in_vgm v0.50.1
* completely rewritten using libvgm, featuring:
+ Nuked OPL3 sound core
* some bugfixes to existing sound cores
* improved YMF278B (OPL4) emulation and OPL4 FM-PCM balance
+ more accurate playback of YM2203/YM2608 FM when the song changes the clock mid-song (e.g. City Connection)
! reduced default GameBoy DMG volume - it was overpowering everything else before
- removed some YM2612 hacks, so some YM2612 VGMs from Project2612 may not start as cleanly as with VGMPlay/in_vgm 0.40.x
- removed ES5505/5506 emulation (the old implementation was very hackish)
! "NukedType" option has values 0 and 3 (filtered/unfiltered YM2612) swapped
! file information caching is ignoring the file date again
+ AY8910 panning (also works with YM2203/2608/2610 SSG)
! removed RF5C164 options, it shares settings with the RF5C68 now
! added separate options for C219, was sharing settings with C140 before
- removed old in_vgm logo and replaced it with a placeholder to indicate the libvgm-based build
+ added a button that opens the in_vgm.ini file (useful for editing settings not available in the GUI)
+ S98/DRO support (enabled via .ini editing)