ハーバード 成績がいいだけのアジア系アメリカ人は認めない

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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2019/03/19(火) 21:05:10.06ID:GqkA4BgV
Wang(中国系、Williams College卒業)
Wang, the son of Chinese immigrants, had an SAT score of 2230 (out of a possible 2400)
and a 4.67 weighted GPA when he was waitlisted, and then rejected,
by Harvard and other Ivy League schools in 2013.
He believes that was because of his race.

Diep (ロスで差別にあったベトナム人、両親は大学にいってない)
His SAT score of 2060 out of 2400 was described in an alumni interview report
as “on the lower end of the Harvard average,”
but the interviewer also highlighted his “perfect grades” and gave him
a high rating for personal qualities.

Harvard data released as part of the lawsuit showed that
admitted Asian-American students have a higher average SAT score
and lower rate of admission than any other racial group.
It also revealed that Asian-Americans would make up 43% of Harvard’s admitted class
if only academics were considered.

Harvard has defended the importance of an admissions process that considers more than test scores and grades

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2019/03/19(火) 21:22:16.29ID:kzZypN5o

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2019/03/19(火) 21:30:38.12ID:6q9gDX6e
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2019/03/19(火) 21:32:31.55ID:GqkA4BgV
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2019/03/19(火) 21:51:05.20ID:IeHU3obO
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2019/03/19(火) 21:55:06.03ID:/vn74GqA
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2019/03/19(火) 22:25:16.12ID:BumSEIvj
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2019/03/19(火) 22:28:08.11ID:mNLqGIvf
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2019/03/19(火) 22:35:50.80ID:MGqXfcNK
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2019/03/20(水) 23:39:49.66ID:2mngGyjT
Give me a little more water, please.
I'll come to your house at once.
Tom struck me on the head.
Mary went upstairs to Paul's room.
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
You should give your seats when elderly people.
Change this train here for Keio Line.
Which station must I get off to change for Hibiya Subway Line?
Tom is a very boring young man.
Mary is an exciting singer.
Mary cannot fall asleep easily, because she is too excited about the athletic meet tomorrow.
I'm bored.
The speech was boring, but the audience were all patient.
If you are kind now, people will be kind to you some day.
You will know how unpopular I was by the fact that they have not yet given me even a name.
Be quiet.
Where is her book?
What a fine boss he is! He always shifts the responsibility to me.
Professor Smith (later President) of Princeton University.
He makes quite a few mistakes in his talk.
Look out! A car is coming.
The old man has kicked the bucket.
I emigrated, you know.
My dear lady, we've had the biggest crowd in years.
What he is is not what he appears to be.
The parents can test their son's patience.
On my entrance into the room, the students stopped chattering.
I couldn't love you more.
I've never seen a more attractive dog.
The omission of my name from the list is intentional.
The memory of my dog makes me happy.
I can talk to her with the familiarity of an old friend.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Maybe we'll die tomorrow.
Your lecture was quite interesting.
I could not sleep well last night.
I know Tom is an honest man.
The graduate from West Point was delighted to see the big crowd.
I would give my right hand to write like Thomas Hardy.
I'll be damned if the rumor is true.
You cannot eat the cake and have it.
A little more patience, and we will finish the job before six o'clock.
Tom's love of his mother was really touching.
She believes in the existence of ghosts.
Panda. Eats, Shoots&Leaves.
The Novel Prize which I received this year is a great honor.
As soon as she saw Tom this morning, Mary ran up to him and struck him on the head.
He had kicked her little brother yesterday.
The words made Jim happy, but Barbara angry.
It would be stupid to give up such a good plan.
To hear her talk, everyone would take her for an American.
His father's sudden death forced John to give up his dream.
Could you tall me the way to the post-office?
Please come here at once.
I should think you are a bit careless.
If the present president was banished, it was argued, this country would become
a paradise for all the people.
It wouldn't find anything there.
For my sister.
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2019/03/21(木) 01:17:05.02ID:OwObQFn6
His insolence was enough to try the patience of a saint.
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2019/03/21(木) 01:18:54.79ID:OwObQFn6
Reviewer are usually people who would have been poets, historians,
biographers, etc., if they could; they have tried talents at one or at the other,
and have failed; therefore they turn critics.
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2019/03/21(木) 01:38:24.58ID:OwObQFn6
If a child tells a lie, tell him that he has told a lie,
but don't call him a liar.
If you define him as a liar, you break down his confidence in his own character.
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2019/03/21(木) 01:48:35.07ID:OwObQFn6
What happens to us is very often more interesting in retrospect than when
it actually happens. The same is true of some of the remarks which we hear.
At the time they may seem commonpladce; after an interval of years they may
acquire a new and unsuspecteda meaning.
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2019/03/21(木) 01:56:20.59ID:OwObQFn6
There isn't much news to write. The childrens are well and miss you. Ronnie isn't doing
too well at school, and I had him examined thoroughly ー eyes, ears, nose , everything
ー but the doctors could fine nothing the matter with him. He just says he doesn't like school,
so I suppose I'll have to work on him to make him like it. I've been reading books on the subject
and one of them says that sometimes children who don't like school have secret frustrations and
irritations at home but I know that can't be. Everything runs so smoothly here.
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2019/03/21(木) 02:09:29.24ID:OwObQFn6
In the old days after a cocktail party they would be glad to go home alone,
talk over the party with a few quiet drinks, raid the ice-box and go to bed,
secure agains the world outside. Then one evening after a party something had happened
- he had a black out and said or did something he could not remember and did not want to
remember ; afterward there was only the smashed typewriter and shafts of shameful recollection
that he could not face and the memory of her fearful eyes.
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2019/03/21(木) 02:49:20.54ID:OwObQFn6
'I never wanted to be happy', said Waydelin: 'I wanted to live my own life and
do my own work; and if I die tomorrow (as likely enough I may), I shall have done
both things. My work satisfies me, and because of that, so does my wife.'
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2019/03/21(木) 02:57:43.79ID:OwObQFn6
Shall you be stopping in London long?
I'm afraid not. I'm leaving in a couple of days.
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2019/03/21(木) 03:19:52.54ID:OwObQFn6
Now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him, and said unto them,
Do ye enquire among yourselves of that I said, A little while, and ye shall not see me:
and again a little while, and ye shall see me? Verily, verily I say unto you, That ye sahll
weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow
shall be turned into joy.
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2019/03/21(木) 03:55:38.06ID:OwObQFn6
All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means
in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are
not endangered.
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2019/03/21(木) 06:38:37.87ID:OwObQFn6
We used to work on mathematics together. He was incredibly quick, and would
be halfway through solving a problem before I understood the question.
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2019/03/21(木) 07:11:46.66ID:OwObQFn6
There are two kinds of avaricious person - the bold, grasping type who will ruin
you if he can, but who never looks twice at twopence, and the petty miser who
has not the enterprise actually to make money, but who will always, as the saying goes,
take a farthing from a dunghill with his teeth.
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2019/03/21(木) 08:38:42.00ID:OwObQFn6
"There's something about a man who has fought for it - I don't know what it is
- a look in his eye - the feel of his hand. He needn't have been successful - though
he probably would be. I don't know. I'm not very good at this analysis stuff. I only
know he- well, you haven't a mark on you. Not a mark. You quit being an architect,
or whatever it was, because architecture was an uphill disheartening job at the time.
I don't say that you should have kept on. For all I know you were a bum architect.
But if you had kept on - if you had loved it enough to keep on - fighting, and struggling,
and sticking it out - why, that fight would show in your face today - in your eyes and
your jaw and your hands and in your way of standing and walking and sitting and talking.
Listen. I'm not criticizing you. But you're all smooth... "
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2019/03/21(木) 22:13:52.22ID:rCbAyPR+
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2019/03/22(金) 00:28:30.86ID:WS8YFi7q
Give me a little more water, please
I'll come to your house at once.
Tom struck me on the head.
Mary went upstairs to Paul's room.
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
You should give your seats when elderly people come in,
Change this train here for Keio Line.
Which station must I get off to change gor Hibiya Subway Line?
Tom is a very young man.
Mary is an exciting singer.
Mary cannot fall asleep easily because she is too excited about the athletic meet tomorrow.
I'm bored.
The speech was boring, but the audience were all patient.
If you are kind now, people will be kind to you some day.
You will know how unpopular I was by the fact that they have not yet given me even a name.
Be quiet.
What a fine boss he is! He always shifts the responsibility to me.
Professor Smith (later President) of Princeton University
He makes quite a few mistakes in his talk.
Look out! A car is coming.
The old man has kicked the bucket.
I emigrated, you know.
My dear lady, we've had the biggest crowd in years.
What he is is not what he appears to be.
The parents can test their son's patience.
On my entrance into the room, the students stopped chattering.
I couldn't love you more.
I've never seen a more attractive dog.
The omission of my name from the list is intentional.
The memory of my dog makes me happy.
I can talk to her with the familiarity of an old friend.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Maybe we'll die tomorrow.
Your lecture was quite interesting.
I could not sleep well last night.
I know Tom is an honest man.
The graduate from West Point was delighted to see the big crowd.
I would give my right hand to write like Thomas Hardy.
I'll damned if the rumor is true.
you cannot eat the cake and have it.
A little more patience, and we will finish the job before six o'clock.
Tom's love of his mother was really touching.
She believes in the existence of ghosts.
Panda. Eats&Shoots.
The Nobel prize which I received this year is a great honor.
As soon as she saw Tom this morning, Mary ran up to him and struck him on the head.
He had kicked her little brother yesterday.
The words made Jim happy, Barbara angry.
It would be stupid to give up such a good plan.
To hear her talk, everyone would take her fo an american,
His father's sudden death forced John to give up his dream.
Could you tell me the way to the post office?
Please come here at once.
I should think you are a bit careless.
If the present president was banished, it was argued, this country would become a paradise for all the people.
It wouldn't fine anything there.
For my sister.
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2019/03/22(金) 01:47:16.67ID:WS8YFi7q
It would be dangerous to drink two bottles of whisky and drive a car.
It is very dangerous to cross a busy street before the light turns green.
It is really pleasant to take a walk early in the morning, listening the birds sing.
Most Japanese high school students go to a cram school to prepare for college entrance exams.
When waiting for the elevator to come or the traffic light to change, most Japanese people become irritated in only thirty seconds.
An elderly woman sitting next to me on the train asked me where I was going.
Tom told us that we should rent a car to get around the city because the public transportation was inconvenient.
Everyone should be free to decide when to get married and whether to have children.
It is impossible to predict where and when there will be a major earthquake.
Tom insisted that everything would be all right, but I couldn’t help feeling worried.
It never occurred to me that my remark might hurt her feelings.
Tom dinner is ready. OK, Mom. I’m coming
I’ll call you when I get to Narita Airport.
If you take the train to Tokyo Disneyland from here, you have to change three times.
I’ve decided to look for a job abroad when I graduate from college.
This dryer doesn’t work. Something seems to be wrong with it.
The best thing about my stay with an American family was that the parents treated me just like their daughter.
I lived in Canada for three years when I was in my teens because my father was transferred there.
The Internet is widely used, so sales of personal computers have been rapidly increasing over the last few years.
I’ve often heard Tom boast that he is very good at swimming, but I’ve never seen him swim.
It has been only a week since I began a part-time job at a convenience store, but I’m already used to it.
When I got on the train this morning, I couldn’t find an empty seat.
I’m not wearing glasses now, so I can’t make out what the sign says.
Less than twenty hours after I return to my hometown, without realizing it, I start to talk in the local dialect.
Humans learn to express what they think by the age of five or six
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2019/03/22(金) 01:48:18.97ID:WS8YFi7q
Thanks to the map you drew me the other day, I managed to get here without getting lost.
Last summer I took two weeks off, and went on a trip to Europe with my wife.
Bob had changed a lot, so when I saw him at a class reunion, I didn’t recognize him.
When I visited my hometown for the first time in twenty years, I found that it was no longer what it used to be.
I stayed up till four last night preparing for the math lessen, so I feel very sleepy.

I’ve finished reading the novel I borrowed from the library yesterday, so now I have nothing to do.
If you had taken this medicine and stayed in bed, you would probably have got well in two or three days.
The teacher says that we should wait here for a while because if we left now, we might get caught in a thunderstorm on the way.
People wish they could live forever and never become older. However, if this wish came true, there would be too many people on the earth.
Ann looks happy. Something good must have happened to her.
If you have been to old European cities, you must have been impressed by the beautiful streets.
Without fossil fuels such as oil and coal, the history of the 20th century would have been completely different.
Some students coming to the library act as if they are in a coffee shop.
When I was a child, I often wished my house was a little larger.
I’d like to work as a volunteer helping victims of natural disasters, such as floods or earthquakes.

Tom has nice drums, and he never lets anyone else play them.
At first I thought Tom was joking, but later I realized he was serious.
Last Sunday I tried making some Italian food for the first time, and it was delicious.
Some people say that they don’t like summer because it is so hot that they don’t feel like doing anything. However, I like the heat of summer because I can swim in the sea.
James came to Japan eight years ago not only because he wanted to visit temples, but also because he had a Japanese girlfriend.
I am against human cloning. That is because it could cause duplication of dictators.
The graph shows that in Japan the birthrate has been decreasing since 1985. This decrease is partly because it costs a lot of money to raise children.
I apologized to Ann for being late, but she didn’t forgive me.
During the math class, my cell phone began to ring, and the teacher severely scolded me. I regretted that I hadn’t turned it off.
I’m so busy doing the housework every day that I have no time to see a movie.
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2019/03/22(金) 02:42:50.76ID:WS8YFi7q
This wooden desk is too heavy for me to carry upstairs alone.
While traveling in Europe, I was disappointed that wherever I went, there were many Japanese tourists.
I was very happy when I saw my mother going to work wearing the earrings I had bought her.
If you expect that schools teach only academic subjects, then this proves that you don’t understand what schools are for.
Most Japanese people spend most of their time working to live.
Japanese people usually express their feelings as indirectly as possible so that they won’t offend others.
Whether a college is good or bad depends not only on how many books its library has and how good they are. It also depends on how intelligent its teachers and students are.
The increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is closely connected with global warming.
The more modern civilization advances, the longer we are forced to stay up at night, and the less sleep we get.
Doctors and teachers are alike in that both of them deal not with things but with people.
Professional baseball is far more exciting at a stadium than on TV.
This motorbike is about twice as expensive in U.K. as in Japan.
Just because young people read less than they used to, it doesn’t always follow that they are less eager to learn.
Frankly speaking, the entrance exams I took yesterday were far more difficult than I had expected.
A lot of people have personal computers, but very few of them know how to use them effectively.
A lot of housewives complain that prices are too high.
In some countries people have too much food, while in others tens of thousands of children are starving.
Don’t forget to turn off the air conditioner before you go to bed, or you’ll catch a cold.
There is a saying that a cold can cause a variety of diseases. Take care not to catch a cold.
On the Internet, you can exchange thoughts and ideas with people all over the world, regardless of their age, sex, or nationality.
However much exercise you get, you won’t lose weight unless you count your calories.
Although you believe you know a word, you may learn something new if you look it up in the dictionary.
Some Japanese tourists lack common sense and carry a lot of cash in their backpockets.
In order to stay healthy, you should have a balanced diet and get regular exercise.
If you live in a developing country for a while, you have an opportunity to look at Japan from a different point of view.
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2019/03/22(金) 04:30:22.69ID:WS8YFi7q
It is not until you go abroad that you realize how many neon lights there are in big Japanese cities.
It is a pity that many Japanese people mistakenly believe that they have only to speak English to be internationally-minded.
It is surprising that many Americans don’t care how you pronounce English as long as they can understand what you are trying to say.
The best things you can do to protect nature are to reduce garbage and to use environmentally friendly products.
It is said that seven out of ten Japanese people don’t believe in religion.
Ways of greeting vary from country to country. In Japan, bowing is more common than shaking hands.
Hamamatsu is located east of Lake Hamana, which is famous for its beautiful scenery and delicious fish.
Quite a few elderly women look down on their husbands, who cannot do anything by themselves and ask too much of them.
The movie theater is about twenty minutes’ walk from here, but it takes only five minutes to get there by subway.
It cost ten thousand yen to have this bike repaired.
There are four people in my family. Our apartment is on the fifth floor of this building.
The tendency for young people to believe everything that is printed is nothing new.
When I was studying in Paris, a famous painter bought me a meal at a first-class restaurant.
Tom finally realized his dream of becoming astronaut, but at the expense of many other things.
If city life gives you stress and fatigue, it is best to relax in the mountains or on beaches in order to relieve them.
In Japan, women have difficulty getting promoted or returning to their jobs after giving birth and raising their children.
In the U.S. , parents drive their children everywhere until they are old enough to get a driver’s license.
What do you think of our new teacher? There is something about her that attracts me.
People who don’t feel guilty about occupying two seats on a crowded train really make me angry.
Everyone is born with a talent. The question is whether they can find it or not.
When I left the office for lunch, I ran into an old friend from high school.
This music is worth listening to over and over again. I recommend it.
Teeth play an important part in your health. If you want to stay healthy, you should brush your teeth after every meal.
Bear in mind that if you have enthusiasm, you can succeed in anything.
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2019/03/23(土) 00:27:51.94ID:+ZJfZZbI
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2019/03/23(土) 04:00:20.24ID:+ZJfZZbI
What might we not give to hear the voice of Socrats or Shakepeare or Lincoln?
I have always been ill at ease in my father's company.
She is an exciting singer.
Tom was irritating, when all other students eagerly listened to my talk.
We must ignore many popular perception of old age.
It is thinking that makes what we read ours.
Don't leave your things unattended.
I couldn't agree more.
Perhaps he is dead now.
It is the truth that counts.
The waitress brought me a pear when I asked for an apple.
The picture will give you a good idea of how the flood is.
The bomb hit the wrong building.
Some things had better be left unsaid.
There are more things in life than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
I suspect that she is kind at heart.
She wondered if she had better go at once.
I didn't want to become a nurse, but Dad told me so, and in those days you did what you were told.
No one fails to be impressed by these teachers' devotion.
The ideal society would enable every man and woman to make the most of their inborn abilities.
God knows that he is honest.
God knows where she went.
She is a very good pianist, you know.
He is one of the best pianists in Japan, as you know.
She may be a good woman for all I know.
That girl over there is forty years old, if a day.
The rest is silence.
My dear Watson, you've made the same mistake again!
Wuthering Heights is a kind of sport.
There are so many people in the world that the action of an individual can be of no importance.
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2019/03/23(土) 22:43:14.58ID:+ZJfZZbI
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2019/03/24(日) 00:31:47.09ID:pgalAx3b
What might we not give to hear the voice of Socrates or Shakespeare or Lincoln?
I have always been ill at ease in my father’s company.
She is an exciting singer.
Tom was irritating, when all other students eagerly listened to my talk.
We must ignore many popular perception of old age.
It is thinking that makes what we read ours.
Don’t leave your things unattended.
I couldn’t agree more.
Perhaps he is dead now.
It is the truth that counts.
The waitress brought me a pear when I asked for an apple.
The picture will give you a good idea of how the flood is.
The bomb hit the wrong building.
Some things had better be left unsaid.
There are more things in life than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
I suspect that she is kind at heart.
She wondered if she had better go at once.
I didn’t want to become a nurse, but Dad told me so, and in those days you did what you were told.
No one fails to be impressed by these teachers’ devotion.
The ideal society would enable every man and woman to make the most of their inborn abilities.
God knows that he is honest.
God knows where she went.
She is a very good pianist, you know.
He is one of the best pianists in Japan, as you know.
She may be a good woman for all I know.
That girl over there is forty years old,if a day.
The rest is silence.
My dear Watson, you’ve made the same mistake again!
Wuthering Heights is a kind of sport.
There are so many people in the world that the action of an individual can be of no importance.
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2019/03/24(日) 22:10:20.45ID:pgalAx3b
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2019/03/24(日) 23:42:48.13ID:pgalAx3b
What might we not give to hear the voice of Socrates or Shakespeare or Lincoln?
I have always been ill at ease in my father’s company.
She is an exciting singer.
Tom was irritating, when all other students eagerly listened to my talk.
We must ignore many popular perception of old age.
It is thinking that makes what we read ours.
Don’t leave your things unattended.
I couldn’t agree more.
Perhaps he is dead now.
It is the truth that counts.
The waitress brought me a pear when I asked for an apple.
The picture will give you a good idea of how the flood is.
The bomb hit the wrong building.
Some things had better be left unsaid.
There are more things in life than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
I suspect that she is kind at heart.
She wondered if she had better go at once.
I didn’t want to become a nurse, but Dad told me so, and in those days you did what you were told.
No one fails to be impressed by these teachers’ devotion.
The ideal society would enable every man and woman to make the most of their inborn abilities.
God knows that he is honest.
God knows where she went.
She is a good pianist, you know.
He is one of the good pianists in Japan, as you know.
She may be a good woman for all I know.
That girl over there is forty years old, if a day.
The rest is silence.
My dear Watson, you’ve made the same mistake again!
Wuthering Heights is a kind of sport.
There are so many people in the world that the action of an individual can be of no importance.
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2019/03/25(月) 23:17:18.83ID:b2qcWjTK
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2019/03/26(火) 20:11:48.16ID:/UstcLKA
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2019/03/27(水) 03:56:34.47ID:k9kJ7oXI
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2019/03/27(水) 04:03:43.85ID:k9kJ7oXI
For the most wild, yet homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect
nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses
reject their evidence. Yet, mad am I not - and very surely do I not dream. But tomorrow
I die, and today I would unberthen my soul. (Edgar Appan Poe, The Black Cat)
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2019/03/27(水) 04:10:38.94ID:k9kJ7oXI
自分自身の感覚が 自らの証拠をすべて否定するような場合にあって、
ただ、 明日死ぬ身なのだ。だから今日のうちに心の重荷を除きたいのである。
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2019/03/27(水) 04:11:45.83ID:k9kJ7oXI
1 犬に甘いニュートン

Just as the destruction by fire of his papers was complete, Newton opened
the chamber door, and perceived that the labours of twenty years were reduced
to a heap of ashes. There stood little Diamond, the author of all the mischief.
Almost any other man would have sentenced the dog to immediate death. But
Newton patted the dog on the head with his usual kindness, although grief was
at his heart. "O Dimond, Dimand," exclaimed he, "thous little knowest the mischief
thou hast done!"

Nathaniel Hawthorne, Biogrphical Stories
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2019/03/27(水) 04:22:04.98ID:k9kJ7oXI
2 父と子

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice
that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like
criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this
world haven't had the advantages that you've had." He didn't say any more,
but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I
understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I'm
inclined to reserve all judgement, a habit that has opened up many curious
natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
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2019/03/27(水) 12:14:54.97ID:k9kJ7oXI
3 習うより慣れよ

Perhaps the most obvious way in which birds differ from
men in their behavior is that they can do all that they have
to do, including some quite complicated things, without ever
being taught. Flying, to start with, is an activity which, for all
its astonishing complexity of balance and aeronautical adjustment,
comes untaught to birds. Young birds very frequently make
their first flight when their parents are out of sight. Practice
of course makes perfect and puts a polish on the somewhat
awkward first performance; but there is no elaborate learning
needed as with our learning of golf or tennis or figure skating.

Julian Huxley, The Intelligence of Birds
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2019/03/28(木) 05:52:47.89ID:HRbQZvoz
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2019/03/28(木) 07:06:46.50ID:HRbQZvoz
4 最初に読者をひきつける!

That all men are equal is an assertiion to which, at ordinary times, no sane
human being has ever given assent. A man who has to undergo a dangerous
operation does not act on the supposition that one doctor is just as good as
another. And when they require Civil Servants, even the most democratic
governments take a careful selection among their theoretically equal subjects.
At ordinary times, then, we are perfectly certain that men are not equal. But
when, in a democratic country, we think or act politically we are no less certain
that me are equal.

Aldous Huxley, Proper Studies
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2019/03/28(木) 07:12:39.38ID:HRbQZvoz
What might we not give to hear the voice of Socrates or Shakespeare or Lincoln?
I have always been ill at ease in my father’s company.
She is an exciting singer.
Tom was irritating, when all other students eagerly listened to my talk.
We must ignore many popular perception of old age.
It is thinking that makes what we read ours.
Don’t leave your things unattended.
I couldn’t agree more.
Perhaps he is dead now.
It is the truth that counts.
The waitress brought me a pear when I asked for an apple.
The picture will give you a good idea of how the flood is.
The bomb hit the wrong building.
Some things had better be left unsaid.
There are more things in life than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
I suspect that she is kind at heart.
She wondered if she had better go at once.
I didn’t want to become a nurse, but Dad told me so, and in those days you did what you were told.
No one fails to be impressed by these teachers’ devotion.
The ideal society would enable every man and woman to make the most of their inborn abilities.
God knows that he is honest.
God knows where she went.
She is a good pianist, you know.
He is one of the good pianists in Japan, as you know.
She may be a good woman for all I know.
That girl over there is forty years old, if a day.
The rest is silence.
My dear Watson, you’ve made the same mistake again!
Wuthering Heights is a kind of sport.
There are so many people in the world that the action of an individual can be of no importance.
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2019/03/28(木) 07:13:09.20ID:HRbQZvoz
For the most wild, yet homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect
nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses
reject their evidence. Yet, mad am I not - and very surely do I not dream. But tomorrow
I die, and today I would unberthen my soul. (Edgar Appan Poe, The Black Cat)
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2019/03/28(木) 07:13:44.40ID:HRbQZvoz
1 犬に甘いニュートン

Just as the destruction by fire of his papers was complete, Newton opened
the chamber door, and perceived that the labours of twenty years were reduced
to a heap of ashes. There stood little Diamond, the author of all the mischief.
Almost any other man would have sentenced the dog to immediate death. But
Newton patted the dog on the head with his usual kindness, although grief was
at his heart. "O Dimond, Dimand," exclaimed he, "thous little knowest the mischief
thou hast done!"

Nathaniel Hawthorne, Biogrphical Stories
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2019/03/28(木) 07:14:48.89ID:HRbQZvoz
2 父と子

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice
that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like
criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this
world haven't had the advantages that you've had." He didn't say any more,
but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I
understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I'm
inclined to reserve all judgement, a habit that has opened up many curious
natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
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2019/03/28(木) 07:15:13.82ID:HRbQZvoz
3 習うより慣れよ

Perhaps the most obvious way in which birds differ from
men in their behavior is that they can do all that they have
to do, including some quite complicated things, without ever
being taught. Flying, to start with, is an activity which, for all
its astonishing complexity of balance and aeronautical adjustment,
comes untaught to birds. Young birds very frequently make
their first flight when their parents are out of sight. Practice
of course makes perfect and puts a polish on the somewhat
awkward first performance; but there is no elaborate learning
needed as with our learning of golf or tennis or figure skating.

Julian Huxley, The Intelligence of Birds
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2019/03/28(木) 07:15:42.65ID:HRbQZvoz
4 最初に読者をひきつける!

That all men are equal is an assertiion to which, at ordinary times, no sane
human being has ever given assent. A man who has to undergo a dangerous
operation does not act on the supposition that one doctor is just as good as
another. And when they require Civil Servants, even the most democratic
governments take a careful selection among their theoretically equal subjects.
At ordinary times, then, we are perfectly certain that men are not equal. But
when, in a democratic country, we think or act politically we are no less certain
that me are equal.

Aldous Huxley, Proper Studies
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2019/03/29(金) 06:05:26.96ID:xMRY0Yi3
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2019/03/30(土) 05:44:16.68ID:cgmUKnLH
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2019/03/30(土) 06:30:46.72ID:cgmUKnLH
4 頭がいいだけでは...

Foolishly arrogant as I was, I used to judge the worth of a person by the
intellectual power and attainment. I could see no good where there was
no logic, no charm where there was no learning. Now I think that one has
to dinsinguish between two forms of intelligence, that of the brain, and that
of the heart, and I have come to regard the second by far the more important.
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2019/03/30(土) 06:35:07.48ID:cgmUKnLH
6 イギリス人の国民性は

Here are a couple of generalization about England that would be accepted by
almost all observers. One is that the English are not gifted artistically. They
are not as musical as the German or Italians, painting and sculpture have never
flourished in England as they have in France. Another is that, as European go, the
English are not intellectual. They have a horror of abstract thought, they feel no
need for any philosophy or systematic "world-view."
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2019/03/30(土) 06:39:43.71ID:cgmUKnLH
7 学生時代は本当に幸福?

Some people say that their schooldays were the happiest of their lives. They may
be right; but I always look with suspicion upon thouse whom I hear saying this. It
is hard enough to know whether one is happy or unhappy now, and still harder to
compare the relative happiness or unhappiness of different times of one's life; the
utmost that can be said is that we are fairly happy so long as we are not distinctly
aware of being miserable.
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2019/03/31(日) 07:00:54.13ID:Mk4cNaj1
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2019/03/31(日) 07:17:11.06ID:Mk4cNaj1
8 憂鬱な月曜日

It is odd that 'Mondayish' is the only word which the days of the week have
given us: since; Monday is not alone in possessing a positive and peculiar
character. Why not 'Tuesdayish' or 'Wednesdayish' Each word would convey
as much meaning to me, 'Tuesdayish' in particular, for Monday's cardinal and
reprehensible error of beginning the business week seems to me almost a
virtue compared with Tuesday's utter flatness. To begin a new week is no
fault at all, though tradition has branded it as one. To begin is a noble
accomplishment; but to continue dully, to be the tame follower of a courageous
beginner, to be the second day in a weekof action, as in Tuesday's case
- that is deplorable, if you like
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2019/03/31(日) 07:22:34.04ID:Mk4cNaj1
9 自分の話題にひっぱりたい!

Many people come into company full of what they intend to say in it themselves,
without the least regard to others. I knew a man who had a story about a gun,
which he thought a good one and that he told it very well. He tried all means in
the world to turn the conversation upon guns; but, if he failed in his attempt, he
started in his chair, and said he heard a gun fired; but when the company assured
him they hear no such thing, he answered, perhaps then I was mistaken; but
however, since we are talking of guns, - and then told his story, to the great
indignation of the company.
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2019/04/01(月) 06:56:40.77ID:cqKrp5st
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2019/04/02(火) 06:23:11.60ID:pc04s3Bv
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2019/04/02(火) 06:34:06.11ID:6x0OKzIK
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2019/04/02(火) 06:44:35.52ID:pc04s3Bv

Our companion and playmate in those says was a dog, whose portrait has never
faded from remembrance, for he was a dog with feattures and a personality which
impressed themselves deeply on the mind. He came to us in a rather mysterious
manner. One summer evening the shepherd was galloping round the flock and trying
by means of much shouting to induce the lazy sheep to move homewards. A strange-looking
lame dog suddenly appeared on the scene, as if it had dropped from the clouds and
limping briskly after the astonished and frightened sheep, drove them straight home
and into the fold; and after thus earning his supper and showing what stuff was in him,
he established himself at the house, where he was well received.
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2019/04/03(水) 06:14:20.78ID:kbTwOr4q
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2019/04/03(水) 06:19:54.10ID:kbTwOr4q

One day Father suddenly remembered an intention of his to have us taught music.
There were numerous othere things that he felt every boy ought to learn, such as
swimming, blacking his own shoes, to say nothing of school work in which he expected
a boy to excel, He now recalled that music, too should be included to our education.
He held that all children should be taught to any rate., there is a great deal to be said
for his program. On the other hand, there are children and dhildren I had no ear for
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2019/04/04(木) 06:21:45.09ID:1z6PBrxL
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2019/04/05(金) 06:41:07.85ID:6LwvebIX
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2019/04/06(土) 07:30:12.57ID:1Ytnwk42
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2019/04/06(土) 12:51:59.26ID:1Ytnwk42

Owing to the productivity of machines, much less work than was formerly necessary
is now needed to maintain a tolerable standard of comfort in the human race. Some
careful writers maintain that one hour’s work a day would suffice but perhaps this
estimate does not take sufficient account of Asia. I shall assume, in order to be quite
sure of being on the safe side, that four hour’s work a day on the part of all adults would
suffice to produce as much material comfort as reasonable people ought to desire.
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2019/04/07(日) 07:35:26.04ID:2Ez7L2zh

A stout old lady was walking with her basket down the middle of a street in
Petrograd to the great confusion of the traffic and with no small peril to herself.
It was pointed out to her that the pavement was the place for foot-passengers,
but she replied: "I'm going to walk where I like. We've got the liberty now." It
did not occur to the dear old lady that if liberty entitled the foot-passenger to walk
down the middle of the road it also entitled the cab-driver to drive on the pavement,
and that the end of such liberty would be universal chaos. Everybody would be
getting in everybody else's way and nobody would get anywhere. Individual liberty
would have become social anarchy.
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2019/04/07(日) 12:34:48.88ID:2Ez7L2zh
As of all other good things, one can have too much even of reading.
Indulged in to excess, reading becomes a vice
―a vice all the more dangerous for not being recognized as such.
Yes excessive reading is the only form of self-indulgence
which fails to get the blame it deserves.
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2019/04/07(日) 12:35:14.53ID:2Ez7L2zh
On arriving at Liverpool, I made the acquaintance of a man who had been in America
Some years previously, and not having his hopes realized at that time, had returned
desperate to England, taken in a fresh cargo of hopes, and was now making a second
attempt with as much enthusiasm, if not more, than others in making their first.
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2019/04/07(日) 12:35:37.83ID:2Ez7L2zh
The advantage of living abroad is that, coming in contact with the manners and customs
of the people among whom you live, you observe them from the outside and see they have
not the necessity which those who practice them believe. You cannot fail to discover that
the belief which to you are self-evident to the foreigner are absurd. The year in Germany,
the long stay in Paris, had prepared Philip to receive the skeptical teaching which came
to him now with such a feeling of relief. He saw that nothing was good and nothing was
evil: things were merely adapted to an end.
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2019/04/07(日) 12:35:58.09ID:2Ez7L2zh
The European traveler in America―at least if I may judge by myself―is struck by two
Peculiarities: first the extreme similarity of outlook in all parts of the United States, and
Secondly the passionate desire of each locality to prove that it is peculiar and different
from each other. The second of these is, of course, caused by the first. Every place wishes
to have a reason for local pride, and therefore cherishes whatever is distinctive in the
way of geography or history or tradition. The greater the uniformity that in fact exists,
the more eager becomes the search for differences that may mitigate it.
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2019/04/07(日) 12:36:28.73ID:2Ez7L2zh
I have often noticed that when someone asks for you on the telephone and, finding you
out, leaves a message begging you to call him up the moment you come in, and it’s
important, the matter is more often important to him than to you. When it comes to
making you a present or doing you a favour most people are able to hold their impatience
within reasonable bounds.
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2019/04/07(日) 23:38:14.72ID:2Ez7L2zh
From my fifteenth year―save for a single interval―I have lived about as solitary a life
as a modern man can have. I mean by this that the number of hours, days, months, and
years that I have spent alone has been immense and extraordinary. I propose, therefore,
to describe the experience of human loneliness exactly as I have known it. The whole
conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and
curious phenomenon, peculiar to myself and to a few other solitary men, is the central
and inevitable fact of human existence.
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2019/04/07(日) 23:38:33.17ID:2Ez7L2zh
One day a good fortune befell him, for he hit upon The Thousand Nights and a Night.
He was captured first by the illustrations, and then he began to read the stories that
dealt with magic , and then the others; and those he liked he read again and again. He
could think of nothing else. Insensibly he formed the most delightful habit in the world
, the habit of reading: he did not know that thus he was providing himself with a refuge
from all the distress of life; he did not know either that he was creating for himself an
unreal world which would make the real world of every day a source of bitter disappointment.
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2019/04/07(日) 23:38:51.76ID:2Ez7L2zh
It is when Parliament is not sitting that the papers are most interesting to read. I
have found an item of news today which would never have been given publicity in
the busy times, and it has moved me strangely. Here it s, backed by the authority of Dr.
C, Mitchell. “The caterpillar of the puss-moth, not satisfied with Nature’s provisions for
its safety, makes faces at young birds, and is said to alarm them considerably.” I like that
“is said to.” was alarmed, and would explain that he was only going away because he
Suddenly remembered that he had an engagement on the croquet lawn, or that he had
Forgotten an umbrella. But whether he alarms them or not, the fact remains that the
caterpillar of the puss-moth does make faces at young birds
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2019/04/07(日) 23:39:09.44ID:2Ez7L2zh
I once made a speech over the radio and, when I entered the studio, I was surprised
to see about fifteen people of assorted ages and dresses sitting very grimly over against
the wall. I thought at first that they constituted some choir or team of bell ringers who
were going to follow me on the program, but the announcer told me that they were my
audience and that, whenever he gave the signal, they would burst into laughter and
applause so that my larger audience in radioland would think that they were listening
in on a wow. All that this did was to make me nervous. Furthermore, I could feel that my
professional laughters had taken an immediate and instinctive dislike to me.
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2019/04/08(月) 12:21:02.46ID:w68MtYMP
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2019/04/08(月) 12:22:55.18ID:jTBAYJZl
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2019/04/08(月) 19:20:05.45ID:w68MtYMP
I never move without a plentiful supply of optical glass. A pair of spectacles for reading,
a pair for long range, with a couple of monocles in reserve―these go with me everywhere.
To break all these , it would need an earthquake or railway accident. And absence of
mind would have to be carried to idiocy before they could all be lost. Moreover, there is
a further safety in a numerous supply: matter, who can doubt it? is not neutral, as the
men of science falsely teach, but slightly malignant on the side of the devils against us.
This being so, one pair of spectacles must inevitably break or lose itself, just when you
can least afford to do without and are least able to when a pair replace it. But inanimate
matter, so called, is no fool; and when a pair of spectacles realizes that you carry two or
three other pairs in your pockets and suit-cases, it will understand that the game is
hopeless and, so far from deliberately smashing or losing itself, will take pains to remain
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2019/04/08(月) 19:20:55.95ID:w68MtYMP
Of the fact that it takes all sorts to make a world I have been aware ever since I could
read. But proverbs are always commonplaces until you have personally experienced the
truth of them. To realize that is takes all sorts to make a world one must have seen a
certain number of the sorts with one’s own eyes. Having seen them and having in this
way acquired an intimate realization of the truth of the proverb, one finds it hard to go
on believing rational and right. This conviction of man’s diversity must find its moral
expression in the practice of the completest possible tolerance.
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2019/04/08(月) 19:21:13.67ID:w68MtYMP
A male servant long in my house seemed to me the happiest of mortals. He laughed
invariably when spoken to, looked always delighted at work, appeared to know nothing
of the small troubles of life. But one day I peeped at him when he thought himself quite
alone and his relaxed face startled me. It was not the face I had known. Hard lines of
pain and anger appeared in it, making it seem twenty years older. I coughed gently to
announce my presence. At once the face smoothed, softened, lighted up as by a miracle
of rejuvenation. Miracle, indeed, of perpetual unselfish self-control.
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2019/04/08(月) 19:21:39.33ID:w68MtYMP
The only useful knowledge is that which teaches us how to seek what is good and avoid
what is evil; in short, how to increase the sum of human happiness. This is the great end: it maybe well or ill pursued, but that knowledge can be an enemy to happiness is to say
that men will enjoy less happiness, when they know how to seek it, than when they do
not. The reasoning is on a par with that of any one who should refuse when asked to
point out the road to York, saying that this inquirer would have a much better chance of
reaching York without direction than with it.
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2019/04/08(月) 19:25:08.95ID:w68MtYMP
How strange it was that the creative instinct should seize upon this dull stockbroker, to
his own ruin, perhaps; and to the misfortune of such as were dependent on him, and yet
no stranger than the way in which the spirit of God has seized men, powerful and rich,
pursuing them with stubborn vigilance till at last, conquered, they have abandoned the
joy of the world and the love of women for the painful austerities of the cloister.
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2019/04/08(月) 19:25:38.60ID:w68MtYMP
Of him they took but little notice. He might have been a log of wood lying there at Miss
Barrett’s feet for all the attention Mr. Browning paid him. Sometimes he scrubbed his
head in a brisk, spasmodic way, energetically, without sentiment, as he passed him.
Whatever that scrub might mean, Flush felt nothing but an intense dislike for Mr.
Browning. The very sight of him set his teeth on edge. Oh! to let them meet sharply,
completely in the stuff of his trousers! And yet he dared not.
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2019/04/08(月) 19:26:41.88ID:w68MtYMP
It always is wretched weather, according to us. The weather is like the Government,
always in the wrong. If it is fine, we say the country is being ruined for want of rain; if
it does rain, we pray for fine weather. If December passes without snow, we indignantly
demand to know what has become of our good old-fashioned winters, and talk as if we
had been cheated out of something we had bought and paid for; and when it does snow,
our language content until each man makes his own weather, and keeps it to himself.
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2019/04/08(月) 19:28:13.36ID:w68MtYMP
There is, I am told, no greater happiness known on earth than that of a father who, after
a party to which his children’s school friends have been invited, can lie back in his chair
and tell himself that he did not behave so badly after all. It is always pleasant to pass
an examination, but there is no examination which it is more blessed relief to pass than
an examination by one’s children’s friends. Fathers have told me of the nervousness they
have seen in their children on such occasions―of the impatient expression they have
observed on the little face that, at a joke that has no point, tells them of the silent
soliloquy: “Daddy being silly again!”
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2019/04/09(火) 07:12:56.80ID:eD3O9DRr
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2019/04/09(火) 12:29:37.64ID:eD3O9DRr
The interest of the gods in human affairs is keen, and on the whole beneficent; but they
become angry if neglected, and punish rather the first they come upon than the actual
person who has offended them; their fury being blind when it is raised, though never
raised without reason. They will not punish with any less severity when people sin
against them from ignorance and without the chance of having had knowledge ; they will
take no excuses of this kind, but are even as the law, which assumes itself to be known
to every one.
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