でアニメ見て、ユーリが現在形で聞くのに、デラコンダが「I was!(0Gドック「だった」!)」

The people of my world were forbidden for travelling ??? space.
??? ??? ever staring up enjoying mega stars
like a bird born known way someday it must fly.

T-Hun, man a few quick shot are gone. Uh !
Y-Huh ?
T-Oh, that's a ??? scar. Oh !
Y-You are launcher, aren't you.
Help me. I want to take me through the gate.

T-What's your name.
T-Huh, I call you a 0G dog ??? ??? ??? ???.
not remarks much difference
my ship no much better controls as ??? ??? ??? ???.
Y-You ??? getting. I have to find way ??? ??? ???.
T-Fine. ??? ??? ??? ??? will be tune your ship.
T-What ? A ship of my own.
F-The IQ and exeed engine use bridge effect to travel ten times speed of light.
They are a heart of the ship.
OP-Standing by.
Y-Huh. Fly !

C-Yuri, not gate.
D-Turn back.
This life was not end for you its ??? your good.
Y-Why not ? If anyone want to understand ??? ??? as your domain,
you, you are one of greatest 0G dogs ever lerand !
D-I was ! That's why I must stop you.
It's a shame ??? to young to see you.
OP-input inviter...
T-No, just shoot them on center.
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.
Y-All canon's Fire ! I'm in space.