英語版 キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! 英語版
英語版キタ━ヽ(ヽ(゚ヽ(゚∀ヽ(゚∀゚ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ゚∀゚)ノ∀゚)ノ゚)ノ)ノ━!!!! 英語版

井上尚弥の弱点 英語版 近日発売予定

The belt that Naoya Inoue robbed in this game is easy to understand for ordinary people
It is a "cracked thing king". And it's because other organizations are "official kings"
It was a belt that we did not recognize.

Actually, there is a crackling thing king called "Regular King"
I want you to be careful (laughs)

Of course, the experts, Chairman and Inoue himself,
I know that a hundred. Despite knowing
With a sweet idea of what will be done ...
He participated in the WBSS as a “Pachi-mono Champion”.

And I can't believe this later
I do not know that it will cause a squid uproar ...

Continue to the next issue

Gakideka. Pro Boxer II
Naoya Inoue's weakness Behind the WBSS (Kindle position No. 276-296). Kindle version.