
お題:Is it acceptable to keep animals in zoos?

Animal rights, Educational value, Endangered species, Living conditions


Because zoos play an important role in protecting endangered species and have great
educational value, the practice of keeping animals in zoos is justified.

First, habitat loss and hunting have caused many animals to become extinct in nature. Often,
the only surviving members of their species are in zoos. If we want to keep these species safe and
have a hope of someday reintroducing them to the wild, zoos are essential.

Furthermore, zoos serve an important educational role. By providing opportunities for people
to see the beauty and fascinating behavior of animals up close, zoos contribute greatly to
conservation efforts. People are much more likely to support animal protection laws or donate
money if they have seen the animals that need protecting.

If we wish to preserve endangered species and provide educational opportunities that benefit
conservation efforts, then keeping animals in zoos is essential.