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■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
垢版 |
2017/09/17(日) 01:40:07.93ID:ua1HeD8t
A (1) is a word or expression which means the same as another word or expression.

A (2) is an institution where students study for degrees and where academic research is done.

When you (3), your face becomes redder than usual because you are ashamed or embarrassed.

When something such as a dead body, a dead plant, or a tooth (4), it is gradually destroyed by a natural process

If people (5), they suffer greatly from lack of food which sometimes leads to their death
垢版 |
2017/09/17(日) 02:52:12.26ID:HwB3oqvF
1 synonym
2 university
3 blush
4 decay
5 starve
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
