
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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2023/10/23(月) 22:46:00.50ID:0Q+T+sz8








  先ほど配信 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ycCKYlSpsM
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2023/10/23(月) 22:49:54.41ID:a6V7DuqB
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2023/10/24(火) 05:44:13.26ID:G5cM0CFR
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2023/10/24(火) 06:07:57.88ID:vzVwSq+U
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
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2023/10/24(火) 06:08:54.31ID:vzVwSq+U
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:09:42.76ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:10:23.83ID:vzVwSq+U
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
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2023/10/24(火) 06:11:04.69ID:vzVwSq+U
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:11:39.16ID:vzVwSq+U
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
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2023/10/24(火) 06:12:27.24ID:vzVwSq+U
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:13:09.32ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 06:14:01.03ID:vzVwSq+U
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
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2023/10/24(火) 06:14:42.09ID:vzVwSq+U
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:15:21.38ID:vzVwSq+U
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:16:07.16ID:vzVwSq+U
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:16:43.11ID:vzVwSq+U
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:17:28.42ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:18:12.43ID:vzVwSq+U
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:19:03.55ID:vzVwSq+U
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:19:47.10ID:vzVwSq+U
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:20:40.14ID:vzVwSq+U
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:21:20.92ID:vzVwSq+U
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:22:03.71ID:vzVwSq+U
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:23:12.68ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:23:50.60ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:24:57.09ID:vzVwSq+U
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:25:33.08ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:26:09.60ID:vzVwSq+U

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2023/10/24(火) 06:26:48.39ID:vzVwSq+U
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:27:28.29ID:vzVwSq+U
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:28:05.23ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 06:28:41.28ID:vzVwSq+U
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)
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2023/10/24(火) 06:29:16.14ID:vzVwSq+U
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:39:44.04ID:vzVwSq+U
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
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2023/10/24(火) 06:40:23.91ID:vzVwSq+U
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:41:08.04ID:vzVwSq+U
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
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2023/10/24(火) 06:41:45.14ID:vzVwSq+U
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 06:42:24.74ID:vzVwSq+U
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:43:02.05ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 06:43:41.73ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 06:44:25.77ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 06:45:09.43ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 06:45:49.04ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 06:46:27.80ID:vzVwSq+U
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:47:43.87ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:48:26.49ID:vzVwSq+U
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:49:36.89ID:vzVwSq+U
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:50:11.24ID:vzVwSq+U
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:50:48.02ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:51:22.55ID:kBGDBb78

そのお金 旅行でもいったほうがよくね?
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:51:27.50ID:vzVwSq+U
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:52:27.19ID:vzVwSq+U
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
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2023/10/24(火) 06:55:42.47ID:vzVwSq+U
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
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2023/10/24(火) 06:56:23.23ID:vzVwSq+U
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:57:03.11ID:vzVwSq+U
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:58:42.89ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 06:59:26.21ID:vzVwSq+U
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:00:08.52ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:00:42.16ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:01:15.42ID:vzVwSq+U
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:01:51.99ID:vzVwSq+U
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:02:29.01ID:vzVwSq+U
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:03:11.53ID:vzVwSq+U
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:03:45.35ID:vzVwSq+U
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:04:37.26ID:vzVwSq+U
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:05:11.32ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:05:58.82ID:vzVwSq+U
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:06:39.97ID:vzVwSq+U
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:07:25.10ID:vzVwSq+U
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:08:05.25ID:vzVwSq+U
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:08:56.85ID:vzVwSq+U
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:09:40.21ID:vzVwSq+U
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:10:23.76ID:vzVwSq+U
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:10:53.50ID:vzVwSq+U
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:11:39.33ID:vzVwSq+U
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:12:23.90ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 07:13:05.49ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:13:42.91ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:14:26.71ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:15:11.52ID:vzVwSq+U
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:16:18.33ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 07:17:09.57ID:vzVwSq+U
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:18:45.07ID:vzVwSq+U
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:19:39.01ID:vzVwSq+U
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 07:20:43.12ID:vzVwSq+U
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 08:07:23.66ID:D3oXlfkK
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 08:10:38.51ID:vzVwSq+U
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 08:11:18.47ID:vzVwSq+U
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 08:12:04.18ID:vzVwSq+U
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 08:12:43.61ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 08:13:28.82ID:vzVwSq+U
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
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2023/10/24(火) 08:56:58.79ID:kBGDBb78
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2023/10/24(火) 09:07:44.75ID:xs0HFm1J
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2023/10/24(火) 09:10:10.44ID:xs0HFm1J
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2023/10/24(火) 09:18:15.62ID:xs0HFm1J
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2023/10/24(火) 09:57:32.92ID:LprRAzUu


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2023/10/24(火) 10:05:26.07ID:XHbewHsO
今まで大学推薦と親のコネで転職したから自分で職探すのは...性格面考えたら...ね。。。IT転職もポートフォリオ提出・マネジメント経験確認・リファレンスチェック(企業先の勤務態度調査・前職の上司と面接)もある所多いし... 。ライブでもそうだけど傾いてると滑稽行動の違いに気づいてほしいね...
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2023/10/24(火) 10:10:49.41ID:LprRAzUu
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2023/10/24(火) 10:11:25.07ID:7C2sp0XA
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2023/10/24(火) 10:32:22.53ID:LprRAzUu

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2023/10/24(火) 10:33:38.54ID:LprRAzUu
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2023/10/24(火) 11:10:58.71ID:LprRAzUu
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2023/10/24(火) 11:37:57.20ID:mAD4yIW0
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2023/10/24(火) 12:26:51.69ID:7C2sp0XA
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2023/10/24(火) 12:39:56.51ID:+m1cDKz5
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2023/10/24(火) 13:14:09.55ID:D3oXlfkK
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2023/10/24(火) 13:52:29.21ID:4a7mbctC

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2023/10/24(火) 14:54:34.37ID:GBbGco8i
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2023/10/24(火) 15:15:42.61ID:XkjOXQO9
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2023/10/24(火) 16:11:00.46ID:m8IFtMWW
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2023/10/24(火) 17:32:08.18ID:qf///+EM
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2023/10/24(火) 17:39:33.32ID:m8IFtMWW
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2023/10/24(火) 18:06:16.10ID:vzVwSq+U
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
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2023/10/24(火) 18:06:55.86ID:vzVwSq+U
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:07:42.99ID:vzVwSq+U
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
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2023/10/24(火) 18:08:13.35ID:vzVwSq+U
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:08:52.73ID:vzVwSq+U
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:09:39.07ID:vzVwSq+U
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:10:34.13ID:vzVwSq+U
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:10:50.67ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:11:32.74ID:vzVwSq+U
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 18:12:22.29ID:vzVwSq+U
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
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2023/10/24(火) 18:13:14.34ID:vzVwSq+U
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
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2023/10/24(火) 18:14:07.38ID:vzVwSq+U
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 18:14:55.67ID:vzVwSq+U
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 18:15:51.18ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 18:16:41.92ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:17:33.64ID:vzVwSq+U
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:18:15.32ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:19:00.05ID:vzVwSq+U
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)
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2023/10/24(火) 18:19:51.41ID:vzVwSq+U
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 18:20:50.04ID:vzVwSq+U
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
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2023/10/24(火) 18:21:30.39ID:vzVwSq+U
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 18:22:27.11ID:vzVwSq+U
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
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2023/10/24(火) 18:23:25.18ID:vzVwSq+U
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:24:07.92ID:vzVwSq+U
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:24:57.41ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:25:52.06ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:26:40.40ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:27:39.54ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:28:32.94ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:29:20.23ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 18:30:40.54ID:vzVwSq+U
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 18:31:25.16ID:vzVwSq+U
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
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2023/10/24(火) 18:32:11.19ID:vzVwSq+U
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:32:51.78ID:vzVwSq+U
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:33:33.63ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:34:16.21ID:vzVwSq+U
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
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2023/10/24(火) 18:35:08.86ID:vzVwSq+U
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
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2023/10/24(火) 18:35:54.33ID:vzVwSq+U
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:36:34.58ID:vzVwSq+U
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 18:37:52.66ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 19:09:27.15ID:adonmD8y
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2023/10/24(火) 19:14:55.07ID:vzVwSq+U
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 19:15:31.96ID:vzVwSq+U
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 19:16:13.00ID:vzVwSq+U
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 19:16:52.27ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 19:17:30.32ID:vzVwSq+U
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 19:18:19.94ID:vzVwSq+U

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2023/10/24(火) 19:19:03.37ID:vzVwSq+U
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 19:47:19.30ID:m8IFtMWW
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2023/10/24(火) 20:03:38.40ID:G5cM0CFR
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2023/10/24(火) 20:28:45.56ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:29:27.71ID:vzVwSq+U
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:30:06.38ID:vzVwSq+U
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:30:56.16ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:31:43.13ID:vzVwSq+U
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:32:27.59ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:33:17.01ID:vzVwSq+U
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:33:57.61ID:vzVwSq+U
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:34:42.04ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:35:27.94ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:36:14.19ID:vzVwSq+U
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:37:02.27ID:vzVwSq+U
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:37:58.20ID:vzVwSq+U
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:40:24.77ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:41:13.41ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:42:21.44ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:42:47.89ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:43:35.65ID:vzVwSq+U
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2023/10/24(火) 20:44:27.15ID:vzVwSq+U
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:45:12.38ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 20:45:57.27ID:vzVwSq+U
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 20:46:43.64ID:vzVwSq+U
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
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2023/10/24(火) 20:47:40.48ID:vzVwSq+U
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:10:02.48ID:vzVwSq+U
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:10:35.06ID:vzVwSq+U
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:11:20.78ID:vzVwSq+U
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 21:11:58.07ID:vzVwSq+U
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:12:36.85ID:vzVwSq+U
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:13:22.41ID:vzVwSq+U
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:14:23.48ID:vzVwSq+U
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:23:40.01ID:vFSbrrvJ
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:24:28.12ID:vzVwSq+U
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 21:25:10.73ID:vzVwSq+U
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/24(火) 21:26:08.20ID:vzVwSq+U
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:26:43.35ID:vzVwSq+U
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/24(火) 21:27:20.98ID:vzVwSq+U
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
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2023/10/24(火) 22:02:26.22ID:4svixt8p
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2023/10/24(火) 23:05:09.18ID:NfN0zIyr
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2023/10/24(火) 23:07:20.97ID:NfN0zIyr
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2023/10/24(火) 23:08:22.12ID:LprRAzUu
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2023/10/24(火) 23:11:02.38ID:LprRAzUu
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2023/10/25(水) 05:59:02.64ID:McWGLQi5
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
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2023/10/25(水) 05:59:39.61ID:McWGLQi5
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:00:20.86ID:McWGLQi5
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
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2023/10/25(水) 06:01:03.39ID:McWGLQi5
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:01:41.28ID:McWGLQi5
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:02:30.55ID:McWGLQi5
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:03:18.71ID:McWGLQi5
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:03:47.50ID:McWGLQi5
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:04:31.20ID:McWGLQi5
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:05:17.12ID:McWGLQi5
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
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2023/10/25(水) 06:06:04.96ID:McWGLQi5
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
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2023/10/25(水) 06:06:53.36ID:McWGLQi5
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:07:42.33ID:McWGLQi5
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:08:22.09ID:McWGLQi5
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:09:07.20ID:McWGLQi5
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:09:52.24ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 06:10:29.23ID:McWGLQi5
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)
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2023/10/25(水) 06:11:30.62ID:McWGLQi5
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:11:53.29ID:McWGLQi5
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
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2023/10/25(水) 06:12:42.95ID:McWGLQi5
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:13:19.41ID:McWGLQi5
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
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2023/10/25(水) 06:14:02.11ID:McWGLQi5
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:14:43.76ID:McWGLQi5
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:15:26.51ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 06:16:09.57ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 06:18:32.79ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 06:19:11.95ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 06:19:45.45ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 06:20:22.88ID:McWGLQi5
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:20:59.37ID:McWGLQi5
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:21:41.42ID:McWGLQi5
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:22:25.68ID:McWGLQi5
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:23:03.70ID:McWGLQi5
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:23:41.69ID:McWGLQi5
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:24:26.39ID:McWGLQi5
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:25:02.29ID:McWGLQi5
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:25:41.71ID:McWGLQi5
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
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2023/10/25(水) 06:26:24.81ID:McWGLQi5
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:27:02.04ID:McWGLQi5
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:27:47.20ID:McWGLQi5
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:28:28.28ID:McWGLQi5
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:29:04.90ID:McWGLQi5
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:29:47.39ID:McWGLQi5
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:30:24.90ID:McWGLQi5
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
territorial infringement(領域侵害)(*_*)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Droplet infection(飛沫感染)(・へ・)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Copyright infringement(著作権侵害)(-_-)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
Frequent make-believe(ヤラセ乱発)(;O;)
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:31:11.14ID:McWGLQi5
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:32:01.58ID:McWGLQi5
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:32:34.52ID:McWGLQi5
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:33:10.78ID:McWGLQi5
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:33:54.99ID:McWGLQi5
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:34:43.03ID:McWGLQi5
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:35:34.33ID:McWGLQi5
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:36:21.58ID:McWGLQi5
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:36:59.86ID:McWGLQi5
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:37:45.02ID:McWGLQi5
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:38:32.46ID:McWGLQi5
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 06:39:08.70ID:McWGLQi5
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/25(水) 06:40:09.43ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 07:16:22.37ID:xkFeuWF8
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2023/10/25(水) 07:39:24.65ID:DiU3Y0TM
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2023/10/25(水) 07:41:40.13ID:vaCMH+rX
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2023/10/25(水) 07:44:33.94ID:7KpojiKW
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2023/10/25(水) 07:45:58.12ID:7KpojiKW
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2023/10/25(水) 07:59:30.72ID:SrernV3V
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2023/10/25(水) 08:21:49.02ID:A+yFqavJ
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2023/10/25(水) 08:24:23.41ID:+9aaqnoS
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2023/10/25(水) 08:28:00.05ID:SrernV3V
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2023/10/25(水) 08:28:51.93ID:izybzudR
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2023/10/25(水) 08:35:09.71ID:SrernV3V
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2023/10/25(水) 09:01:24.80ID:wzxACiAQ
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2023/10/25(水) 12:23:25.64ID:woS07GbT
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2023/10/25(水) 12:38:35.42ID:bB7btqIg

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2023/10/25(水) 12:58:01.93ID:A+yFqavJ
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2023/10/25(水) 12:59:58.83ID:SrernV3V
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2023/10/25(水) 13:17:37.72ID:EfH6QK26

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2023/10/25(水) 14:07:13.70ID:VzdFR+7i
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2023/10/25(水) 16:00:27.90ID:OAPx/PW3
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2023/10/25(水) 16:03:28.12ID:VzdFR+7i
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2023/10/25(水) 16:36:27.64ID:MF2AaGBy
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2023/10/25(水) 17:32:45.50ID:A+yFqavJ
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2023/10/25(水) 17:53:19.56ID:jtvsPZNH
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2023/10/25(水) 17:54:34.18ID:eSZM4Rep
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2023/10/25(水) 18:55:29.92ID:mgQI4V73
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2023/10/25(水) 19:09:15.35ID:EfH6QK26
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2023/10/25(水) 19:15:37.59ID:McWGLQi5
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:16:12.99ID:McWGLQi5
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:16:58.50ID:McWGLQi5
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:17:34.53ID:McWGLQi5
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:18:06.53ID:McWGLQi5
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:18:48.19ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 19:19:40.87ID:McWGLQi5
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:20:48.61ID:McWGLQi5
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:21:28.78ID:McWGLQi5
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:22:20.99ID:McWGLQi5
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:23:10.29ID:McWGLQi5
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:23:50.75ID:McWGLQi5
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:24:40.13ID:McWGLQi5
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:25:11.14ID:McWGLQi5
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:25:57.96ID:McWGLQi5

垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:27:01.49ID:McWGLQi5
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:27:51.32ID:McWGLQi5
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:27:54.40ID:McWGLQi5
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:28:34.28ID:McWGLQi5
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:29:28.69ID:McWGLQi5
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:29:46.96ID:McWGLQi5
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:30:13.49ID:McWGLQi5
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:30:59.14ID:McWGLQi5
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:31:52.35ID:McWGLQi5
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:32:14.78ID:McWGLQi5
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:33:04.23ID:McWGLQi5
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:33:53.85ID:McWGLQi5
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:34:39.49ID:McWGLQi5
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:45:47.68ID:McWGLQi5
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:46:42.45ID:McWGLQi5
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:47:19.87ID:McWGLQi5
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:47:58.37ID:McWGLQi5
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:48:55.35ID:McWGLQi5
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:49:49.78ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 19:50:43.06ID:McWGLQi5
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:51:39.23ID:McWGLQi5
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:52:37.89ID:McWGLQi5
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:53:21.40ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 19:54:14.38ID:McWGLQi5

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2023/10/25(水) 19:55:03.03ID:McWGLQi5
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:55:51.83ID:McWGLQi5
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:57:20.47ID:McWGLQi5
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:58:07.76ID:McWGLQi5
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:58:48.90ID:McWGLQi5
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 19:59:45.67ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 20:01:31.24ID:McWGLQi5
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 20:02:12.45ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 20:02:58.92ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 20:03:44.87ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 20:04:32.95ID:McWGLQi5
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Eradication of beggars!(乞食撲滅!)(~_~メ)
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
Nuisance ten million!(迷惑千万!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 20:05:16.56ID:McWGLQi5
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 20:06:06.43ID:McWGLQi5
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 20:07:00.86ID:McWGLQi5
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 20:08:01.98ID:McWGLQi5
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 20:10:08.82ID:McWGLQi5
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 20:11:27.36ID:b3iT0Dfa

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2023/10/25(水) 20:13:18.60ID:McWGLQi5
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2023/10/25(水) 20:13:47.18ID:McWGLQi5
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 21:10:09.33ID:McWGLQi5
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 21:15:18.45ID:McWGLQi5
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 21:28:51.21ID:McWGLQi5
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/25(水) 21:50:07.98ID:b3iT0Dfa
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2023/10/25(水) 22:29:04.84ID:avJmt8KK
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2023/10/25(水) 23:10:49.46ID:G2ChLKmN
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2023/10/25(水) 23:14:16.03ID:G2ChLKmN
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2023/10/26(木) 04:49:05.12ID:55d7V8RK
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2023/10/26(木) 08:04:29.98ID:JpUvfluE
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:05:04.97ID:JpUvfluE
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:06:02.93ID:JpUvfluE
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:06:40.49ID:JpUvfluE
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:07:31.11ID:JpUvfluE
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:08:16.28ID:JpUvfluE
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:08:44.75ID:JpUvfluE
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
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2023/10/26(木) 08:09:16.41ID:JpUvfluE
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
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2023/10/26(木) 08:10:05.63ID:JpUvfluE
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:10:45.42ID:JpUvfluE
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:10:46.11ID:DaVBfS8F
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2023/10/26(木) 08:11:24.01ID:JpUvfluE
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:12:00.80ID:JpUvfluE
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:12:35.79ID:JpUvfluE
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2023/10/26(木) 08:13:12.88ID:JpUvfluE
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:13:59.57ID:JpUvfluE
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:14:38.84ID:JpUvfluE
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 08:15:26.45ID:JpUvfluE
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2023/10/26(木) 08:16:25.98ID:JpUvfluE
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:17:05.32ID:JpUvfluE
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:17:46.40ID:JpUvfluE
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:18:29.16ID:JpUvfluE
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:19:13.03ID:JpUvfluE
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
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2023/10/26(木) 08:19:52.07ID:JpUvfluE
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
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2023/10/26(木) 08:20:26.85ID:JpUvfluE
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:21:04.42ID:JpUvfluE
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:21:50.07ID:JpUvfluE
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Are you brainwashing believers to collect donations?(信者を洗脳してお布施を集めていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Pretending to have no money and fooling believers and having fun!(はい!お金無い振りして信者を騙して裏では豪遊しています!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:22:36.95ID:JpUvfluE
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 08:32:58.13ID:a6hp+6CM


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2023/10/26(木) 09:03:11.45ID:KWieWxmV
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2023/10/26(木) 09:05:04.14ID:wNbtxlwS
来年はまた減少だろ? 汚い中年おっさん呼ぶメリットあんの?
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2023/10/26(木) 09:50:04.63ID:bkIm3CeI
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2023/10/26(木) 10:27:55.50ID:PzAIBG1n
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2023/10/26(木) 11:41:38.42ID:LhG4cH4t
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2023/10/26(木) 11:45:35.29ID:mihqRj+g

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2023/10/26(木) 11:50:04.68ID:iI3DRCLb
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2023/10/26(木) 11:57:46.05ID:BOOLAull
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2023/10/26(木) 12:55:01.56ID:DaVBfS8F
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2023/10/26(木) 13:03:31.34ID:a6hp+6CM
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2023/10/26(木) 15:46:52.27ID:qjY+I8MX
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
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2023/10/26(木) 15:47:35.39ID:qjY+I8MX
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:48:16.87ID:qjY+I8MX
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:49:00.90ID:qjY+I8MX
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:49:44.21ID:qjY+I8MX
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:50:35.36ID:qjY+I8MX
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:51:24.52ID:qjY+I8MX
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:51:58.72ID:qjY+I8MX
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:52:43.39ID:qjY+I8MX
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:53:20.26ID:qjY+I8MX
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:54:04.99ID:qjY+I8MX
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:54:42.69ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:55:46.42ID:qjY+I8MX
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:56:08.91ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:57:42.38ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:58:26.33ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 15:59:18.84ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:00:06.28ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:00:45.68ID:qjY+I8MX
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:01:31.25ID:qjY+I8MX
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:02:07.60ID:qjY+I8MX
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
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2023/10/26(木) 16:02:55.04ID:qjY+I8MX
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:03:38.20ID:qjY+I8MX
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:04:30.82ID:qjY+I8MX
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:05:17.66ID:qjY+I8MX
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)
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2023/10/26(木) 16:05:58.26ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 16:06:46.07ID:qjY+I8MX
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:07:34.87ID:qjY+I8MX
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:08:23.84ID:qjY+I8MX
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:09:19.56ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 16:10:06.60ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 16:10:45.55ID:qjY+I8MX
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:11:25.04ID:qjY+I8MX
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:12:05.86ID:qjY+I8MX
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:12:47.20ID:qjY+I8MX
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
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2023/10/26(木) 16:13:28.58ID:qjY+I8MX
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:14:09.30ID:qjY+I8MX
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:14:59.22ID:qjY+I8MX
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:15:51.39ID:qjY+I8MX
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:16:30.98ID:qjY+I8MX
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:17:11.58ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 16:17:54.13ID:qjY+I8MX
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:18:34.84ID:qjY+I8MX
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:19:26.30ID:qjY+I8MX
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
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2023/10/26(木) 16:20:18.48ID:qjY+I8MX
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 16:21:02.57ID:qjY+I8MX
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
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2023/10/26(木) 16:21:44.26ID:qjY+I8MX
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
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2023/10/26(木) 16:22:25.84ID:qjY+I8MX
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:23:10.56ID:qjY+I8MX
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:23:48.52ID:qjY+I8MX
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:24:30.20ID:qjY+I8MX
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:25:08.14ID:qjY+I8MX
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:25:45.84ID:qjY+I8MX
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:26:47.03ID:qjY+I8MX
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:27:46.63ID:qjY+I8MX
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:28:25.41ID:qjY+I8MX
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 16:29:40.89ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 17:36:57.81ID:A4Jczqd+
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:01:21.44ID:ryBrWc6G
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:12:00.82ID:qjY+I8MX
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:12:43.81ID:qjY+I8MX
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:13:25.69ID:qjY+I8MX
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:14:12.21ID:qjY+I8MX
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:14:57.64ID:qjY+I8MX
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:15:51.10ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:16:40.43ID:qjY+I8MX
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:17:19.63ID:qjY+I8MX
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:18:01.51ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:18:51.39ID:qjY+I8MX
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:19:53.34ID:qjY+I8MX

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2023/10/26(木) 20:20:51.43ID:qjY+I8MX
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:21:13.54ID:qjY+I8MX
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:22:01.59ID:qjY+I8MX
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:22:46.75ID:qjY+I8MX
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:23:27.56ID:qjY+I8MX
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:24:15.37ID:qjY+I8MX
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:25:03.38ID:qjY+I8MX
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:25:57.32ID:qjY+I8MX
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:26:44.99ID:qjY+I8MX
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:27:24.20ID:qjY+I8MX
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:28:08.60ID:qjY+I8MX
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:28:51.28ID:qjY+I8MX
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:29:50.72ID:qjY+I8MX
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:30:26.16ID:qjY+I8MX
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:31:00.00ID:qjY+I8MX
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:31:43.70ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:32:31.82ID:qjY+I8MX
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:33:26.64ID:qjY+I8MX
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:33:56.04ID:qjY+I8MX
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:34:37.16ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:35:26.62ID:qjY+I8MX
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)
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2023/10/26(木) 20:36:21.78ID:qjY+I8MX
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 20:36:58.93ID:qjY+I8MX
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
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2023/10/26(木) 20:37:43.58ID:qjY+I8MX
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:38:26.11ID:qjY+I8MX
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
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2023/10/26(木) 20:39:11.78ID:qjY+I8MX
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 20:40:05.87ID:qjY+I8MX
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 20:40:46.73ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:41:32.28ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:42:36.41ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:43:12.92ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:44:05.24ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:44:43.60ID:qjY+I8MX
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2023/10/26(木) 20:45:33.93ID:qjY+I8MX
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 20:46:18.35ID:qjY+I8MX
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/26(木) 20:46:56.63ID:qjY+I8MX
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:47:43.58ID:qjY+I8MX
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:48:28.78ID:qjY+I8MX
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:49:39.64ID:qjY+I8MX
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Which is more meaningful: throwing money at him or throwing money away?(彼に投げ銭するのとドブにお金を捨てるのとではどちらが有意義ですか?)(~_~メ)
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!(もちろん後者です!ドブに捨てたお金は誰かの役に立つ可能性がありますが乞食に施したお金はなんの役にもたたないからです!)\(^o^)/
Of course it's the latter!I because,have money that I threw away there may be a possibility,
but,money given to beggars is of no use!\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:51:55.87ID:qjY+I8MX
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:53:21.26ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:55:19.73ID:qjY+I8MX
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 20:57:51.55ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 21:00:00.56ID:qjY+I8MX
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 21:01:10.52ID:qjY+I8MX
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
incompetent trader Your face is bright red and awesome(無能業者顔真っ赤でワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 21:02:15.24ID:qjY+I8MX
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 21:04:08.25ID:qjY+I8MX
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 21:05:59.60ID:qjY+I8MX
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 21:11:56.83ID:XBlzvuRO
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 21:24:45.62ID:K+eCCbCQ
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 22:40:00.30ID:bOmhhs3I
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 22:49:38.58ID:yD2TW5kZ
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 22:52:26.55ID:yD2TW5kZ
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 22:54:33.52ID:/syp+WEc
垢版 |
2023/10/26(木) 23:35:35.81ID:yD2TW5kZ
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 06:30:28.61ID:JC1nhdcJ
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 06:33:14.97ID:JC1nhdcJ
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 07:28:57.97ID:nh+Jz7aY

垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 07:49:25.81ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is it standard to turn off the headlights when the car is parked?(停車中にヘッドライトは消灯が基本ですか?)(~_~)
Is it standard to turn off the headlights when the car is parked?(停車中にヘッドライトは消灯が基本ですか?)(~_~)
Is it standard to turn off the headlights when the car is parked?(停車中にヘッドライトは消灯が基本ですか?)(~_~)
Is it standard to turn off the headlights when the car is parked?(停車中にヘッドライトは消灯が基本ですか?)(~_~)
Yes!I will not delete the old man who has no common sense!(はい!常識ないおっさんは消しておりません!)(~_~メ)
Yes!I will not delete the old man who has no common sense!(はい!常識ないおっさんは消しておりません!)(~_~メ)
Yes!I will not delete the old man who has no common sense!(はい!常識ないおっさんは消しておりません!)(~_~メ)
Yes!I will not delete the old man who has no common sense!(はい!常識ないおっさんは消しておりません!)(~_~メ)
By the way, my future as a performer is completely out!(ちなみに来店演者としての未来は完全に全消灯しております!)\(^o^)/
By the way, my future as a performer is completely out!(ちなみに来店演者としての未来は完全に全消灯しております!)\(^o^)/
By the way, my future as a performer is completely out!(ちなみに来店演者としての未来は完全に全消灯しております!)\(^o^)/
By the way, my future as a performer is completely out!(ちなみに来店演者としての未来は完全に全消灯しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:07:36.46ID:E4sWq4jA
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:09:00.45ID:tNim9S+K
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:09:50.55ID:tNim9S+K
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:10:30.61ID:r8Sc2hFv
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:11:08.20ID:r8Sc2hFv
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:11:43.89ID:r8Sc2hFv
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
He said, ``I want to come to this excellent store again!'(彼は言いました「優良店でした、また来たいと思います!」)(*´ω`*)
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/
The manager said, ``I'll never call you again.''(店長は言いました「もう二度と呼ぶことはないでしょう!」)\(^o^)/ 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` ) 
Because there is no ability to attract customers!(なぜなら集客力が皆無だからです)(´ε` )
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:14:00.93ID:r8Sc2hFv
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:14:05.45ID:E4sWq4jA
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:15:12.48ID:r8Sc2hFv
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:29:23.77ID:CE/gSkRY
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 08:42:53.79ID:ttDk063g

垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 09:31:41.26ID:J+vctcNC
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 10:08:14.93ID:Z32Qvbg2
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 12:26:02.90ID:JPfYKaW/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 12:48:44.51ID:QCNrKKrT
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 13:55:13.85ID:a67EVG2K
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 13:59:44.66ID:+h/UzBBa
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 16:17:08.03ID:xybrFAwl
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 16:32:32.00ID:k8k2q1u5
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 16:43:17.44ID:9pIh/D63
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:41:08.59ID:r8Sc2hFv
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:41:46.06ID:r8Sc2hFv
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:42:35.62ID:r8Sc2hFv
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:43:16.76ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:43:53.00ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:44:33.11ID:r8Sc2hFv
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:45:09.91ID:r8Sc2hFv
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:45:51.88ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:46:36.77ID:r8Sc2hFv
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:47:20.19ID:r8Sc2hFv
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:47:53.71ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:48:50.25ID:r8Sc2hFv
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:49:04.45ID:r8Sc2hFv
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:49:43.44ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:50:22.52ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:51:41.67ID:r8Sc2hFv
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:52:16.41ID:r8Sc2hFv
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:52:56.15ID:r8Sc2hFv
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
Eradication of incompetent workers campaign implementation!(無能業者撲滅キャンペーン実施中!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:53:49.89ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Is your easy-spokenness causing trouble and anger from many quarters?(口の軽さが災いして多方面から怒りをかってしまいましたか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's safe to say that my future as a performer is completely closed off!(はい!演者としての未来は完全に閉ざされたといっても過言ではないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:54:28.81ID:r8Sc2hFv
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:55:06.46ID:r8Sc2hFv
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:55:50.42ID:r8Sc2hFv
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
Should I report it to the appropriate authorities?(然るべき機関に通報すべきですか?)(*´∀`)
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Should be reported urgently!(はい!大至急通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:56:30.74ID:r8Sc2hFv
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Would you like to report the beggar ?(乞食通報?)\(^o^)/
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
Shiver and sleep!(震えて眠れ!!)( ・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:57:17.13ID:r8Sc2hFv
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:57:57.41ID:r8Sc2hFv
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:58:34.88ID:r8Sc2hFv
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 18:59:20.38ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:00:05.64ID:r8Sc2hFv
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2023/10/27(金) 19:00:59.18ID:r8Sc2hFv
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2023/10/27(金) 19:01:52.18ID:r8Sc2hFv
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2023/10/27(金) 19:02:34.59ID:r8Sc2hFv
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2023/10/27(金) 19:03:15.00ID:r8Sc2hFv
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2023/10/27(金) 19:04:10.37ID:r8Sc2hFv
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:04:47.63ID:r8Sc2hFv
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2023/10/27(金) 19:05:28.47ID:r8Sc2hFv
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:06:31.87ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:07:19.53ID:r8Sc2hFv
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:07:30.04ID:hfUXnX1L
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2023/10/27(金) 19:08:14.65ID:r8Sc2hFv
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Will chocolate planet videos be shelved after all?(結局チョコプラ動画はお蔵入りですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
Yes!I rejected it because it wasn't interesting at all!(はい!全く面白くないのでボツにしました!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:08:56.83ID:r8Sc2hFv
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
I laughed out loud because it was so stupid(馬鹿すぎてゲラゲラワロタァ)(・∀・)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:09:43.02ID:r8Sc2hFv
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
The trash has spoken!(ゴミがしゃべった!)( ゚д゚)ポカーン
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
Poop and sleep!(糞して寝ろ!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:10:48.35ID:r8Sc2hFv
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?(信者達は永遠に搾取され続けるのですか?)(+o+)
Will believers be exploited forever?
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!(はい!彼らは知能指数が低いので搾取されてることにすら気づきません!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They have a low IQ so they don't realize they are being exploited!
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 19:11:53.67ID:r8Sc2hFv
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
It's working it's working!(効いてる効いてる!)(*´ω`*)
垢版 |
2023/10/27(金) 20:24:19.24ID:ODecS050

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2023/10/27(金) 23:21:47.24ID:YrQflNM1
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2023/10/28(土) 08:15:32.05ID:HN24MA7v
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2023/10/28(土) 10:02:27.38ID:rUWiHJ/l
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2023/10/28(土) 10:26:55.93ID:0adLp0XX
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2023/10/28(土) 11:05:04.70ID:Rd9ijN4l
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2023/10/28(土) 12:06:09.87ID:crM/FF+g
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2023/10/28(土) 12:19:10.30ID:7VPbnsKi
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
One-pattern provocation fixed form, here comes!!!(ワンパ煽り定型文キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!)
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
incompetent trader,good work!(無能業者乙!)\(^o^)/
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Get out!Fuck off!(失せろ!糞野郎!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
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2023/10/28(土) 12:20:12.15ID:7VPbnsKi
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ 
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
Diary?Is this your diary?(日記帳ですか?ここはてめぇの日記帳ですか?)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/28(土) 12:21:08.50ID:7VPbnsKi
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/28(土) 12:21:54.91ID:7VPbnsKi
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Are you happy to be his child?(彼の子供に生まれて幸せですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
There is no way you can be happy being born as a beggar's son!(乞食の子供に生まれて幸せなわけがありません!)٩(๑`^´๑)۶
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
I feel sorry for that child and can't bear it!(あの子が可哀想でいたたまれません!)ε≡≡ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
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2023/10/28(土) 12:22:39.51ID:7VPbnsKi
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
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2023/10/28(土) 12:23:19.60ID:7VPbnsKi
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/28(土) 13:13:22.79ID:TMabvtnR
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2023/10/28(土) 15:04:08.96ID:1QaNVb52
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2023/10/28(土) 17:34:34.43ID:TroD6uaj
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
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2023/10/28(土) 17:35:09.64ID:TroD6uaj
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
What was the first word that couple taught their child?(あの夫婦が子供に最初に教えた言葉はなんですか?)( ^ω^)
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
Of course I say "Nice Super Chat!Very xièxiè!"(もちろんナイスパ!ベリー謝謝です!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/28(土) 17:35:48.90ID:TroD6uaj
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/28(土) 17:36:29.74ID:TroD6uaj
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
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2023/10/28(土) 17:37:08.02ID:TroD6uaj
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:37:54.70ID:TroD6uaj
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:38:45.78ID:TroD6uaj
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
Is the listener his treasure?(リスナーは彼の宝物ですか?)( ・∀・)
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his piggy bank!(いいえ!彼の貯金箱です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:39:25.47ID:TroD6uaj
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:40:02.69ID:TroD6uaj
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:40:44.13ID:TroD6uaj
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Is spacha a lump of approval desire?(スパチャは承認欲求のかたまりですか?)(●´ϖ`●)
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!(はい!信者たちは承認欲求を満たすためにスパチャに明け暮れています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Believers spend their days on spacha to satisfy their desire for approval!
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:41:18.66ID:TroD6uaj
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・) 
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "newginj"?(なぜ彼は「ニューギン」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:42:01.22ID:TroD6uaj
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do you use children to make change?(子供を使って小銭儲けをしていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Children are used as bait from believers!(はい!子供を餌に信者から巻き上げています!)\(
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:42:38.87ID:TroD6uaj
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Is it illegal to have an infant on stream late at night?(深夜配信に幼児を出すのは違法ですか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's completely illegal!(はい!完全に違法行為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:43:10.92ID:TroD6uaj
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
Is the bulletin board '5 channels' Stemales a trader?(5ちゃんねるのステマレスは業者ですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!All done by incompetent workers!(はい!全て無能業者がやってます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:43:56.94ID:TroD6uaj
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:44:33.50ID:TroD6uaj
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?(信者は毎日集金されていますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Do believers play around collecting money every day?
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^)/
Yes!They are deceived and collected every day!(はい!彼らは騙されてるのに毎日集金されています!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:45:07.56ID:TroD6uaj
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?(なぜ信者は振込みをしないのですか?)(。・_・。)
Why don't believers make transfers?
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!(なぜならば自分が騙されてることを認めたくないからです!)\(^o^)/
Because, I don't want to admit that I have been deceived!
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:46:06.40ID:TroD6uaj
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Are you violating the Labor Standards Act?(労働基準法に違反しますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
Yes!He is violating!(はい!違反してます!)(*´▽`*)
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
This is an issue that should be improved immediately!(ただちに改善すべき事案です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:46:42.25ID:TroD6uaj
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
Is he loved by regular customers?(彼は常連客に愛されているのですか?)(^ν^)
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
NO!I'm angry for hitting right(いいえ!右打ちしておこられてます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:47:30.08ID:TroD6uaj
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2023/10/28(土) 17:48:08.50ID:TroD6uaj
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2023/10/28(土) 17:48:42.26ID:TroD6uaj
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2023/10/28(土) 17:49:31.85ID:TroD6uaj
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2023/10/28(土) 17:50:01.92ID:TroD6uaj
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
Incompetent figurine!(無能置き物!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)\(^o^)/
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`*)
Termination of contract!(契約解除!)(*´∀`
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:50:37.31ID:TroD6uaj
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2023/10/28(土) 17:51:18.74ID:TroD6uaj
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No ability to attract customers!(集客力皆無!)(*´∀`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
No demand for store visits!(来店需要無し!)(*´ω`*)
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o^)/
Complete once-popular!(完全なオワコン!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:51:56.93ID:TroD6uaj
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
Is he a well-oiled performer?(彼は脂の乗った演者なのですか?)(。・_・。)
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
No!he is a greasy amateur!(いいえ!彼は「脂ぎっただけの」素人です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:52:40.47ID:TroD6uaj
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Is live streaming a cult?(ライブ配信はカルト宗教ですか?)(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
Yes!Forcing believers to donate!(はい!信者にお布施を強要しております!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:53:16.95ID:TroD6uaj
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Is the power accelerator operating?(オワコン加速装置は作動しておりますか?)(`・ω・´)
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!It's definitely working at max speed!(はい!間違いなくMAXスピードで作動中です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:53:55.21ID:TroD6uaj
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
Are people who super chat stupid?(スパチャする人は馬鹿なの?)(・。・)
Yes!These guys must be nuts!(はい!彼らはイカれてます!)(・∀・)
Probably from a special class!(おそらく特殊学級出身者と思われます!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:54:38.61ID:TroD6uaj
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Apparently he was singing a toast and almost ended up toasting with the car in front of him.(彼は「乾杯」を歌っていて前の車両と「乾杯」しそうになりましたね)(^_^)
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
Don't you know? It's true that we are completely defeated by other broadcasters!(よく知りませんが他の配信者達に「完敗」しているのは紛れもない事実です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:55:16.88ID:TroD6uaj
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Is his delivery cult?(彼の配信はカルトですか?)(´ε` )
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Yes!This is a group with dangerous ideas and should be disbanded immediately.(はい!危険な思想を持つ集団ですので即刻解散させたほうが賢明です!)\(^o^)/
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
Well, it's old so it'll probably disappear naturally!(まぁオワコンですので放っといたら自然消滅するでしょうけど)(^_^)
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:55:52.69ID:TroD6uaj
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
Were the customers at the store all talking about him?(お店にいたお客さんは彼の話題で持ち切りでしたか?)(^_^)
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
No!It was a storm of abuse!(いいえ!罵詈雑言の嵐でした!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:56:37.50ID:TroD6uaj
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
Does the manager want him to come again?(店長はまた彼に来てほしいと願っていますか?)(゚∀゚)
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
No, it's just a social gesture.will never be called again!(いいえ、ただの社交辞令です!二度と呼ばれることはないでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:57:13.71ID:TroD6uaj
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
Campaign implementation Eradication of Stema
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:57:52.67ID:TroD6uaj
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
is he owakon?(彼はオワコンですか?)\(^o^)/
YES!he is a owakon(はい、彼はオワコンです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:58:31.41ID:TroD6uaj
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
public outrage(一般客大激怒)\(^o^)/
complete end(完全終了~)\(^o^)/
Drastic decrease in the number of plays(再生数激減)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
request to be banned(出禁希望)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:59:11.95ID:TroD6uaj
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is extortion a misdemeanor offense?(スパチャ強要は軽犯罪法違反ですか?)(*´▽`*)
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
YES!Illegal and wasteful!(はい!違反でかつ無駄遣いです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 17:59:49.80ID:TroD6uaj
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
Why are they being exploited?(なぜ彼らは搾取されつづけているのですか?)(´・ω・`)
because they are developmentally disabled!(彼らは発達障害だからです!)\(^o^)/
That's why I didn't realize it was being used!(だから利用されていることに気づかないのです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:00:30.00ID:TroD6uaj
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
How much do traders get paid?(業者はいくらぐらいもらってるの?)(@_@;)
It's probably a step-by-step system!(おそらく歩合制なのでしょう!)\(^o^)/
Many self-performed and continuous pitching,That's why it stands out!(自演や連投が目に余るのはその為です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:01:10.62ID:TroD6uaj
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
Because they make money off of it!(なぜならば彼らはそれで収益を得てるからです!)\(^o^)/
Why do incompetent traders do that?
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:01:48.23ID:TroD6uaj
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Right-hand blast!(右打ち爆音)(´・ω・`)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Uncle furious!!(オッサン大激怒!!)(~_~メ)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Beggar clumsily silence!(乞食無様に沈黙!)(*_*)
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
Flawless Lack confirmed!(完璧ヘタレ確定!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:02:34.82ID:TroD6uaj
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
Is he a popular youtuber?(彼は人気のあるユーチューバーなのですか?)(・・?)
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^
NO!He is just a beggar!(いいえ!彼はただの乞食です!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:03:18.51ID:TroD6uaj
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
Is super chat a good deed?(スーパーチャットは善行ですか?)(*´ェ`*)
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^)/
!It is an act of supporting a crime!(いいえ!犯罪の片棒を担ぐ行為です!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:04:03.09ID:TroD6uaj
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
What he's doing is a crime?(彼のやってることは犯罪ですか?)(@_@;)
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^)/
YES!Begging is a criminal offense!(はい!乞食は立派な犯罪行為です!)\(^o^
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:04:42.05ID:TroD6uaj
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
Are you breaking the minor offense law ?(軽犯罪法に違反してますか?)(+_+)
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
YES!The beggar will be arrested soon!(はい!乞食は近々逮捕されるでしょう!)\(^o
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:05:19.94ID:TroD6uaj
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
Are businesses' stealth marketing effective?(業者のステマは何か意味があるのですか?)(#^.^#)
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
NO!It's just a diary!(いいえ!ただの日記帳です)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:06:01.56ID:TroD6uaj
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
Why do incompetent contractors have such limited vocabulary?(無能業者はなぜボキャブラリーがワンパなのですか?)(ヽ´ω`)
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
I'll say it straight to the point,Because he is mentally retarded!(単刀直入に申し上げます!知的障害者だからです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:06:37.69ID:TroD6uaj
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
Owacon accelerator!!(オワコン加速装置~~!!)\(^o^)/
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
All that's left is the courage to quit streaming!(後は(配信やめる)勇気だけだ!)( ・ิω・ิ)
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:07:12.66ID:TroD6uaj
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Is using "Ken Matudaira" image an infringement of portrait rights?(松平健さんの画像を使うのは肖像権侵害になりますか?)(。・_・。)
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
Yes!All right!Should be reported to the appropriate authorities!(はい!なります!然るべき機関に通報すべきです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:07:49.54ID:TroD6uaj
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Is it illegal to shoot videos while driving?(運転をしながらの動画撮影は道交法違反になりますか?)(*´﹃`*)
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
Yes,All right!! let me pay the fine!(はい、なります!罰金を払わせましょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:08:30.50ID:TroD6uaj
the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
Is the listener his family?(リスナーは彼の家族ですか?)(*´▽`*)
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
NO!It's his automated teller machine!(いいえ!彼のATMです!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:09:19.35ID:TroD6uaj
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。) 
Does he care about his fans?(彼はファンを大切にしていますか?)(。・_・。)
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
NO!He's making fans money!(いいえ!彼はファンを金づるにしています!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:09:56.53ID:TroD6uaj
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Why wasn't he called to "KYORAkU"?(なぜ彼は「京楽」に呼ばれなかったのですか?)(・へ・)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
Even if you call me such an idiot, it will only damage my image!(こんなオワコン呼んでもイメージダウンにしかなりません)(-.-)
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
This can be said to be an extremely reasonable judgment!(極めて妥当な判断と言えるでしょう!)\(^o^)/
垢版 |
2023/10/28(土) 18:10:42.64ID:TroD6uaj
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
Isn't it sad that he's the only one who doesn't get called?(彼だけ呼ばれないのは可愛そうではないですか?)(*´﹃`*)
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.(全くそうとは思いません、なぜならメーカーも人を選ぶ権利は当然あるからです!)\(^o^)/
I don't think so at all because of course manufacturers have the right to choose people.
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)(・へ・)
Because he's not an influencer, he's just a beggar!(彼はインフルエンサーではなくただの乞食だからです!)
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
