ガチで上智と明治どっちに行ったらいいの? Part.2 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

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2017/07/31(月) 20:22:25.06ID:7sizPPu3
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2017/07/31(月) 20:40:45.56ID:ijjzoQHB
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2017/07/31(月) 21:42:00.44ID:eqbBOOlm

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2017/07/31(月) 21:44:49.13ID:G4lrWJoT
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2017/07/31(月) 21:49:19.22ID:9wVQkxVd
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2017/07/31(月) 21:57:54.63ID:Dc2TyGVQ
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2017/07/31(月) 22:03:29.73ID:5d/zMnO2
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2017/07/31(月) 22:44:01.39ID:g2sRDID2
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2017/08/01(火) 00:22:25.29ID:lGptNWwj
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2017/08/01(火) 01:09:35.35ID:BTobDakU
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2017/08/01(火) 01:30:47.64ID:s/9+6/O5
Азыр мен Afikasu, мен жашап, эч нерсе "сен толугу менен,
адамга жараша, же жок экенин так адам
урандылардын сыяктуу иштерди эмес, кереги жок кыл
Же көз каранды адамдар Tteyuu ал бул учурда
эмес экенин кечиресиз,
мен үн көз каранды жашоо кызык эле кызыктуу
эмесмин, мен Toka өзүң жок деп айта алам?
 Чынында, мен anything'm туулган эмес, гу балдар сыяктуу эч качан,
атүгүл расасына мааниси Afikasu жашап жатат,
же болбосо өз нерсе адат башкалардын ага кандай мамиле
жаман үстүнөн сезилип турат жана кайра да мен,
мен дагы деле Tteyuu таандыгы боюнча баасы
жарыштан бир түрү болуп калдым окшойт анын төмөн абалда турарын
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2017/08/01(火) 01:32:06.42ID:DdHULJ+E
билдирбейт төрөлгөн төмөн дегенди билдирет
 Ошондуктан, мисалы, ой сен деп аталган майыптыгы сиздин own'm боюнча алышты да
иштей албайм,
жаккан жок, кайгылуу капалуу болуп жашаган
артык эч нерсе жок
Ошондой эле кызыксыз адам катары берээр
эле болот,
баары бир мен сөзсүз болуп калышынын
сыяктуу азап Сиз эрте жашынан,
башкаларга көз каранды керек
Боорукер жана ал жерде жаштар оорусу да
ушундай мен жакында оору, ушундай тукумунан Сулайман ойлонуп баштап келе
жаткан, Сулаймандын сыныктары,
ден соолугунун мүмкүнчүлүктөрү чектелүү
адамдардын жакшылык Сулайман болушу
күнөөлүү боло бербейт
 да болсун ушундай келген жок, Мен, адатта,
же "Көчүрүү блог менен бирге акча табыш үчүн
жана элдин маек кой."
деп ойлобойм
Бирок Toka байыркы жолу бар-жылдан бери
Жапониянын өлчөмү ушундай эмес,
башкалардын, нияга сумо алып, күтүлгөн чыскаалы башкалардын сүйлөшүүдө акча үчүн
 Thats Toka: "Сен да жазылган эмес болсо,
кайра басылып мындай деп тыюу суу-РЕЛИЗ:"
мүмкүн айылынын ниндзя боюнча жаңы tọka
анын tọka Жакында кандай эрежелер Мына,
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2017/08/01(火) 01:33:15.80ID:zQeMxZ4p
Nu heb ik Afikasu, ik heb niets, "je bent vol, is er, volgens de persoon, of mensen die niet willen, niet
de ruïnes niet nodig
Tteyuu mensen die afhankelijk zijn, in dit geval, of
dat hij geen spijt was, ik ben niet afhankelijk van
geluid vreemd, interessant, ik denk niet Toka zegt u?
In feite was ik niet geboren anything'm gu
betekenis als kinderen die nog nooit racen Afikasu
behandel hem iets, of anderen
Er is voorbij en ik ben verkeerd, ik denk nog steeds
dat ik in een soort Tteyuu gezindheid, ras betekent
een lage gemiddelde minderwaardigheid geboren
Dus, bijvoorbeeld, heb je een handicap, kan niet
werken op uw own'm niet bevalt, is er niets beter
dan leven in een tragisch en verdrietig
Evenals een saai persoon die niet zou willen zijn
als, maar ik zal zeker lijden aan een vroege leeftijd,
moet je afhankelijk van anderen
Compassionate, en hij is ook een plek waar jong
en ik onlangs uit het huis, dus hij dacht, Solomon
puin, goed voor mensen met een handicap kunnen
niet kwalijk Solomon
Hoewel ik niet wilde, meestal, of "Copy om geld te
verdienen met een blog en zet mensen om te
interviewen." Ik denk niet dat
Toka, echter, sinds de oudheid in Japan, sumo
worstelaars, niet de grootte van de andere landen,
Albanië en de verwachte gesprekken çıskaalı
anderen, niet voor het geld
Thats Toka: "Als je niet hebt geschreven, kan
worden toegestaan ​​om te worden afgedrukt
RELEASE:" nieuw dorp ninja TOKA zijn reglement
door toka Onlangs,
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2017/08/01(火) 01:35:39.85ID:KmM9DMtZ
Sekarang saya Afikasu, saya tidak ada, "Anda penuh, ada, menurut orang, atau orang tidak suka,
tidak perlu reruntuhan
orang Tteyuu yang bergantung pada itu, dalam hal
ini, atau bahwa ia tidak menyesal, aku tidak tergantung pada suara aneh, menarik, saya tidak
Toka Anda katakan?
Bahkan, saya tidak dilahirkan anything'm gu makna
seperti anak-anak yang bahkan tidak pernah balapan Afikasu memperlakukan dia apa-apa, atau
orang lain
Ada lebih dan saya salah, saya masih berpikir aku
di semacam Tteyuu afiliasi, ras berarti rendah diri
berarti rendah lahir
Jadi, misalnya, Anda memiliki cacat, tidak bisa
bekerja pada own'm Anda tidak menyukainya, ada
yang lebih baik daripada hidup dalam tragis dan
Serta orang yang membosankan tidak ingin
menjadi seperti, tapi saya pasti akan menderita
dari usia dini, Anda perlu tergantung pada orang
Penuh kasih, dan ia juga adalah tempat di mana
muda dan saya baru-baru datang dari rumah, jadi
dia berpikir, puing-puing Solomon, baik untuk
orang-orang cacat tidak bisa menyalahkan
Meskipun saya tidak ingin, biasanya, atau "Copy
untuk mendapatkan uang dengan blog dan
menempatkan orang-orang untuk wawancara." Saya tidak berpikir
Toka, namun, sejak zaman kuno di Jepang, pegulat
sumo, bukan ukuran yang lain, Albania dan
diharapkan pembicaraan çıskaalı orang lain, bukan
untuk uang
Thats di Toka: "Jika Anda tidak menulis, bisa
dibiarkan akan dicetak RELEASE:" Ninja desa baru
Toka aturan oleh Toka Baru-baru ini,
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2017/08/01(火) 01:38:06.81ID:zONeXTb6
Теперь я Afikasu, я ничего не имею, «вы сыты,
есть, по мнению человека, или люди не любят, не нужны руины
Tteyuu люди, которые зависят от нее, в этом
случае, или что он не жалел, я не зависит от
звука странно, интересно, я не Тока вы говорите?
На самом деле, я не был рожден anything'm гу
смысла, как дети, которые никогда даже не мчаться Afikasu относиться к нему что-нибудь,
или другим
Существует более, и я не прав, я до сих пор
думаю, что я нахожусь в каком-то Tteyuu принадлежности, расы означает низкий
средний неполноценность рожденного
Так, например, у вас есть инвалидность, может
не работать на вашем own'm не нравится, нет
ничего лучше, чем жить в трагическое и печальное
Так же как и скучный человек не хотел бы быть
похожим, но я, безусловно, буду страдать от
раннего возраста, вы должны зависеть от других
Милосердный, и он также является местом, где
молодые и я недавно приходит из дома, он так
думал, Соломон мусор, хорошо для людей с
ограниченными возможностями не могут винить Соломона
Несмотря на то, что я не хочу, как правило, или
«Копировать, чтобы заработать деньги с помощью блога и поставить людей на
интервью.» Я не думаю,
Тока, однако, начиная с древних времен в
Японии, борцы сумо, а не размер других,
Албания и ожидаемые переговоры çıskaalı
другим, а не за деньги
То Ток: «Если вы не написали, может быть
разрешен печататься RELEASE:» новая деревня ниндзя Токе его правил Тока Недавно,
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2017/08/01(火) 01:39:30.45ID:jtF+EShS

Теперь я Afikasu, я ничего не имею, «вы сыты,
есть, по мнению человека, или люди не любят, не нужны руины
Tteyuu люди, которые зависят от нее, в этом
случае, или что он не жалел, я не зависит от
звука странно, интересно, я не Тока вы говорите?
На самом деле, я не был рожден anything'm гу
смысла, как дети, которые никогда даже не мчаться Afikasu относиться к нему что-нибудь,
или другим
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2017/08/01(火) 01:42:48.53ID:silZ4R4T

Ngoku Afikasu, Ingaba abonwabisi, akakwazi
ukwenza nto 's wena ngokupheleleyo, ngokuxhomekeke umntu, okanye ukuba ncam into
efana ubutyobo abantu
Okanye abantu abaxhomekeke ezi Tteyuu izandi
abaxhomekeke ubomi fun mna mnandi nje
ukuzithethelela ukuba ayikho kulo mzekelo ndithi Toka ngokwakho akukho?
 Nyhani musa azalwe anything'm ngokwam, guys
heyi like nkqu intsingiselo nangobuhlanga
ephilileyo Afikasu, okanye enye ukuluphatha into yabo abo umkhwa abanye
Nangona embi kubonakala ukuba ngokuphindaphindiweyo Ndithetha nganeno
Ndazalelwa Ndithetha kwabuya endicinga ndiseyilaa uhlobo mncane uhlanga of Tteyuu
asebenza khona
 Ngoko ke, akukho ukukhubazeka kusini njenge
buhlungu buhlungu akafani iingcamango musa imali njengokuba uyamkelayo kwi own'm yakho-kuthiwa ukukhubazeka
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2017/08/01(火) 01:44:14.92ID:ueqKlSby

Kananjalo kufuneka rephrased njengabantu
uyadika, mna kunjalo ngokuqinisekileyo ubunzima
njengomlambo ukusilela ukwenza kufuneka ixhomekeke kwabanye esemncinane
A hlobo kwaye alikwazi ukufaka ityala apho
kubekho isifo ulutsha kwakhona uSolomon ukuba uhlobo Ndiye ndizame uqale ukucinga ukugula
lwakutshanje, uSolomon ukuba uhlobo uhlanga, ubutyobo yekaSolomon, izinto uhlobo lwabantu
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2017/08/01(火) 01:46:14.83ID:V90BQ/Ci

Kananjalo kufuneka rephrased njengabantu
uyadika, mna kunjalo ngokuqinisekileyo ubunzima
njengomlambo ukusilela ukwenza kufuneka ixhomekeke kwabanye esemncinane
A hlobo kwaye alikwazi ukufaka ityala apho
kubekho isifo ulutsha kwakhona uSolomon ukuba uhlobo Ndiye ndizame uqale ukucinga ukugula
lwakutshanje, uSolomon ukuba uhlobo uhlanga, ubutyobo yekaSolomon, izinto uhlobo lwabantu
 Akayi kunyuka loo hlobo ukuba ngokunjalo, andiqondi ukuba ngokwesiqhelo okanye "ukwenza imali kunye ukuze ibhlogi Khuphela nokuncamathisela incoko yabantu."
Kodwa Japan ukususela kumaxesha amandulo apho Toka uthabathe sumo kwi umbhinqo zabanye, hayi loo hlobo icala, ayikho na ezilindelekileyo Toka ekwenzeni imali kwincoko
 Thats akwazi Toka "Ukuba sele ebhaliwe nokuba
kuthiwa bathi Release eka amanzi akuvumelekanga:" Khangela kutshanje koko
imithetho ezintsha Toka kaThixo Toka ngayo ninja le lali
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2017/08/01(火) 01:51:20.90ID:cDjuxkJn

Jetzt Afikasu mich, dass ich nicht zu leben lohnt,
kann nichts tun ‚s in voller Höhe selbst, abhängig
von der Person, oder nicht, dass genau das, was
wie ein menschliches Schutt
Oder abhängigen Menschen sind Tteyuu die
Klänge abhängig Leben Spaß, den ich einfach nur Spaß bin zu entschuldigen, dass er nicht in diesem
Fall sagen, dass ich Toka selbst gibt es keine?
 Wirklich nicht geboren anything'm mich, nicht
wahr Jungs wie noch nie die Bedeutung von Rasse
lebt, dass Afikasu, sonst behandeln es als ihr
eigenes Ding die der Gewohnheit andere
Obwohl die schlechte scheint vorbei zu sein und
immer wieder meine ich minderwertig geboren ich
Minderwertigkeits bedeuten, dass ich glaube, ich
bin immer noch eine Art Minderwertigkeitsrasse Tteyuu Zugehörigkeit
 So gibt es keine Behinderung lebenswert wie ein
sad sad nicht wie solche Ideen nicht verdienen,
auch wenn Sie auf Ihrer own'm verdienen so genannte Behinderung
Es kann auch als langweilig Menschen
umformuliert werden, jedenfalls habe ich
sicherlich leiden gewesen wie ein Versager in tun
Sie auf andere von einem frühen Alter abhängen
Eine Art, und es kann nicht eine Jugend Krankheit
auch schuld sein, diese Art mon Ich habe kürzlich
Krankheit zu denken, wurde ausgehend, mon
diese Art von Rennen, mon die Trümmer, Dinge,
die Art von Menschen mit Behinderungen
 Wird nicht kommen diese Art bis sogar so zu sein,
ich glaube nicht normal oder „Geld zu machen
zusammen Bloggen und das Gespräch der Menschen einfügen.“
Aber in Japan seit der Antike dort nehmen Toka
die Sumo im Lendenschurz von anderen, nicht
diese Art von Dimension ist, nicht im erwarteten
Toka zum Geld verdienen im Gespräch anderer
 Das ist, könnte Toka „Wenn Sie nicht einmal
geschrieben haben soll Nachdruck verboten
Wasser Release sagen:“ Schau kürzlich in was
Toka des Toka des neuen Regeln des Ninja des Dorfes
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2017/08/01(火) 01:57:26.14ID:Tp+9FNEN

Nu heb ik Afikasu, ik heb niets, "je bent vol, is er, volgens de persoon, of mensen die niet willen, niet
de ruïnes niet nodig
Tteyuu mensen die afhankelijk zijn, in dit geval, of
dat hij geen spijt was, ik ben niet afhankelijk van
geluid vreemd, interessant, ik denk niet Toka zegt u?
In feite was ik niet geboren anything'm gu
betekenis als kinderen die nog nooit racen Afikasu
behandel hem iets, of anderen
Er is voorbij en ik ben verkeerd, ik denk nog steeds
dat ik in een soort Tteyuu gezindheid, ras betekent
een lage gemiddelde minderwaardigheid geboren
Dus, bijvoorbeeld, heb je een handicap, kan niet
werken op uw own'm niet bevalt, is er niets beter
dan leven in een tragisch en verdrietig
Evenals een saai persoon die niet zou willen zijn
als, maar ik zal zeker lijden aan een vroege leeftijd,
moet je afhankelijk van anderen
Compassionate, en hij is ook een plek waar jong
en ik onlangs uit het huis, dus hij dacht, Solomon
puin, goed voor mensen met een handicap kunnen
niet kwalijk Solomon
Hoewel ik niet wilde, meestal, of "Copy om geld te
verdienen met een blog en zet mensen om te
interviewen." Ik denk niet dat
Toka, echter, sinds de oudheid in Japan, sumo
worstelaars, niet de grootte van de andere landen,
Albanië en de verwachte gesprekken çıskaalı
anderen, niet voor het geld
Thats Toka: "Als je niet hebt geschreven, kan
worden toegestaan ​​om te worden afgedrukt
RELEASE:" nieuw dorp ninja TOKA zijn reglement
door toka Onlangs,
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2017/08/01(火) 01:58:08.46ID:eSvIoYC1

U erda biz masala bor yoki yo'qligini so'rasalar jalb ikki xil savollar, va u toza tutish uchun muhim ahamiyatga ega.
Biz, odatda, "aql", biz kabi istilochi makon deb o'ylayman va har qanday fikrlash yoki fikr tubdan ojiz narsa zid "nazar" nimadir deb nomlangan.
Bu Berkeley nazar inkor ma'nosida asosan hisoblanadi; Bu, u, biz, stol bir belgisi sifatida olib oddiy his ma'lumotlar aslida biz mustaqil narsaning belgisi ekanini inkor qiladi
Lekin u, bu, deb ba'zi yodda hordiq bir fikr yoki fikr emas, ruhiy emas bir narsa, deb rad etdi.
U narsa bo'lishi kerak, deb tan
Biz xonani tark yoki ko'zlarini yumib qachon mavjud davom etmoqda qaysi,
Va biz ko'rib ataydigan stol aslida bizga nimadir ishonish uchun bir sabab beradi
Biz uni ko'rmayapman qachon qaysi hatto bardavom.
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2017/08/01(火) 02:03:39.13ID:P5t27EvX
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2017/08/01(火) 02:15:43.40ID:DaMwUCSd
Ci sono due questioni diverse quando si chiede se
la materia esiste e che sia importante mantenerli
Noi comunemente intendiamo per "materia"
qualcosa che si oppone alla "mente", qualcosa che
pensiamo a occupare lo spazio e radicalmente
incapace di qualsiasi pensiero o coscienza.
È principalmente in questo senso che Berkeley
nega la materia; Vale a dire, non nega che i dati di
senso che comunemente prendiamo come segni
dell'esistenza della tavola sono veramente segni
dell'esistenza di qualcosa di indipendente da noi,
Ma nega che questa cosa sia non mentale, che
non sia né mente né idee intrattenute da alcuna
Ammette che ci deve essere qualcosa
Che continua ad esistere quando usciamo dalla
stanza o chiudiamo gli occhi,
E che quello che chiamiamo vedendo la tavola ci
dà ragione di credere in qualcosa
Che persiste anche quando non lo vediamo.
Ma pensa che questo qualcosa non possa essere
radicalmente diverso dalla natura da quello che
vediamo e non può essere indipendente dal
vedere altrove, anche se deve essere indipendente
dal nostro vedere.
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2017/08/01(火) 02:16:21.31ID:CFoaKl2N
Il y a deux questions différentes lorsque nous demandons si la matière existe et il est important
de les tenir au clair.
Nous entendons communément par «matière»
quelque chose qui s'oppose à «l'esprit»,
ce que nous considérons comme occupant
l'espace et aussi radicalement incapable de toute
sorte de pensée ou de conscience.
C'est principalement dans ce sens que Berkeley
nie la matière; C'est-à-dire, il ne nie pas que les
données sensorielles que nous prenons
habituellement comme signes de l'existence de la
table sont vraiment des
signes de l'existence de quelque chose
d'indépendant de nous, mais il nie que ce soit
quelque chose de non mental, que Ce n'est ni l'esprit ni les idées entretenues par un esprit.
Il admet qu'il doit y avoir quelque chose qui
continue d'exister lorsque nous sortons de la
pièce ou fermes les yeux, et que ce que nous appelons voir la table
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2017/08/01(火) 02:16:40.80ID:l/7eyJXu
Il y a deux questions différentes lorsque nous demandons si la matière existe et il est important
de les tenir au clair.
Nous entendons communément par «matière»
quelque chose qui s'oppose à «l'esprit»,
ce que nous considérons comme occupant
l'espace et aussi radicalement incapable de toute
sorte de pensée ou de conscience.
C'est principalement dans ce sens que Berkeley
nie la matière; C'est-à-dire, il ne nie pas que les
données sensorielles que nous prenons
habituellement comme signes de l'existence de la
table sont vraiment des
signes de l'existence de quelque chose
d'indépendant de nous, mais il nie que ce soit
quelque chose de non mental, que Ce n'est ni l'esprit ni les idées entretenues par un esprit.
Il admet qu'il doit y avoir quelque chose qui
continue d'exister lorsque nous sortons de la
pièce ou fermes les yeux, et que ce que nous appelons voir la table
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2017/08/01(火) 02:17:12.81ID:1di0pqnX
Daar is twee verskillende vrae wanneer ons vra of daar
saak bestaan, en dit is belangrik om dit duidelik te hou.
Ons bedoel gewoonlik deur middel van iets wat teen
"verstand" gekant is, iets wat ons as ruimte besig hou en
so radikaal onbevoeg is vir enige vorm van gedagtes of
Dit is hoofsaaklik in hierdie sin dat Berkeley saak weier;
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2017/08/01(火) 02:23:38.48ID:PrKRfzCW
baby black's
been had
ain't bad
chicken shacked
dressed in black
silver monkey
on her back
mammy ma
juiced pa
between the law
brothers ten
ditch dug
firescaped an substroked
baby black
hits back
robs, pawns
lives by trade
sits an waits on fire plug
digs the heat
eyes meet
picket line
across the street
head rings
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2017/08/01(火) 02:27:21.59ID:i5PAN2Ye
of bed springs
freedom's holler
you ask of order
she'd hock
the world
for a dollar an a quarter
baby black
dressed in black
funny sack
about t' crack
been gone
carry on
i'm givin you
myself t pawn
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2017/08/01(火) 02:46:20.07ID:k7qeL5Cj
for françoise hardy
at the saine's edge
a giant shadow
of notre dame
seeks t grab my foot
sorbonne students
whirl by on thin bicycles
swirl in' lifelike colors of leather spin
the breeze yawns food
far from the bellies
or erhard meetin johnson
piles of lovers
lay themselves on their books. boats.
old men
clothed in curly mustaches
float on the benches
blankets of tourist
in bright red nylon shirts
with straw hats of ambassadors
(cannot hear nixon's
dawg bark now)
will sail away
as the sun goes down
the doors of the river are open
i must remember that
i too play the guitar
it's easy t stand here
more lovers pass
on motorcycles
roped together
from the walls of the water then
i look across t what they call
the right bank
an envy
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2017/08/01(火) 02:53:54.43ID:YQBeXPY4
“i could make you crawl
if I was payin attention”
he said munchin a sandwich
in between chess moves
“what d you wanna make
me crawl for?”
“i mean i just could”
“could make me crawl”
“yeah, make you crawl!”
“humm, funny guy you are”
“no, i just play t win,
that’s all”
“well if you cant win me,
then you’re the worst player
i ever played”
“what d you mean?”
his jaw tightened an he took a deep breath
“hummm, now i gotta beat you”

straight away an into the ring
juno takes twenty pills an
pants all day. life he says
is a head kinda thing, outside
of chicago, private life come down
junkie nurse home heals countless
common housewives strung out
fully on drugstore dope, legally
sold t help clean the kitchen.
lenny bruce shows his seventh
avenue hand-made movies, while a
bunch of women sneak little white
tablets into shoes, stockings, hats
an other hidin places. newspapers
tell neither. irma goes t israel
an writes me that there, they
hate nazis much more n we over here
do. eichmann dies yes, an west
germany sends eighty-year-old
pruned-out gestapo hermit off t
the penitentiary. in east berlin
renata tells me that i must wear
tie t get in t this certain place
i wanna go. back here, literate
old man with rebel flag above
home sweet home sign says he won’t
vote for goldwater. “talks too
much, should keep his mouth shut”
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2017/08/01(火) 02:56:17.97ID:L49aiB79
i walk between backyards an see
little boy with feather in his hair
lyin dead on the grass, he gets
up an’ hands feather t another
little boy who immediately falls
down. “it’s my turn t be the good
guy . . . take that, redskin” bang bang.
henry miller stands on other side
of ping pong table an keeps
talkin about me. “did you ask
the poet fellow if he wants
something t drink” he says t
someone gettin all the drinks.
i drop my ping pong paddle
an look at the pool. my worst
enemies don’t even put me down
in such a mysterious way.
college student trails me with microphone an tape machine.
what d you think a the communist
party? what communist party?
he rattles off names an numbers.
he can’t answer my question. he
tries harder. i say “you don’t
have t answer my question” he
gets all squishy. i say
there’s no answer t my question
any more n there’s an answer t
your question. ferris wheel runs
in california park an the sky trembles.
turns red. above hiccups an pointed
fingers. i tell reporter lady that yes
i’m monstrously against the house
unamerican activities commitee
an also the cia an i beg her please
not t ask me why for it would take
too long t tell she asks me about
humanity an i say i’m not sure
what that word means. she wants me
t say what she wants me t say. she
wants me t say what she
can understand. a loose-tempered fat
man in borrowed stomach slams wife
in the face an rushes off t civil
rights meeting. while some strange
girl chases me up smoky mountain
tryin t find out what sign i am.
i take allen ginsberg t meet fantastic
great beautiful artists an no trespassin
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2017/08/01(火) 02:57:02.65ID:IxFEK4r/
boards block up all there is t see.
eviction. infection gangrene an
atomic bombs. both ends exist only
because there is someone who wants
profit. boy loses eyesight. becomes
airplane pilot. people pound their
chests an other people’s chests an
interpret bibles t suit their
own means. respect is just a misinterpreted word
an if Jesus Christ himself came
down through these streets, Christianity
would start all over again. standin
on the stage of all ground, insects
play in their own world. snakes
slide through the weeds. ants come an
go through the grass. turtles an lizards
make their way through the sand. everything
crawls. everything . . .
an everything still crawls
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2017/08/01(火) 03:01:28.60ID:FkUe/nz3
jack o’diamonds
jack o’diamonds
one-eyed knave
on the move
hits the street
sneaks, leaps
between pillars of chips
springs on them like samson
thumps thumps
is on the prowl
you’ll only lose
shouldn’t stay
jack o’diamonds
is a hard card t play
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2017/08/01(火) 03:01:54.67ID:8IGLUDTZ
jack o’diamonds
wrecked my hand
left me here t stand
little tin men play
their drums now
upside my head
in the midst of cheers
four queens
with pawed out hearts
make believe
they’re still good
but i should drop
an dean martin should apologize
t the rolling stones
ho hum
weird tablestakes
young babies horseback ride
their fathers’ necks
two dudes in hopped-up ford
for the tenth time
have rolled through town
it’s your turn baby t
cut the deck
on you’re goin under
stayed too long
chinese gong
down the way
says jack o’diamonds
(a high card)
jack o’diamonds
(but ain’t high enough)
jack o’diamonds
is a hard card t play
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2017/08/01(火) 03:02:34.70ID:8IGLUDTZ
jack o’diamonds used t laugh at me
now wants t collect from me
used t be ashamed of me
now wants t walk long side of me
jack o’diamonds
one-armed prince
wears but a single glove
as he shoves
never loves
the moon’s too bright
as he’s fixed mirrors
round the room at night
it’s hard t think
there’s probably somethin
in my drink
should pour it out
inside the sink
would throw it in his face
but it’d do no good
give no gain
just leave a stain
jack o’diamonds
an all his crap
needs some acid
in his lap
what hour now
it feels late somehow
my hounddog bays
need more ashtrays
i can’t even remember
the early days
please don’t stay
gather your bells an go
jack o’diamonds
(can open for riches)
jack o’diamonds
(but then it switches)
a colorful picture but
beats only the ten
jack o’diamonds
is a hard card t play
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2017/08/01(火) 03:03:01.96ID:mRx/cZKA
jack o’diamonds stays indoors
wants me t fight his wars
jack o’diamonds is a hard card t play
never certain. in the middle
commentin’ on the songs of birds
chucklin at screamin’ mothers
jack o’diamonds drains
fish brains
raffles what’s left over
across the table
t little boy card sharks
who just sat down
t get off their feet
back luck run’s all in fun
it’s your choice. your voice
you choose
you lose
run for cover
you choose t lose
take yourself
jack o’diamonds
(a king’s death)
jack o’diamonds
(at the ace’s breath)
jack o’diamonds
is a hard card t play
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2017/08/01(火) 04:14:51.68ID:G3IBpBBX
run go get out of here
leave joshua
go fit your battle
do your thing
i lost my glasses
cant see jericho
the wind is tyin knots
in my hair
nothin seems
t be straight
out there
no i shant go with you
i cant go with you
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2017/08/01(火) 04:19:31.00ID:eu25jp0s
on the brooklyn bridge
he was cockeyed
an’ stood on the edge
there was a priest talkin to him
i was shiftin myself around
so i could see from all sides
in an out of stretched necks
an things
cops held people back
the lady in back of me
burst into my groin
“sick sick some are so sick”
like a circus trapeze act
“oh i hope he dont do it”
he was on the other side of the railin
both eyes fiery wide
wet with sweat
the mouth of a shark
rolled up soiled sleeves
his arms were thick an tattooed
an’ he wore a silver watch
i could tell at a glance
he was uselessly lonely
i couldnt stay an look at him
i couldnt stay an look at him
because i suddenly realized that
deep in my heart
i really wanted
t see him jump
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2017/08/01(火) 04:25:14.79ID:MGtTd92D
(a mob. each member knowin’
that they all know an’ see the same thing
they have the same thing in common.
can stare at each other in total blankness
they do not have t’ speak an’ not feel guilty
about havin’ nothing t’ say. everyday boredom
soaked by the temporary happiness
of that their search is finally over
for findin’ a way t’ communicate a leech cookout
giant cop out. all mobs i would think.
an’ i was in it an’ caught by the excitement of it)
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2017/08/01(火) 04:25:43.74ID:YwLTnPhs
an’ i walked away
can stare at each other in total blankness
they do not have t’ speak an’ not feel guilty
about havin’ nothing t’ say. everyday boredom
soaked by the temporary happiness
of that their search is finally over
for findin’ a way t’ communicate a leech cookout
giant cop out. all mobs i would think.
an’ i was in it an’ caught by the excitement of it)
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2017/08/01(火) 04:29:33.19ID:0Q2+fGMc
an’ i walked away
i wanted t' see him jump so bad
that i had t' walk away an' hide
uptown uptown
orchard street
through all those people on
orchard street
pants legs in my face
“comere! comere!”
i don't need no clothes
an' cross the street
skull caps climb
by themselves out of manholes
an' shoeboxes ride
the cracks of the sidewalk
fishermen ―
i've suddenly been turned into
a fish
but does anybody
wanna be a fisherman
any more ‘n i
don't wanna be a fish
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2017/08/01(火) 04:30:17.14ID:LFHKY9ar
(swingin' wanda's
down in new orleans
rumbles across
brick written
swear word
vulgar wall
in new york city)

no they can't make it
off the banks of their river
i am in their river
(i wonder if he jumped
i really wonder if he jumped)
i turn corner
t' get off river
an' get off river
still goin' up
i about face
an' discover
that i'm on another river

(this time. king rex
blesses me with plastic beads
an' toot toot whistles
paper rings an' things.
royal street.
bourbon street
st. claude an' esplanade
pass an' pull
everything out of shape
joe b. stuart
white southern poet
holds me up
we charge through casa
blazin' jukebox
gumbo overflowin'
get kicked out of colored bar
streets jammed
hypnotic stars explode
in louisiana murder night
everything's wedged
arm in arm
stoned galore
must see you in mobile then
down governor nichel
an' gone)
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2017/08/01(火) 04:30:47.11ID:8ji2/g69
ok i can get off this river too
on bleeker street
i meet many friends
who look back at me
as if they know something
i don't know
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2017/08/01(火) 04:31:10.18ID:qwWdce0n
rocco an' his brothers
say that some people
are worse hung up than me
i don't wanna hear it
a basketball drops through
the hoop
an' i recall that the
living theater's been busted
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2017/08/01(火) 04:31:47.33ID:NZbnvz3m
(has the guy jumped yet?)
intellectual spiders
weave down sixth avenue
with colt forty-fives
stickin' out of their
belly buttons
an' for the first time
in my life
i'm proud that
i haven't read into
any masterpiece books
(an' why did i wanna see that
poor soul so dead?)
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2017/08/01(火) 04:32:22.59ID:9oEkJLYS
first of all two people get
together an' they want their door
enlarged. second of all, more
people see what's happenin' an'
come t' help with the door
enlargement. the ones that arrive
however have nothin' more than
“let's get these doors enlarged”
t' say t' the ones who were
there in the first place. it follows then that
the whole thing revolves around
nothing but this door enlargement idea.
third of all, there's a group now existin'
an' the only thing that keeps them friends
is that they all want the doors enlarged.
obviously, the doors're then enlarged
fourth of all,
after this enlargement
the group has t' find
something else t' keep
them together or
else the door enlargement
will prove t' be
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2017/08/01(火) 04:32:48.02ID:myFjU/BA
on fourteenth street
i meet someone
who i know in front
wants t' put me
wants me t' be on
his level
in all honesty
he wants t' drag
me down there
i realize gravity
is my only enemy
loneliness has clutched
hands an' squeezes you
into wrongin' others
everybody has t' do things
keep themselves occupied
the workin' ones
have their minds on
the weekends
victims of the system
pack movie theaters
an' who an' of what
sadistic company is he
from that has the right
t' condemn others as trivial
whose fault
an' who really is t' blame
for one man carryin' a gun
it is impossible that
it's him
slaves are of no special color
an' the links of chains
fall into no special order
how good an actor do you have to be
and play God
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2017/08/01(火) 04:33:22.14ID:UWjZ6x41
(in greece, a little old lady
a worker lady
looks at me
rubs her chin
an' by sign language asks
how come i'm so unshaven
“the sea is very beautiful here”
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2017/08/01(火) 04:33:41.92ID:W/nhJb0i
i reply
pointin' t' my chin.
an' she believes me
needs no other answer
i strum the guitar
she dances
her bandana flies
i too realize that
she will die here
one the side of this sea
her death is certain here
my death is unknown
an' i come t' think that
i love her)
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2017/08/01(火) 04:34:26.06ID:FaGO+3t/
i talk t' people every day
involved in some scene
good an' evil are but words
invented by those
that are trapped in scenes
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2017/08/01(火) 04:34:43.77ID:Zc92HLA0
on what grounds are the
grounds for judgment
an i think also
that there is not
one thing anyplace
anywhere that makes any
sense. there are only tears
an' there is only sorrow
there are no problems
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2017/08/01(火) 04:35:04.36ID:OwYSh2vv
i have seen what i've loved
slip away an' vanish. i still
love what i've lost but t' run
an' try t' catch it'd
be very greedy
for the rest of my life
i will never chase a livin' soul
into the prison grasp
of my own self-love
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2017/08/01(火) 04:35:25.26ID:VYqmTBKP
i can't believe that i have
t' hate anybody
an' when i do
it will only be out of fear
an' i'll know it

i know no answers an' no truth
for absolutely no soul alive
i will listen t' no one
who tells me morals
there are no morals
an' i dream a lot
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2017/08/01(火) 04:35:55.14ID:D2s0SDmy
so go joshua
go fit your battle
i have t' go t' the woods
for a while
i hope you understand
but if you don't
it doesn't matter
i will be with you
nex' time around
don't think about me
i'll be ok
just go ahead out there
right out there
do what you say
you're gonna do
an' who knows
someone might even
a song
about you
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2017/08/01(火) 04:38:25.77ID:5vB5scwv
i used t' hate enzo
i used t' hate him
so much that i could've killed him
he was rotten an' ruthless
an' after what he could get
i was sure of that
my beloved one met him
in a far-off land
an' she stayed longer there
because of him
i croaked with exhaustion
that he was actually makin' her happy
i never knew him
sometimes i would see him
on my ceilin'
i could've shot him
the rovin' phony
the romantic idiot
i know about guys for
i myself am a guy
poison swings its pendulums
with a seasick sensation
an' i used t' want t' trample on him
i used t' want t' massacre him
i used t' want t' murder him
i wanted t' be like him so much
that i ached
i used t' hate enzo
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2017/08/01(火) 04:43:16.61ID:silZ4R4T
michelangelo would've wept
if he saw but once where charlie slept
(whoa, charlie, i'm afraid you've stepped
beyond the borders of being kept)
what price what price what price disgrace
for sleepin' on a cherub's face?
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2017/08/01(火) 04:45:32.83ID:OLCVGV01
an amazon chick
with an amazin' pancho villa face
thumb out on highway
stands in the boilin' sun
countin' cars go by
catch that
watch truck
yes i knew zapata well
some of my friends
my very best
have even looked
like the japanese
at certain times
i myself think they're
grand . . . make great radios
do you ever see liz taylor
down there
pack is heavy
there is ink
runnin' down its dusty straps
ain't far
am going there too
won't need floor scrubbed
voice dubbed
or anything
won't need anything
a place fumbles in the sky
must make it t' trinidad
a flyin' saucer texan
covered in cuff links
ate his steak for breakfast
an' now his car radiator
has blown up down the road
back here, a sixty-three
mercury convertible
crashes into girl
an' ten birds
just crossed
the colorado border
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2017/08/01(火) 04:48:17.55ID:WxbEM1IK
johnny (little johnny)
with his father's hammer
nailed five flies
t' the kitchen window
trapped baby bumblebees
in orange juice bottles
rib whipped his
younger brother
an' stuck his sister's hand
in the garbage disposal
pleasin' johnny
dad's football star
named all the girls
that did it
he did
an' never knew a
one that didn't
bruiser johnny
sore loser johnny
bad in math
but his parents fixed it
got too drunk in bars
an' his parents fixed
that too
lovin' johnny
crew-cut johnny
well molded
clean lived in
something his parents
could be proud of
no matter what the
cost to him
a structure of a manly duckling
but his parents
couldn't buy him
into the college
where he wanted t' go
genius johnny
poutin' johnny
punchin' johnny
crashed his
here son have a car good boy
cadillac into
a couldn't care less
railroad bridge
his parents supported him still
they bought new hankies
an' johnny got lots of flowers
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2017/08/01(火) 04:48:45.77ID:CWTQRMY1
an' so as spoked prongs
pierce from perilous heights
through soft pillows,
there IS a sound
that rings
no praise
no praise
but you must be
aware of poor johnny
t' hear it
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