
>I will always respect ZSJ's creativity for making holds.

>Zack vs Sanada was my favorite match.
>I still dont get why Suzuki and Zack haven't challenged for the tag belts.

>Personally the match of the night for me was SANADA vs ZSJ.
>I love watching these two in the ring together.
>They always have great matches. Not sure where they are going with Evil right now.
>I enjoyed Kenta vs Ibushi. Being that it was his first match
I assumed there would be some ring rust on Kenta's part.But it was fun to watch.
>Okada vs Takahashi was great.

>KENTA winning against Kota. Lance winning against Osprey.
>Sanada is so good. He is getting better and better.
>If Sanada take over LOS Ignobernable from Naito. I wouldn't be upset

>My rank of Night 1 Tournament matches:
>1. Sanada vs Sabre
>2. Tanahashi vs Okada
>3. Ospreay vs Archer
>4. Ibushi vs Kenta
>5. Fale vs Evil