Not the least of Zoological Gardens’ many attractions is their inexhaustibility. There is
always something new, and ―what is not less satisfactory― there is something old that
you had previously missed. How is that? How is it that one may go to the Zoo a thousand
times and consistently overlook one of the most ingratiating denizens, and then on the
thousand-and-first visit come upon this creature as thought he was the latest arrival?
There the quaint little absurdity was, all that long while, as ready to be seen as today,
but you never saw him, or, at any rate, you never noticed him. The time was not yet.

*least (大きさ、程度)最も小さい、少ない、(地位、重要度)最も低い、再開の、、
ほんの少しの、わずかな、the least 最小の物、最小限、最低限
*zoological garden 動物園
*inexhaustibility 疲れを知らぬ、「飽くなき」こと、無限さ、無尽
*satisfactory (人にとって)満足な、満足のいく、思い通りの、満足を与える
*previously 前に、前もって、あらかじめ、早まって、かねて、これまでは、すでに、以前に、以前は、
* consistently (意見、言説、行動、信念)一致、調和、両立する、(主義、方針、言動)
*ingratiating 気持ちの良い、愛想のよい、取り入ろうとする、迎合的な、ご機嫌取りを
*denizen (文・こっけい)〜に棲む生物、居住者、住人、(鳥獣、樹木など)生息者頻繁
*come upon 出会う、見つける、(考え)浮かぶ
*quaint 古風な趣のある、風変わりで面白い(美しい)、珍妙で楽しい、(考え方、行動)
*absurdity 不合理、不条理、ばかばかしさ、ばかげたこと、たわいなさ、馬鹿げたもの
*long while 久しく、長いあいだ