RetroQuest TLP ってのが年末に向けて開発中みたい、Redditに宣伝載ってた

Basic Main Features for RetroQuest Kunark
A specified number of AA's available per expansion.
Modified and Enhanced Kunark Armor Sets
Purchasable ROG poison line (with various effects)
Encounter instancing system
A line of Aura spells
A custom line up of classic and Kunark encounters
Custom quests
Augments and custom augments
Custom charms
Most items tradable
Rotating hotzones you can vote for
Auction NPC handles your item sales
Discord <-> In-Game OOC linked for cross chat.
Custom commands
Various custom items
Various custom spells
Various custom augments
Tinkering crafted Jukebox (mini bard)
Various rare world drops