ハーバード 成績がいいだけのアジア系アメリカ人は認めない
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
垢版 |
2019/03/19(火) 21:05:10.06ID:GqkA4BgV
Wang(中国系、Williams College卒業)
Wang, the son of Chinese immigrants, had an SAT score of 2230 (out of a possible 2400)
and a 4.67 weighted GPA when he was waitlisted, and then rejected,
by Harvard and other Ivy League schools in 2013.
He believes that was because of his race.

Diep (ロスで差別にあったベトナム人、両親は大学にいってない)
His SAT score of 2060 out of 2400 was described in an alumni interview report
as “on the lower end of the Harvard average,”
but the interviewer also highlighted his “perfect grades” and gave him
a high rating for personal qualities.

Harvard data released as part of the lawsuit showed that
admitted Asian-American students have a higher average SAT score
and lower rate of admission than any other racial group.
It also revealed that Asian-Americans would make up 43% of Harvard’s admitted class
if only academics were considered.

Harvard has defended the importance of an admissions process that considers more than test scores and grades

垢版 |
2019/06/12(水) 07:06:37.86ID:QGUJkOs0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
