaming issues involving the Unification Church?
To be clear, you leftists are the ones in trouble and accomplices in their deception.
"In the past, Japan oppressed, massacred, and exploited Koreans. Therefore, you inferior Japanese race must continue to apologize and make amends forever."
This is a false allegation that is not based on facts. If a person is not contaminated with such distorted ideas, he will not fall for the Unification Church's deception.
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2023/05/23(火) 20:16:06.11ID:HKWhvZqR0
The Japanese left wing spread such a wrong idea. Therefore, you leftists are the shameful participants in the problem and accomplices of the Unification Church to be judged.
In spite of this, why are you spending your days on irrelevant criticism as if it were someone else's problem?
To tell the truth, Nobusuke Kishi's responsibility for bringing in the Unification Church is grave.
So why did he bring in such a vicious group?
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2023/05/23(火) 20:16:25.39ID:HKWhvZqR0
Because the Japanese left wing at that time was wielding violence all over Japan.
How can you shamelessly call it the "Anti-War Peace Party"? How many lives have you taken?Leftists are the root of all misfortune.
A "netouyo" is a cry. It is the cry of an incompetent fellow who can only label.And no doubt you will still be screaming netouyonetouyo 20 years from now.You seem ignorant, so I'll tell you.Are you grateful?
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2023/05/23(火) 20:31:32.63ID:RXXdsDY+0
Vjerovatno ne hai nemmeno letto. On je osoba kakvu osje?am, moj je ostavio utisak na tebe. Ako se namjerava suprotno, poka?ite to akcijom.
?cosa hai detto? ≪?Volevi dijeli sa Kyouyui???≫ Sei tutta usta. Dao sam ti ga davvero i obratio sam pa?nju na to, dovresti riuscire a trovarne due o tre approssimativi.
E davvero noioso perche no ha senso piazzare trappole...
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2023/05/23(火) 20:31:49.57ID:RXXdsDY+0
Osoba koja vas jede se naljuti. Diffondere bubica je problem, moj peggio perch trska stvara nepotreban sukob.
Perch vorresti se bori protiv mene? Malo je vjerovatno da ?u vjerovati da je komentar bio nezahvalan ili nov ako je slu?ajno dospio na vrh.
Riguarda vam je priop?eno, quindi diro cose irresponsabile altrove, et verro pobija jednostrano i portato alle lacrime. Think che non ciosse alcun rischio nell'insultare un vecchio commento?
Ne, ne, to je bisogno di scusarsi.
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2023/05/23(火) 20:32:23.64ID:RXXdsDY+0
Para ser claros, ustedes, los izquierdistas, son los que estan en problemas y son complices de su
"En el pasado, Japon oprimio, masacro y exploto a los coreanos. Por lo tanto, su raza japonesa inferior
debe continuar disculpandose y enmendandose para siempre".
Esta es una acusacion falsa que no se basa en !
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