【V2 レトロスペクティブにみたビジュアル 37-2】
・They also sprinkled it on food that they suspected might contain poison:
[They also sprinkled it on food.]+[They suspected that the food might contain poison.]
1. 接続詞のthat が消えている
2. 主節の一部と従属節の一部が接続詞も関係詞もなしに連結しているように見える(→they suspected might contain ... )

that だからここでは気になりませんが、who だと以下のようになります
32-A-3 He is the man who I believe can help you. (『英ナビ』)
[ He is the man. ]+[ I believe that the man can help you. ]
... can help you の主語のthe man が関係代名詞として前へ出たので主格のwho です。

次のような文では目的格whom になります。
Even the students whom I thought to be clever could not solve the problem.
[I thought the students to be clever.]
[  ]内は関係詞節の元になった文章です。the studentsを通常の代名詞に変えると
I thought them to be clever.
もし[  ]内の文章が
[I thought that the students were clever.]
Even the students who I thought were clever could not solve the problem.
と主格who になります。