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2019/01/19(土) 19:26:48.08ID:eUOctwqA0
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2021/06/13(日) 23:33:26.20ID:Gt2IduO70
Is this what you can do?
It's pathetic.
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2021/06/16(水) 07:35:22.46ID:FXjQRdZw0
You're not playing the game.
You're a liar.
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2021/06/20(日) 08:25:47.84ID:JcUCOkEI0
Foolish is for you.
You're chasing a vision of me.
You are unnecessarily unpleasant to be around.
But you are so foolish that you will soon be proven wrong.
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2021/07/09(金) 17:59:29.07ID:Kt/9AN4R0
They didn't realize that times had changed.
Facing one defeat after another, losing territory and watching their nation dwindle, they built up their industrial strength to unprecedented heights and used it to wage one final battle against the world.
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2021/07/12(月) 07:44:27.91ID:+kNuxrlV0
Good Morning troops!
I have an important announcement.
In one hour, each one of you will take part in the most important mission in our history- a mission that will result in the defeat of the vile enemy who has brought chaos to our continent.
Although we are from different nations, and of different races, we have fought, suffered and died together, fighting for what we believe in- fighting for freedom.
Today, we shall gather for our final battle, to liberate our beautiful continent and restore freedom to our people, our friends, and our family.
Our victory will herald the beginning of a new era of prosperity for the Usean continent.
Victory will be ours! We shall return peace to our people, and win back our freedom, and our future!
The skies belong to everyone!
Now, let us take back our “Shattered Skies”!
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2021/08/14(土) 08:32:31.72ID:I6s8OOpO0
My grandchildren's generation will create the future.
while my grandchildren's generation creates the future, I, who created nothing, will have to watch.
Is this a punishment?
To endure such an ordeal, to lose the freedom to fly in the sky, to grow old
Will I have to live with the decay of my body?
