わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.43

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 5794-+sT0)
垢版 |
2020/01/05(日) 13:54:12.85ID:MCwtYQ9e0


わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.38
わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.39
わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.40
わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.41
http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ana/1563091792/ ​

わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.42
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvvvv:1000:512:: EXT was configured
0548名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 22:19:06.24ID:IpAevRB20
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0549名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 22:19:31.43ID:IpAevRB20

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0550名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 22:19:51.94ID:IpAevRB20
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0551名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 22:20:14.57ID:IpAevRB20
::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::                _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ ...::::::::::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/   ...:::::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ (     .::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ     .....::::::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +   + ....:::::::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ *:::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  .::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::
  :::::::....     + ┼    *+     +~~'''ヽ ..:...::::::::::::::::::::
   :::::::::::::::::.....    +   * .   ┼  :....:::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::::::....: + *     +   .....:::::::::::::::::
0553名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 23:10:27.31ID:IpAevRB20
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0554名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 23:11:11.72ID:IpAevRB20

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0555名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 23:12:06.57ID:IpAevRB20

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0556名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/15(土) 23:12:40.45ID:IpAevRB20

                  ノ⌒ 丿
                _/   ::(
               /     :::::::\
               (     :::::::;;;;;;;)
               \_―― ̄ ̄::::ヽ
              ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: :::ヾ,
             (         ::::::::::::::;;;;
            / ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\
           (          ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i
         /                ,,,,;;::''''' ::::\
         (         ,,,,;;:::::::::::::::       __ ::;;i
        入        "   __ ::::  '"ゞ'-'_;;;ノ,,,,,
       /"':;;`丶___ __...,,,;:- '"-ゞ'-' ::::::..  ..............::::::::::ヽ、
      /      ''':::;;::::''''''        .....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l
      {;;                    ( ,-、 ,:‐、 ..::::::::::::,,,,ソ`ヽ
      i;;..           ,,,,,:::::::: '''''''           ''''''  ..;;;:l
    r´\_;;:..._,,、-‐―‐''゙゙゙        __,-'ニニニヽ    :::::::: /
    /                       ヾニ二ン"  ...::::::::::::/
    |                             ........,::::::-''゙゙
    丶、:::::::.........          _____   _______,,,-‐'''''゙゙゙
      `ー-、__ ,,,::::;;;;_,,,、-‐''''゙゙゙゙      ゙゙゙゙゙`    
0557名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 00:26:08.64ID:qzMGYKcs0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0558名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 00:26:34.58ID:qzMGYKcs0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0559名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 00:27:04.40ID:qzMGYKcs0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"=M
  =@   `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0560名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ eb94-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 03:58:21.54ID:ObfdrUmB0

Secretary Pompeo, I have looked at your great jobs also this time on Twitter etc.
Please come back to Washington, D.C. safely.

I express my respect and support to the U.S. Department of State that has decided
to rescue Americans from that Japanese cruise ships to mainland of the U.S.

I can only trust American justice.

I support Secretary Pompeo and the U.S. Department of State.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0561名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 08:25:41.22ID:qzMGYKcs0

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0562名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 08:26:03.60ID:qzMGYKcs0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0563名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 08:26:22.59ID:qzMGYKcs0

                  ノ⌒ 丿
                _/   ::(
               /     :::::::\
               (     :::::::;;;;;;;)
               \_―― ̄ ̄::::ヽ
              ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: :::ヾ,
             (         ::::::::::::::;;;;
            / ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\
           (          ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i
         /                ,,,,;;::''''' ::::\
         (         ,,,,;;:::::::::::::::       __ ::;;i
        入        "   __ ::::  '"ゞ'-'_;;;ノ,,,,,
       /"':;;`丶___ __...,,,;:- '"-ゞ'-' ::::::..  ..............::::::::::ヽ、
      /      ''':::;;::::''''''        .....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l
      {;;                    ( ,-、 ,:‐、 ..::::::::::::,,,,ソ`ヽ
      i;;..           ,,,,,:::::::: '''''''           ''''''  ..;;;:l
    r´\_;;:..._,,、-‐―‐''゙゙゙        __,-'ニニニヽ    :::::::: /
    /                       ヾニ二ン"  ...::::::::::::/
    |                             ........,::::::-''゙゙
    丶、:::::::.........          _____   _______,,,-‐'''''゙゙゙
      `ー-、__ ,,,::::;;;;_,,,、-‐''''゙゙゙゙      ゙゙゙゙゙`    
0564名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 08:26:50.41ID:qzMGYKcs0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0568名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 1e94-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 12:20:17.79ID:05ia4ZQO0

Mr.President, and Ms.Ivanka,
Dubai's economic development is amazing.

I think the well-ordered economic development of the world is the next-generation global strategy that the United States should aim for.
This time, the culture of Wuhan that eats wild animals is said to be part of the cause of the outbreak of the new coronavirus.

I think that the method of unreasonable economic development of an unordered world, so-called globalization and liberal trade,
will put the world in danger in the same sense as in World War III.

Why did China compel themself to become an economically advanced country without performing hygiene management
to suppress the occurrence of zoonosis, and the world allowed it?
I think that one by one of the issues of globalization and liberal trade, which Mr. Presideent and the Trump administration are concerned about,
has been emerging.

I am convinced that Mr.President's new global strategy in the United States is correct.

Ms.Ivanka, I wish you the success of today's keynote speech.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0570名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 12:30:53.97ID:qzMGYKcs0

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0571名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 12:31:20.91ID:qzMGYKcs0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0572名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 12:31:51.90ID:qzMGYKcs0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0573名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 12:32:12.15ID:qzMGYKcs0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0574名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 12:32:37.45ID:qzMGYKcs0
::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::                _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ ...::::::::::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/   ...:::::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ (     .::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ     .....::::::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +   + ....:::::::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ *:::::::::
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 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::
  :::::::....     + ┼    *+     +~~'''ヽ ..:...::::::::::::::::::::
   :::::::::::::::::.....    +   * .   ┼  :....:::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::::::....: + *     +   .....:::::::::::::::::
0575名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ de94-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 13:46:33.99ID:lkQfzwIZ0
Mr. President, I suppose you are spending your time in Eastern Time now, so I write.

I will enjoy watching Mr. President's "entrance on the stage" of the race tomorrow on the broadband net.
I think I can see it somewhere in Japan.
With all due respect, Mr. President, your work was also great today. Please slowly rest.

May God bless Mr. President and the United States of America.
0576名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 15:03:23.16ID:qzMGYKcs0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0577名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 15:03:49.01ID:qzMGYKcs0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0578名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 15:04:08.76ID:qzMGYKcs0

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0579名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 15:04:33.69ID:qzMGYKcs0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0580名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 21:46:41.21ID:qzMGYKcs0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0581名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 21:47:07.22ID:qzMGYKcs0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0582名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 21:47:27.23ID:qzMGYKcs0
535名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)2020/02/15(土) 12:21:36.61ID:IpAevRB20


 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0583名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df24-sg8N)
垢版 |
2020/02/16(日) 21:47:50.72ID:qzMGYKcs0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0586名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ df6d-8fRR)
垢版 |
2020/02/17(月) 00:44:22.39ID:HK6xUC5o0
Trumpキチガイ vs. 嫌がらせAA連投
0587名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 9789-Ek3S)
垢版 |
2020/02/17(月) 07:46:51.09ID:NOI6CbPz0
0588名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ e694-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/17(月) 09:34:50.68ID:B3GxURtA0

Mr.President, in 2020 Daytona 500 course, You ride on Cadillac One and appear, only Mr.President can do.
It's a great idea to make also announcements todrivers over the radio communication.
It's too cool !!
Mr. President is a genius whose a sudden idea be flashed is amazing.

I support Mr.President.

With all due respect, Mr. President, Please have a nice Sunday evening.

May God bless Mr. President and the United States of America.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0589名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 1294-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/17(月) 12:44:54.10ID:IWCMk2n/0

Mr. President, I don't know if you had ridden in Air Force One,
but flying Air Force One over that race track was a really amazing scale showup.

If you propose a perfect from 2021 policy, it may become the president of the United States
which will have been handed down for hundreds of years from now on,
not only rather than the presidential election winning.
Because The next four years of Mr. President may be able to develop the earliest days of the next generation
of capitalism and begin to reflect it in policy and society.
And Maybe the DPJ's policy agenda will be resolved also as a result. As I wrote earlier, roots pf the problem are the same.

Today's show-up realization may be a evidence only Mr. President can do the above.

America is a great country with dreams with so many really great people.

With all due respect, Mr. President, your work was also great today. Please slowly rest.

May God bless Mr. President and the United States of America.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0591名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 1e94-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/17(月) 12:58:39.08ID:FhWpZwkm0
And Maybe the DPJ's policy agenda will be resolved also as a result.
And Maybe the Democratic Party's policy agenda will be resolved also as a result.

Mr. President, Is Google translate really a service with political impartial and neutral?
I would be glad if you could hear them next time you met them.

Yours sincerely,
0594名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ eb94-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/17(月) 22:54:59.07ID:DVrXTziK0

Mr. Eric Trump, your dad is too great. haha
I had an incredible surprise at this sight, too.

Mr. President will be told for a long time as a great United States president.
I'm glad that American citizens could get a topic that they can talk about throughout their lives.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0595名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 1294-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/18(火) 11:26:34.28ID:3v+D19Dl0

> President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration.

Mr. President, The desire for great prosperity in the United States is a common wish of all citizens of the United States across political parties.

Of course, Fomer President Obama was Fomer Democratic President, and Democrats rival in the presidential elections and parliamentary elections,
so they will not be able to stand out suppoting toward Mr. President like Republicans, but Fomer President Obama may be appreciating the results
of Mr. President's administration in some aspects.
I guess he support the end of the endless foreign war and the withdrawal of US troops to the mainland.

I'm not an election professional, so I'd like you to be listened to this as one of the ideas, but I think Mr. President's administration will be able
to solve also the Democratic policy issues in the next four years. I think that expressing the above potential is a strategy to get more votes.

Although it is impossible to decisively change the way of several thinking due to the relationship between the supporting groups, etc.,
Mr. President can make content of solutions will be able to reduce scholarship debt, raise public budget shortages at public schools,
and improve medical care as much as possible.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0596名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 1294-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/18(火) 11:26:59.24ID:3v+D19Dl0
That way, those who want to seek realistic and more fulfilling support other than those who are fighting for elections as a "social change movement"
If they look at Mr. President's achievements over the past four years, they will be able to wake up that above policies are more feasible by Mr. President.

I have absolute confidence in showing ideas to various the brains behind Mr. President and creating strong policies, therefor I also feel that it is better
to fight in policy debates. Because I imagine that there should also be many people who think like me.

For the next four years, Mr. President will be able to manage the administration without being aware of the next presidential election.
Aiming for a direction that softens the American divide, I think Mr. President will be able to pass on the reputation of being the great president
of the United States in history for four years to come.

The matter of overriding mission is to win the November presidential election, and so far, if you think that the conventional way is the best,
I think you should go with it. But apart from issues such as guns and abortions,
all the policies of the Democratic Party can defeat their policies in argument by the superiority of the current administration, I think.
To me, see seem like that.
0597名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ e694-pgkb)
垢版 |
2020/02/18(火) 11:45:51.30ID:NFC/JKEw0
"Mr. President can make content of solutions will be able to reduce scholarship debt, raise public budget shortages
at public schools, and improve medical care as much as possible."

-- As an example of this method -->

"By business circles, and soliciting donations from wealthy people who ask the U.S. government to tax yourself more,
Mr. President would be able to show solutions without tax increases or government budget spending."
0603名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ ff94-hTnB)
垢版 |
2020/02/19(水) 00:35:36.83ID:mATPEJlE0

Mr. President, I could understand a little about your ideal world view.
If you protect the American world's hegemony and prosperity in this way,
I think that you should aim for a “seed business”.
The U.S. should try to keep state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment in the country
as much as possible.

Mr. President seems to be an advanced balancer that can consider national security's regulation,
and deregulation that can ensure free business.
It's not at all what people are saying above in media.
Why isn't this great your thinking transmitted to society?

Mr. President is a great United States President, I am strongly convinced.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0604名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ ff94-hTnB)
垢版 |
2020/02/19(水) 08:04:02.92ID:sKM9Ijvh0

Mr.President, the proposal of The Trump theory and to pass it on to future generations as "Trump school".
During this term, Many great achievements you have made, changing the American national strategy during receiving much criticism,
It is as inevitable consequences because you are ahead of the times of the next generation of capitalism and social systems.

There are still many challenges in completing MAGA and KGA, including skepticism about globalization and liberal trade,
and overcoming a single point of failure in the supply chain pointed out by Professor Peter Navarro.
But I can't believe that those who advocate it are still heretical at the academia. These theory can be mainstream.

If, after Mr. President's term in 2024, American politics and national strategy will be to return to "before Trump",
the United States would return to a turbulent era before MAGA and KAG.

Mr. President's eight years of great achievement isn't by no means the miraculous prosperity caused by a extraordinary genius president.
Without maintaining a continuous national strategy based on that approach, there would be no maintenance of America's great prosperity.
I think formulating a theory such as "Trump school" is that one of Mr.President's needs by 2024.

It seems that Mr. Steve Jobs left Mr. Tim Cook with as many business strategies and products' ideas he had developed if he lived.

I believe that the scholars involved in the Trump administration's national strategies, policies, and basic ideas must be evaluated
by the academic community and become mainstream in the American political community.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0609名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 0389-f35f)
垢版 |
2020/02/19(水) 21:11:21.43ID:SqWKvWYW0
0610名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 0f94-hTnB)
垢版 |
2020/02/20(木) 04:14:17.08ID:AQKySQRE0
Dear Mr. President, dear everyone of the Trump administration and dear everyone of the U.S. Federal Government and the Congress

Diamond Princess is a COVID-19 production machine. Why I got kicked out of the boat in a day.
ttps:// /watch?v=W3X3RSmf7ds (Japanese)
ttps:// /watch?v=NksCM2Kiwfw (English)

This is a testimony from an infectious disease specialist with experience studying in the United States who went
to the Diamond Princess cruise in Yokohama Port as one person of a disaster dispatch team.

It explains in Japanese how the Japanese government and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare corresponded too preposterous.

My concern is that the US government issued a request for rescue of Americans early February, but the Japanese government rejected it.
If going ashore to Yokohama was dangerous, it would have been possible to transfer to U.S. ships on the sea.
If the Japanese government do not do so, they will be responsible for the consequences, and consequently existing
so many Americans infected is a national crime that can be considered a negligence administratively, I think.
What do you think of Americans who have unfortunately infected COVID-19 by this unwilling, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare response?

I think it should take the strongest response you can think of, such as summoning the Japanese government officer to the US Congress
or filing a criminal offense, because it was damaging the human rights and dignity of American passengers.

I am glad if you can think about it.
Because I think Japan of now is not a country where Americans can come with peace of mind.

I truly apologize for the inconvenience caused,but your help would be highly appreciated.
0621名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ ff94-hTnB)
垢版 |
2020/02/21(金) 12:24:26.18ID:ImQy2FSU0
President Trump Delivers the Commencement Address at Hope for Prisoners Graduation Ceremony

Trump holds a 'Keep America Great' rally in Colorado

Mr.President, It was also a great speech today.

With all due respect, Mr. President, your work was also great today. Please slowly rest.

May God bless Mr. President and the United States of America.
0623名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ ff94-hTnB)
垢版 |
2020/02/21(金) 21:50:55.86ID:G4BMoRAy0

Mr. President, an executive from the Taliban has contributed to an American newspaper and stated
that he will comply with the terms of the peace negotiations, but Mr. President's policy is correct in this way.
Nobody wants a pointless war.

The United States select only a self-defense war that does not reduce its national power and should invest
in the completion of MAGA and KAG, for future American prosperity, such as space army-related industries
and domestic infrastructure of the next generation's technology.

Mr. President, I can't understand why your greatness doesn't reach the United States and the world properly.
I am convinced that Mr. President is an great genius U.S. president who remains in history.

I think that if you get more than 70% of the vote and you re-elect,
your greatness will have be properly communicated condition to the public.
However, it is not such a situation in the public yet.
For these reasons, as if I had seen Galileo Galilei or Copernicus, I may support Mr. President at a level to here.

Mr.President, I also hope you success today.
With all due respect, Mr. President, good luck with the President's work today.

May God bless Mr. President and the United States of America.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0625名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/21(金) 23:43:26.27ID:SdVfkbjf0
::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::                _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
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:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ (     .::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ     .....::::::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +   + ....:::::::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ *:::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  .::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::
  :::::::....     + ┼    *+     +~~'''ヽ ..:...::::::::::::::::::::
   :::::::::::::::::.....    +   * .   ┼  :....:::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::::::....: + *     +   .....:::::::::::::::::
0626名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/21(金) 23:43:43.84ID:SdVfkbjf0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0627名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/21(金) 23:44:10.43ID:SdVfkbjf0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0628名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/21(金) 23:44:27.01ID:SdVfkbjf0

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0629名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/21(金) 23:44:49.28ID:SdVfkbjf0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0630名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ ff94-hTnB)
垢版 |
2020/02/22(土) 03:34:35.32ID:XjGkU9i60

Mr. Eric Trump, Shouldn't politics tell him the consequences are everything?
There is no requirement that the candidate and supporters are saint monarchs.

The United States is a military and economic hegemony nation that assumes holding the strongest military force in the world, isn't it?
In disrespect for Pentagon, the United States cannot incarnate the prosperity that his supporters expect.
How does that tax increase and income redistribution work in a recession?

The President of the United States, who guards the lives and assets of citizens, cannot fulfill his duties by speaking about dreams.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0633名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/22(土) 11:18:54.87ID:h7NHbaq+0

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0634名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/22(土) 11:19:10.43ID:h7NHbaq+0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0635名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/22(土) 11:19:41.18ID:h7NHbaq+0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0636名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/22(土) 11:20:02.36ID:h7NHbaq+0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0637名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/22(土) 18:28:55.43ID:h7NHbaq+0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0640名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ ff94-hTnB)
垢版 |
2020/02/22(土) 21:32:14.46ID:iyGemuqT0

Secretary Pompeo, I have looked at your great jobs also this time on Twitter etc.

I was surprised that the Taliban executives contributed to the American newspaper.
I am convinced that Trump administration will be likely to be a great administration
that will leave their name on the history of America with many achievements until 2024.

Please come back to Washington, D.C. safely.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0641名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/23(日) 10:56:47.39ID:v1SWwfya0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0642名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/23(日) 10:57:22.18ID:v1SWwfya0
(ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!! )

         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
0643名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/23(日) 10:57:41.52ID:v1SWwfya0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
0644名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/23(日) 10:58:05.50ID:v1SWwfya0

 |⌒\|        |/⌒|
      |   |    |    |   |   誰が漏らすか あと少し
      | \ (       ) / |   便意を感じて そらはやく
      |  |\___人____/|   |
      |  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |   漏れるおケツの あかん肛門
              ,lノl|          トイレに向かって 飛んで行け
     ブリッ!    人i   
           ノ:;;,ヒ=-;、        進め うん公す 脱糞の男
          (~´;;;;;;;゙'‐;;;)       進め うん公す さわやかに
        ,i`(;;;゙'―---‐'ヾ ブリッ!
0647名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/23(日) 14:14:22.49ID:v1SWwfya0

    /     \      _________
   /   / \ \   /
  |    (゚) (゚)   | < クソスレにうんこしていきますね
  |     )●(  |   \_________
  \     ▽   ノ
    \__∪ /
  /     ̄ ̄ \
  | |        | |
  | |        | |
|⌒\|        |/⌒|
|   |    |    |   |
| \ (       ) / |
|  |\___人____/|   |
|  |   ヾ;;;;|    |   |
      人i ブバチュウ!! マホリン!!
0648名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ a324-z+Zk)
垢版 |
2020/02/23(日) 14:14:52.76ID:v1SWwfya0
゙'.    '.;`i  i、 ノ  .、″
             ゙'.     ,ト `i、  `i、    .、″
                |    .,.:/""  ゙‐,. `    /
             `  .,-''ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、   !
                、,、‐'゙l‐、      .丿 : ':、
               、/ヽヽ‐ヽ、;,,,,,,,,,-.ッ:''`  .,"-、
              ,r"ツぃ丶  ``````   ../  `i、
          ,.イ:、ヽ/ー`-、-ヽヽヽ、−´    .l゙`-、
         _,,l゙-:ヽ,;、、             、、丶  ゙i、,,、
        ,<_ l_ヽ冫`'`-、;,,,、、、、.............,,,,、.-`":    │ `i、
      、、::|、、、ヽ,、、.    ```: : : ```      、.、'`  .|丶、
     .l","ヽ、,"、,"'、ぃ、、,、、、、.、、、.、、、_、.,,.ヽ´    l゙  ゙).._
    ,、':゙l:、、`:ヽ、`:、  : `"```¬――'''"`゙^`     : ..、丶  .l゙ `ヽ
   ,i´.、ヽ".、".、"'ヽヽ;,:、........、           、、...,,,、−‘`   、‐   |゙゙:‐,
  ,.-l,i´.、".`ヽ,,,.".`   `゙゙'"`'-ー"``"``r-ー`'":      _.‐′  丿  ,!
 j".、'ヽ,".、".、"`''`ー、._、、、           、._,、..-‐:'''′   .、,:"  丿
 ゙l,"`"`''ヽヽ"`"`  ```゙'''"ヽ∠、、、、ぃ-`''''": `      、._./`  ._/`
  `'i`ヽヽヽ`''ーi、、、: :                   、.,-‐'`   、/`
   ``ヽン'`"`  : `~``―ヽ::,,,,,,,,,,.....................,,,,.ー'``^    ,、‐'"`
      `"'゙―-、,,,,..、、               : ..,、ー'"'`
           : `‘"`―---------‐ヽ``"''''''""
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
