Wartune のユーザーに開発元を名乗るメールが届いてます。
自社で立ち上げたサイトでしかWartune を続ける事は出来ない。

Dear Lord,
We are 7Road, the developer of Wartune and Wartune Reborn. First we would like to express our gratitude to you, our customers, for your constant support of our products over the past eight years.
Wartune and Wartune Reborn went down in the past 2 days for some reasons (click here to know more details https://wartune.wan.com/article/read/aid/7829.html ).In order to keep your gaming experience running smoothly and without interruption, we are glad to tell you that we have just launched our official website (https://7.wan.com/).
The new website is the ONLY AVAILABLE website to run Wartune and Wartune Reborn now. We would like to invite you to register on our new website and GET YOUR CHARACTER BACK (https://7.wan.com/fix/trans.html) for your continuous gaming experience
We will constantly strive to provide you more game content and better service.
7ROAD Wartune Official Team