ハーバード 成績がいいだけのアジア系アメリカ人は認めない
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2019/03/19(火) 21:05:10.06ID:GqkA4BgV
Wang(中国系、Williams College卒業)
Wang, the son of Chinese immigrants, had an SAT score of 2230 (out of a possible 2400)
and a 4.67 weighted GPA when he was waitlisted, and then rejected,
by Harvard and other Ivy League schools in 2013.
He believes that was because of his race.

Diep (ロスで差別にあったベトナム人、両親は大学にいってない)
His SAT score of 2060 out of 2400 was described in an alumni interview report
as “on the lower end of the Harvard average,”
but the interviewer also highlighted his “perfect grades” and gave him
a high rating for personal qualities.

Harvard data released as part of the lawsuit showed that
admitted Asian-American students have a higher average SAT score
and lower rate of admission than any other racial group.
It also revealed that Asian-Americans would make up 43% of Harvard’s admitted class
if only academics were considered.

Harvard has defended the importance of an admissions process that considers more than test scores and grades

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2019/03/19(火) 21:22:16.29ID:kzZypN5o

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2019/03/19(火) 21:30:38.12ID:6q9gDX6e
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2019/03/19(火) 21:32:31.55ID:GqkA4BgV
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2019/03/19(火) 21:51:05.20ID:IeHU3obO
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2019/03/19(火) 21:55:06.03ID:/vn74GqA
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2019/03/19(火) 22:25:16.12ID:BumSEIvj
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2019/03/19(火) 22:28:08.11ID:mNLqGIvf
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2019/03/19(火) 22:35:50.80ID:MGqXfcNK
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2019/03/20(水) 23:39:49.66ID:2mngGyjT
Give me a little more water, please.
I'll come to your house at once.
Tom struck me on the head.
Mary went upstairs to Paul's room.
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
You should give your seats when elderly people.
Change this train here for Keio Line.
Which station must I get off to change for Hibiya Subway Line?
Tom is a very boring young man.
Mary is an exciting singer.
Mary cannot fall asleep easily, because she is too excited about the athletic meet tomorrow.
I'm bored.
The speech was boring, but the audience were all patient.
If you are kind now, people will be kind to you some day.
You will know how unpopular I was by the fact that they have not yet given me even a name.
Be quiet.
Where is her book?
What a fine boss he is! He always shifts the responsibility to me.
Professor Smith (later President) of Princeton University.
He makes quite a few mistakes in his talk.
Look out! A car is coming.
The old man has kicked the bucket.
I emigrated, you know.
My dear lady, we've had the biggest crowd in years.
What he is is not what he appears to be.
The parents can test their son's patience.
On my entrance into the room, the students stopped chattering.
I couldn't love you more.
I've never seen a more attractive dog.
The omission of my name from the list is intentional.
The memory of my dog makes me happy.
I can talk to her with the familiarity of an old friend.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Maybe we'll die tomorrow.
Your lecture was quite interesting.
I could not sleep well last night.
I know Tom is an honest man.
The graduate from West Point was delighted to see the big crowd.
I would give my right hand to write like Thomas Hardy.
I'll be damned if the rumor is true.
You cannot eat the cake and have it.
A little more patience, and we will finish the job before six o'clock.
Tom's love of his mother was really touching.
She believes in the existence of ghosts.
Panda. Eats, Shoots&Leaves.
The Novel Prize which I received this year is a great honor.
As soon as she saw Tom this morning, Mary ran up to him and struck him on the head.
He had kicked her little brother yesterday.
The words made Jim happy, but Barbara angry.
It would be stupid to give up such a good plan.
To hear her talk, everyone would take her for an American.
His father's sudden death forced John to give up his dream.
Could you tall me the way to the post-office?
Please come here at once.
I should think you are a bit careless.
If the present president was banished, it was argued, this country would become
a paradise for all the people.
It wouldn't find anything there.
For my sister.
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2019/03/21(木) 01:17:05.02ID:OwObQFn6
His insolence was enough to try the patience of a saint.
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