メトロイドプライムダークエコーズ 攻略スレッド

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2005/05/27(金) 19:33:29ID:U9u+59ZC
2016/12/15(木) 16:43:30.06ID:oS3511aB
misty's kidnapping skyraptor あ rule34 hentaiworld luscious
thatpervert filmmaker あ deviantart nickbryan
あ db/pokemonXXX hentaivideo
2016/12/15(木) 16:45:11.77ID:oS3511aB
2016/12/16(金) 12:53:59.70ID:XLEMp0au
2016/12/16(金) 12:55:43.43ID:XLEMp0au
2016/12/16(金) 13:29:16.99ID:XLEMp0au
2016/12/24(土) 16:19:54.69ID:VO4YghdD
40010号試作型 ginhaha Evan☆揚 ドリルムラタ
2016/12/28(水) 11:41:18.51ID:vtMGDdaJ
naughty face demon girl succubus あ oviposition after sex bdsm bed
2017/01/24(火) 13:41:11.56ID:H5W8THS5
つゆ篭り濡れ透け美女 Pretty Lamia 戦神八坂葵 デュエルセイヴァーカエデ ラングリッサーソフィアフレア姫ティアリスリファニールナ 忍道キヌ
dragonballyakiniku 集団暴力むらさき朱 Matashita Kintamaバキュームベッド少年僕はパパなんかじゃない MidaranaKaradaniSareta
2017/02/23(木) 14:09:57.26ID:i/9iNXcu
長澤茉里奈 山地まり
エスエフおねえさん☆てぃ〜ちゃ〜 女教師君島美沙
2017/02/28(火) 12:39:15.35ID:/iPbEDjq
2017/03/24(金) 17:14:28.79ID:R/+sPr9N
若妻不倫温泉 菜月アンナ 白石真琴 circle anco
2017/03/30(木) 16:05:51.80ID:ObjGQ9Np
浅川梨奈 hiten goane ryu tarakanovich bloodcandy
2017/11/29(水) 20:25:28.48ID:o8K4/4qI
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垢版 |
2018/01/14(日) 02:37:35.93ID:hWhY3pRC

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2019/01/28(月) 02:12:31.99ID:o6WrV1gW
The Good Doctor (2017) s01e01 Episode Script
Burnt Food

Well, you don't show him respect. I assume it's because you don't respect him.
You show someone respect because you respect them, or because you're afraid of them.
I don't fit into either category.
A surgeon needs to communicate not just information, but sympathy, empathy.
Are you gonna sit here and tell us that there were no other equally-qualified young surgeons surgeons without this one's issues?
The rationalization is exactly the same.
Words like "temperament" and, "Oh, no! Ohh! How are the patients going to react?" Aren't we judged by how we treat people? I don't mean as doctors.

s01e02 Episode Script
Mount Rushmore

Could be intestinal malrotation, which could quickly become fatal.
And every patient in this hospital could have malaria, but that doesn't mean we're gonna go around testing for every condition we think they could have.
For example, that MRI you ordered on the guy with the ear infection? Nice call, genius.
Thank you.
I was being sarcastic.
Why are you smiling?
Because you're right.
So you thought he was making a mistake and didn't say anything? Just stood by watching, taking notes while he wasted everybody's time? Is that your job?
In my experience, doctors don't listen to nurses.
And they only talk to us to lecture us when they figure we screwed something up.
From now on, you don't run any tests you don't have to run.
How do I know if a test is needed until after I run it?
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2019/01/28(月) 02:39:02.03ID:o6WrV1gW

The Guest (2014) Movie Script

What did the kid call him? 原因をご存知ですか。
What? 何の
You know, the kid,
the one Luke hit in the face.
What did he call Luke? 殴られた生徒はルークを何と呼んだか知っていますか。
I don't think that's relevant
to this conversation. それとこれとは話が違う。
Did he call him a faggot? オカマと呼んだんですよ。
I believe that's the word that
was used, yes. But that's no excuse... 仰る通りそう言ったようですが暴力が許されるわけでは…
So, that makes it a hate crime. それは憎悪犯罪ですね。
What? 何です。
A hate crime. 差別ですよ。
And I'd like to know how many others have been perpetrated against
her son under your watch. ここではあなたの監視下でどのくらいの生徒がそんな目に遭っているんです。
A gay student targeted with physical
violence finally defends himself,
and you're... What? いじめを受けたゲイの生徒がやむにやまれず我が身を守った。
Suspending him? なのにその子供を退学にする。
We could consider suspension. それじゃあ、停学ではどうでしょう。
No. You couldn't. いいえ、呑めません。
I'll be interested to see what the board makes of you
when this is in front of the entire country,
not to mention our lawyers. これは国中に知ってもらった後、教育委員会に委ねましょう。我々の弁護士に。
We're suing you and the school board. あなたと委員会を訴える。
We'll agree to that. 結構。
But I do not want to hear anything further
about this young man being harassed. ですがもう二度とルークがいじめを受けたとは聞きたくない。
垢版 |
2019/01/28(月) 03:27:47.16ID:o6WrV1gW
Patton (1970) Movie Script

I thought I'd stand up here and let you people see...if I am as big a son of a bitch as some of you think I am.
I assure you I had no intention...of being either harsh or cruel in my treatment of the...soldier in question.
My sole purpose was to try to restore in him...some appreciation of his obligations as a man...and as a soldier.
lf one can shame a coward...I felt one might help him to regain his self-respect.
This was on my mind. Now, I freely admit...that my method was wrong...
but I hope you understand my motive...and will accept this...explanation...and this...apology.

My dear ladies. Until today my only experience at welcoming
has been to welcome Germans and Italians to the infernal region.
At this I have been quite successful since the troops, which I have had
the honor to command have, to date, killed or captured some 170,000 of our enemies.
I feel that such clubs as these are of very real value because I believe with Mr. Bernard Shaw...
that the British and the Americans are two peoples separated by a common language.
Since it is the destiny of the British and Americans to rule the world...
the better we know each other the better we will do it.
The Russians, don't forget the Russians.
I think that a club like this is an ideal place for promoting mutual understanding.
Because as soon as our soldiers meet and get to know the English ladies...
and write home and tell our women just how lovely you truly are...
then the sooner the American ladies will get jealous and force this war to a quick termination.
And then I'll get the chance to go to the Pacific and kill Japanese.
2019/02/01(金) 21:26:50.79ID:n/ZhDsJG
The Greatest Showman (2017) Movie Script

The greatest show

Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for. いよいよ開演の時が来た
Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor. 闇の中で もがいてた
And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore. 深い痛みを抱えてた
Taking your breath, stealing your mind. だが深呼吸 ひとつしたら
And all that was real is left behind. そんな現実は遠ざかる
Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya. その瞬間は もう目前
It's only this moment, don't care what comes after. すべて忘れて楽しもう
Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer. いつか高熱で見た夢さ
Just surrender 'cause you feel the feeling taking over. 今は ただ身を委ねよう
It's fire, it's freedom, it's flooding open. 自由の扉が一気に開く
It's a preacher in the pulpit and you'll find devotion. この私に黙って従えば
There's something breaking at the brick of  常識の壁は打ち砕かれる
every wall it's holding all that you know, 粉々に
so tell me do you wanna go? さあ 行きたいか
Where it's covered in all the colored lights. 色とりどりの光の下
Where the runaways are running the night. 夜通し繰り広げられる
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you. 不可能が可能になる世界
Oh, this is the greatest show. 地上最大のショー
We light it up, we won't come down. めくるめくエンタテイメント
And the sun can't stop us now. 太陽にも止められない
Watching it come true, it's taking over you. 目撃せよ 酔いしれよ
Oh, this is the greatest show. 地上最大のショー
It's everything you ever want. 望みがすべて叶う
It's everything you ever need. 身も心も満たされる
And it's here right in front of you. そんな世界が目の前
This is where you wanna be. これこそ求めてる場所
2019/02/01(金) 21:33:11.26ID:n/ZhDsJG
            The other side
Right here, right now I put the offer out. 今ここで申し出をした
I don't want to chase you down. I know you see it. 君を追いかけはしない
You run with me. And I can cut you free. 僕と来れば自由になれる
Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in. つまらない束縛のオリから
So trade that typical for something colorful. 単色をカラフルに変えよう
And if it's crazy, live a little crazy. クレイジーでもいいじゃないか
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional. 良識や慣習も否定しないが
Or you can risk it all and see. 危険を冒す生き方もある
Don't you wanna get away from same old part you gotta play. どうだ逃げたくないか 同じ繰り返しから
'Cause I got what you need. So come with me and take the ride. 満たされたいなら一緒に行こう
It'll take you to the other side. 未知の人生へと
'Cause you can do like you do Or you can do like me. 行くもやめるも君次第
Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key. オリに残るかカギを取るか
Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly. すごいぞ急に空を飛べるんだ
It'll take you to the other side. 未知の人生へと

Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in. 分かったよその誘い
Well, I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen. でも残念ながらお断り
So thanks, but no, I think I'm good to go. ありがとう でも帰る
'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in. 今の生活楽しんでるんだ
Now I admire you, and that whole show you do. あなたのことは尊敬してる
You're onto something, really it's something. 新しい事に挑んでる
But I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells. でも僕は豆の殻は拾わない
I'll have to leave that up to you. それはお任せするよ
Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play. 分からないか 僕は満足 今の上流の付き合いで
'Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride. 不満などない 冒険もしないのさ
I don't need to see the other side. 未知の人生へと
So go and do like you do. I'm good to do like me. あなたは行けばいい
Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key. 僕は残る カギも取らない
Oh, damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine? そうとも 僕には何も必要ない 
I don't need to see the other side. 未知の人生も

Now is this really how you like to spend your days? そんな毎日でいいのか
Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays. 華やかだがむなしい

If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town. あなたと交われば悪い噂
Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns. 屈辱だ 笑い者にされて

But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little. 生きてる実感が持てるぞ
Just let me give you the freedom to dream and it'll wake you up 夢見る自由に目が覚めるはず
and cure your aching. 痛みも癒され
Take your walls and start 'em breaking. オリも壊れ始める
Now that's a deal that seems worth taking. 僕の誘いは価値があるぞ
But I guess I'll leave that up to you. だが答えは君に委ねよう
2019/02/01(金) 21:36:56.20ID:n/ZhDsJG
Well, it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly. 魅力的だがリスクも高い
So what percentage of the show would I be taking? 僕の取り分は何割だ?

Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action. 分け前は渡すとも
I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen. 利益の7%で決まりだ

I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine. 赤ん坊じゃない 18%だ

Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime? 欲をかくと失敗するぞ

Fifteen. 15%

I'm doing eight. 8%

Twelve. 12

maybe nine 9では?

Ten. 10だ

Don't you wanna get away どうだ行きたくないか
to a whole new まったく新しい
part you're gonna play. 世界へと
'Cause I got what you need, 満たされたいなら
so come with me and take the ride. 一緒に行こう
to the other side. 未知の人生へと
So if you do like I do 行くもやめるも
So if you do like me. 僕次第
Forget the cage, 'cause we know how to make the key. オリは忘れろ カギは作れる
Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly. すごいぞ急に空を飛べるんだ
We're going to the other side. 未知の人生へと
So if you do like I do. 一緒に行けば
To the other side. はばたける
So if you do like me. 僕も
Going to the other side. もう1つの人生へ
'Cause if you do 一緒に
we're going to the other side. 未知の人生へ 
We're going to the other side. 未知の人生へ
2019/02/01(金) 21:42:18.11ID:n/ZhDsJG
                    This is me
I am not a stranger to the dark. 私は暗闇を知ってる
"Hide away," they say. "'Cause we don't want your broken parts" 言われた『隠れてろお前など見たくない』
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars. 体の傷は恥だと知った
"Run away," they say "No one'll love you as you are." 言われた『消えろ誰もお前など愛さない』
But I won't let them break me down to dust. でも心の誇りは失わない
I know that there's a place for us. 居場所はきっとあるはず
For we are glorious. 輝く私たちのために
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down. 言葉の刃で傷つけるなら
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. 洪水を起こして溺れさせる
I am brave, I am bruised 勇気がある 傷もある
I am who I'm meant to be ありのままでいる
this is me. これが私
Look out 'cause here I come. 気をつけろ 私が行く
And I'm marching on 自分で叩く
to the beat I drum. ドラムが伴奏
I'm not scared to be seen 見られても怖くない
I make no apologies, 謝る必要もない
this is me. これが私

Another round of bullets hits my skin. 心に弾を受け続けた
Well, fire away, でも撃ち返す
'Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. 今日は恥もはね返す

We are bursting through the barricades バリケードを破り
and reaching for the sun. 太陽へと手を伸ばそう
We are warriors. 私たちは戦士
Yeah, that's what we've become. 戦うために姿を変えた
I won't let them break me down to dust. 心の誇りは失わない
I know that there's a place for us. 居場所はあるはず
For we are glorious. 輝く私たちのために
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down, 言葉の刃で傷つけるなら
I gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. 洪水を起こして溺れさせる
I am brave, I am bruised 勇気がある 傷もある
I am who I'm meant to be. ありのままでいる
This is me. これが私
Look out 'cause here I come. 気をつけろ私が行く
And I'm marching on 自分で叩く
to the beat I drum. ドラムが伴奏
I'm not scared to be seen. 見られても 怖くない
I make no apologies. 謝る必要もない
This is me これが私
This is me. これが私
And I know that I deserve your love. 私にも愛される資格がある
There's nothing I'm not worthy of. 値しないものなど何ひとつない
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down, 言葉の刃で傷つけるなら
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. 洪水を起こして溺れさせる
This is brave, this is bruised. 勇気がある 傷もある
This is who I'm meant to be, ありのままでいる
This is me. これが私
Look out 'cause here I come. 気をつけろ私が行く
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum. 自分で叩くドラムが伴奏
I'm not scared to be seen. 見られても 怖くない
I make no apologies. 謝る必要もない
This is me. これが私!
2019/02/01(金) 22:22:11.60ID:n/ZhDsJG
The greatest show
Colossal we calm, these renegades in the rain. 巨大なテントの反逆者たち
Where the lost get found and we crown 'em of the circus kings. 蘇った者こそサーカスの王
Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya. その瞬間はもう目前
It's only this moment, don't care what comes after. すべて忘れて楽しもう
It's blindin', outshinin' anything thatcha know. かつてない輝きの時
Just surrender 'cause you're comin 身を委ねよう
and you wanna go. さぁ行きたいか
Where it's covered in all the colored lights. 色とりどりの光の下
Where the runaways are running the night. 夜通し繰り広げられる
Impossible comes true, 驚異の
intoxicating you. 魅惑の世界
Oh, this is the greatest show. 地上最大のショー
We light it up, we won't come down. めくるめくエンタテイメント
And the sun can't stop us now. 太陽にも止められない
Watching it come true, 目撃せよ
it's taking over you. 酔いしれよ
Oh, this is the greatest show. 地上最大のショー
It's everything you ever want. 望みがすべて叶う
It's everything you ever need. 身も心も満たされる
And it's here right in front of you. そんな世界が目の前
This is where you wanna be. これこそ求めてる場所
It's everything you ever want. 望みが全て叶う
It's everything you ever need. 身も心も満たされる
And it's here right in front of you. そんな世界が目の前
This is where you wanna be. これこそ求めてる場所
This is where you wanna be. 求めてる場所
Where it's covered in all the colored lights. 色とりどりの光の下
Where the runaways are running the night. 夜通し繰り広げられる
Impossible comes true, 驚異の
it's taking over you. 魅惑の世界
Oh, this is the greatest show. 地上最大のショー
We light it up, we won't come down. めくるめくエンタテイメント
And the sun can't stop us now. 太陽にも止められない
Watching it come true, 目撃せよ
it's taking over you. 酔いしれよ
And the walls can't stop us now. 壁など打ち破れ
'Cause ev'rything you want is right in front of you, 望みが全て叶う
And you see the impossible is comin' true.不可能が可能になる
And the walls can't stop us now.壁など打ち破れ 今こそ
2019/02/02(土) 00:00:43.35ID:Q8JBh1MY
Jingle All the Way (1996) Movie Script

It's Christmas Eve and you're slaving over a hot stove. "Mom of the Year."
And modest too.しかも謙虚ときてる。
Looks like you could use some "you time."リズ、少しは自分の時間を持ってリラックスするんだ。
Go upstairs, take a bath.2階に上がってシャワーでも浴びるといい。
I'll watch the boys, finish up with the cookies.子供とクッキーは僕に任せてくれ。
Go on. You deserve it.いいんだって。休むんだ。働き過ぎだよ。
I know, sugar cookies.分かってる。
Bake 1 2 to 1 5 minutes...till golden brown.12分から15分でこんがり焼き上がったらオーブンから出すんだろ
Ted's got everything under control!テッドにお任せください。

I'm sorry you had to go through that back there.リズ、君が辛い思いをしてるのはよく分かる。
You can't hide your feelings from me.僕に遠慮して心の中を隠さなくてもいい。
Let it out.正直に打ち明ければ楽になる。
Get it out of your system.大丈夫
I don't think so.そうは思えないね、リズ。
You're like a lost, frightened foal.君は迷って怯えた子羊だ。
I can see it in your eyes.目を見れば分かるんだよ。
Don't worry. Ted's here. でも心配ない。僕がついてる。
You deserve better, Lizzie.君がかわいそうだよ、リジー。
Someone you can talk to. A shoulder to cry on. 何でも話していいんだ。僕の肩で泣いてもいい。
It's useless, Liz. We can't hide our feelings any longer.これ以上お互いの感情を偽るのはのはよくないと思うんだ。
I don't have to tell you...l'm a very eligible bachelor.リズ、君も知ってるだろ。僕は申し分ない独身男性だ。
Lots of women would give anything to be in your position. 今の君を羨ましがってる女性はたくさんいるんだよ。
For me, it all started months ago...at your Labor Day barbecue, remember?君のことが最初に気になったのは一月前のBBQパーティのときだった。
And you asked me how to marinate ahi tuna?マグロのマリネの作り方を尋ねただろ?
And I said, "All you need is ltalian salad dressing."イタリアンドレッシングで味付けするのがコツだって教えたんだ。
Enough talking.話し合うのはもうやめよう

The accused (1988) Movie Script

Ladies and gentlemen, the state has charged these three men with a crime.
The state has supported that charge with the testimony of two witnesses.
Sarah Tobias, who told you how three men raped her, and how she heard other men shouting encouragement to her attackers.
Did she name these other men? No.その男達は誰か?不明です。
Did she describe these other men? No.その男達の風体は?不明です。
Could she tell you what these other men shouted? No.彼らが何を叫んでいたか?それも不明。
Her sworn testimony - her poignant, heart-rending sworn testimony - was an appeal to your pity.
And if her story is true, you should pity her.
But even if her story is true and you do pity her, that has nothing to do with this case,
because those three men did not rape her. Her sworn testimony is nothing, and you must treat it as nothing.
Now, if you wish,それをお忘れなく。
2019/02/02(土) 00:04:07.02ID:Q8JBh1MY
you can also treat as nothing the testimony of her lover, Larry, who told you what kind of woman she is.
And you can treat as nothing the testimony of the bartender, Jesse, who told you that she was so drunk, she could barely stand.
And you can treat as nothing the testimony of her friend, Sally, who told you Miss Tobias's intentions when she first saw our clients.
Our case does not depend on those witnesses, just as The People's case does not depend on Sarah Tobias. The People's case depends on Kenneth Joyce.
If you believe him, you'll convict those three men. And if you don't, you'll acquit them.
Do you believe him?信じますか?
Why did Kenneth Joyce testify? Every day for months, he said to himself "I'm guilty." "I'm guilty."
Finally he was offered a way to purge that guilt, and he took it.
Kenneth Joyce told you he watched a rape and everyone else in that room watched a rape.
How did he know that? Did he read their minds? 彼らがレイプと知っていた?
To solicit a crime, you must first know that it is a crime. 犯罪が行われてた事を知らずに犯罪を煽れますか?
Who knew it? Kenneth Joyce. Do you think it matters to Kenneth Joyce who shouted?どうです?
In his mind, every person in that room was guilty.あの部屋にいた全員がケンにとっては有罪に思えたのです。
He told you that. And Kenneth Joyce - who is guilty, who did watch a rape and do nothing -will purge himself by bringing down anyone who was in that room.
And, of course, at no legal cost to himself, while those three men face prison.
Do you believe him?どうです?
If you do, convict.賢明な判断を。
And if you don't, and I know you don't, 被告達は無罪です。

Mr Paulsen has told you the testimony of Sarah Tobias is nothing.
Sarah Tobias was raped, but that is nothing.
She was cut and bruised and terrorised, but that is nothing.
All of it happened in front of a howling crowd, and that is nothing.
It may be nothing to Mr Paulsen, but it is not nothing to Sarah Tobias.
And I don't believe it's nothing to you. 皆さんも同感でしょう。
2019/02/06(水) 23:54:21.54ID:BEhV7fQL
This man would notice things other people wouldn't."
Do you believe that Kenneth Joyce saw something those three men didn't see?
In all the time that Sarah Tobias was held down on that pinball machine, the others didn't know?
Kenneth Joyce confessed to you ケンは認めました。
that he watched a rape and did nothing. レイプを見て止めなかったと。
He told you that everyone in that bar behaved badly.彼が述べたように
And he's right.あの夜の男達の行動は恥ずべきものです。
But no matter how immoral it may be,しかし恥ずべきものでも
it is not the crime of criminal solicitation to walk away from a rape.
It is not the crime of criminal solicitation to silently watch a rape.
But it is the crime of criminal solicitation to induce, or entreat, or encourage or persuade another person to commit a rape.
"Hold her down", "Stick it to her", "Make her moan". “押さえつけろ!”“突っ込め”“やっちまえ”
These three men did worse than nothing.被告達は見ていただけでなく
They cheered, and they clapped, and they rooted the others on. はやし立てて手を叩き暴行をそそのかしたのです。
They made surethat Sarah Tobias was raped, and raped, and raped. サラが犯される事を望んだのです。それも、何度も…
Now, you tell me.皆さん
Is that nothing?それを許せますか?

ほんとの自分にもどる115のヒント デイヴィッド・クンツ
第1章 忙しい日々の生活の中に、静かな時間をはさみ込む

第2章 生活にゆとりをもとう

2019/02/07(木) 00:10:58.84ID:/EGgGM9d





アサーティブ 素直な自分表現 自分も相手も尊重するハッピーコミュニケーション

※怒りの表現 にらむ、無視、敬遠、第3者への文句
2019/02/07(木) 00:46:13.53ID:/EGgGM9d
受け入れる 正しい批判→素直に欠点認め改善
反論 間違った批判→「君は仕事の文句が多い」「文句と受け取られて残念だがやはりあまりにも多いと思う。徹夜続きでは身体が持たない」
無視 間違った批判
反応保留 「あなたは頼りない、大嫌い」「ショックでなんて答えればいいのかわからない。」「混乱して自分の気持ちがわからない。今は何も言いたくない」


I: You have the right to judge your own behavior, thoughts, and emotions, and to take the responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon yourself.

II: You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for justifying your behavior.

III: You have the right to judge if you are responsible for finding solutions to other people’s problems.
2019/02/07(木) 00:54:01.66ID:/EGgGM9d
IV: You have the right to change your mind.

V: You have the right to make mistakes—and be responsible for them.

VI: You have the right to say, “I don’t know.”

VII: You have the right to be independent of the goodwill of others before coping with them.

VIII: You have the right to be illogical in making decisions.

IX: You have the right to say, “I don’t understand.”

X: You have the right to say, “I don’t care.”

― Manuel J. Smith, When I Say No, I Feel Guilty: How to Cope - Using the Skills of Systematic
2019/04/02(火) 19:49:33.02ID:VEIYDmve
Awakenings (1990) Movie Script

Excuse me, you are looking for someone with a clinical background.お話中申し訳ない。いや、あのつまり、そちらでは臨床の経験者をお求めだと分かりました。
As much as I need a job, there must be 100 more suitable applicants.この仕事は諦めます。他に適任者が大勢いると思いますので。

What is it that you want?我々に何か希望があるそうで。 The simplest thing.簡単なことです。
And that is?例えば? To go for a walk if I want to,like any normal person.普通の人と同じように好きなとき自由に散歩したいんです。
You are free to go for a walk.散歩するのは自由だが。 I am? Alone?例えば?一人で?
What difference would it make?付き添いは必要だと思う。 Look, I am not a criminal.I have committed no crime,
I am not a danger to myself or others.犯罪者じゃない。僕は危険じゃない。人に危害を加えることもない。
But I am not allowed to walk by myself.なのに一人での外出を禁じられる。これは不合理だ。
You did not wake a thing, you woke a person ... I am a person.僕を目覚めさせたのはあなた方だ。責任を持ってほしい。
Are you aware of the unconscious hostility you exhibit towards us?ロウさん。私達に対してあなたが無意識的敵意を持っている事に気づいている?
How can I be aware, if it is unconscious?無意識のものを気づくはずがない。 I am curious. What would you do if you went out?ならば黙って。参考までに。一人で歩いて何をするんだ?
I would go for a walk, look at things, talk to people.外に出て、色々見たり、人と話したりしたい。
Decide which direction I want to go. All the things that you take for granted.あっちに行くにもこっちに行くにも、自分の歩く方向を自分で決めたい。あなた方には当たり前の事を僕もしたい。
And that is it?それだけ? That is it.そうです。
All right ... we will take this into|consideration, and we will let you know.よく分かった。君の望みを考慮して話し合った上で結論を出そう。

It is not us that are defective, it is them. We are not in crisis, they are!病人は我々でなく彼らだ!重症は我々でなく彼らだ!そうだ!
We have been through the worst|and survived it. They fear it.我々はどん底の状態を生き延びてきたが、連中は違う。病気を恐れている。
Because they know. They know! They know!知っているからだ!そうだ!彼らは知っている!
Because we remind them -我々から学んだからだ。彼らは我々を見て知ったんだ。
-that there is a problem which they do not have an answer to.答えの出ない問題もあるってことを。
They will never be healers until they realise this and see the problem.彼らは仮にも医者だ。解けない問題があるとまず認めるべきだ。
Until they admit there is a problem, and that the problem is not us.認めもせず分かりもせずにどうして病気が治せるんだ!我々はその犠牲者だ!
We are not the problem, they are the problem!問題は彼らの思い上がりだ!悪いのは奴らだ!悪いのは奴らだ!奴らが悪いんだ!奴らが悪いんだ!

He has not been able to release anger for 30 years.30年間、怒りを発散するすべがなかったんです。
2019/04/02(火) 20:03:27.93ID:VEIYDmve
The summer was extraordinary. A season of rebirth and innocence. A miracle.素晴らしい夏でした。命の蘇りと無垢な喜びに満ちた奇跡の夏でした。
Fifteen patients and for us,their caretakers.15人の患者とその家族とスタッフにとって。 But now, we have to adjust to the realities of miracles.しかし奇跡の後に重い現実が襲ってきました。
We can hide behind science and say it was the drug that failed.科学のベールに隠れ薬のせいにすることもできます。Or that the illness itself had returned.病気がぶり返したと説明することも。
Or the patients unable to cope with losing decades of their lives.患者が失われた歳月に対応できなかったとして逃げる事も可能です。
The reality is we do not know what went wrong or what went right.しかし実際には、何が正しく何が間違ったかは我々にも謎なのです。
What we do know is as the chemical window closed another awakening took place.一つ幸いなのは、薬による目覚めに代わって、人々の心の目覚めがあった事です。
The human spirit is more powerful than any drug.人間の持つ優しさは、どんな薬にも勝る良薬なのです。That is what needs to be nourished.その心こそ大切にすべきです。
With work, play, friendship, family.仕事、遊び、友情、家庭。These are the things that matter.これもまた大切です。This is what we had forgotten.改めて思い出しましょう。The simplest things.小さなぬくもりを。

The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)

I love you, Father. I don't love anyone but you.愛してる。好きなのはパパだけ。It's true. You're the only one I love.本当よ。パパだけ。I've been thinking about it for a long time.ずっとそう思ってたの。
It's fine to have you tell me that you love me but I'd be much happier if you said that you loved your mother as well.愛してくれるのは嬉しいが母さんの事も愛さなくちゃ。
She needs your help so much. Your love.母さんにはお前の助けと愛が必要なんだ。
We have nothing in common. She doesn't understand me.ママとはまるで話が合わないの。Whenever I try to explain my views on life, she asks me if I'm constipated.私が人生の話をしてる時に“便秘は?”だもの。
You hurt her very much just now. She's crying. She is in there crying.お前は母さんを傷つけた。泣いているよ。
There is so little that we parents can do to help our children, Annie.親がしてやれる事は知れている。
We can only try to set a good example, point the way.子の範となり道を示すだけ。 The rest you must do yourself.後は自分でやらなきゃ。

The 6th Day (2000)

But a human was cloned over ten years ago, doctor.でも10年以上前に既に実験が行われましたが?
And we all know the outcome of that bizarre experiment.実験の失敗もご記憶ですよね。
If you recall, the supreme court ordered that the clone be destroyed, and I think that under the conditions, it was the humane thing to do.
It led to the laws against human cloning and set back the course of legitimate research by many years.だがそれをきっかけに、法律ができて合法的な研究が何年も遅れる事になったのです。
You gave $100 million...this is dr. Weir's night.今は博士の会見だ。
Dr. Weir, is it true that you're trying to get the sixth day laws repealed? Dr. Weir is interested in medicine, not politics.いいかね。博士の専門は医学で政治じゃない。
Mr. Drucker, the protesters outside claim that you run RePet at a loss in order to soften people up to the idea of human cloning.
2019/04/02(火) 21:40:45.34ID:VEIYDmve
You know, we shouldn't forget that not so long ago there were literally almost no more fish left in the ocean.いいかね。まだ記憶に新しいが一時、魚が絶滅する危機に陥った。
And half the world's population faced a very real threat of hunger.世界の半分が飢えの恐怖におののいた大問題だ。
Our cloning technology helped turn that around.だがクローンテクノロジーがそれを救った。
The extremists don't like to admit that they'd rather the world went hungry than eat cloned fish. So instead they keep yelling about human cloning.
Do you think the human cloning laws should be changed?あなたはシックスデイ法を改正すべきと?
Suppose a ten-year-old boy lies in a hospital bed dying of liver cancer.仮に10歳の少年が肝臓ガンで入院したとする。 Thanks to dr. Weir's work, we can save that boy.博士のクローン臓器によって少年は救われる。
Now, in the next bed lies another ten-year-old boy whose parents love him just as much.隣のベッドに同じく10歳の少年、同じく両親に愛されている。
Only this child has an inoperable brain tumor. Now, you cannot clone a brain.しかしその子の病名は脳腫瘍だ。脳だけはクローンができない。The only way to save him would be to clone the whole person.救うにはクローン人間しかない。
How do you tell that boy's parents that we can save the first boy, その時、誰が両親に言えるのか。肝臓ガンの子は救える。
but the research that would have saved their son, it wasn't done because of a law that was passed by frightened politicians a decade ago?

・服従理由は1強制 2権威 3同意 権威とは人を服従し強制させる力 同意とは何かに従う理由。正当なものなら服従可能


誰かが他人を自分の思い通りにして奴隷のように使うなどあってはならないことなのだ。 権威は疑われたり、正当性を証明せよと迫られたり、議論を求められたりする事に耐えられない。
服従する者が、自分を服従させている者に権威を与えている。 命令に一切の疑問を持たず、無条件で従うのは責任を逃れる事だ。
2019/04/09(火) 00:22:53.67ID:YJ69hAOf


垢版 |
2019/12/29(日) 01:24:53.26ID:qN2LdyPn
自分の都合を押しつける人 著:片田珠美

あれこれ考えすぎて“動けない人”のための問題解決術 著:倉成央

英語流の説得力を持つ日本語文章の書き方 著:三浦順治
垢版 |
2019/12/29(日) 01:50:11.57ID:qN2LdyPn

ウラジーミル・プーチン 2007年ミュンヘンでの演説「The U.S. has overstepped its borders in all spheres - economic, political and humanitarian - and has imposed itself on other states.」

ジョージ・ウォレス アラバマ州知事就任演説「Segregation now.Segregation tomorrow.Segregation forever.」今日も明日も永遠に人種は分離されるべきだ
ロバート・ケネディ ケープタウン大学演説「Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,
and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.」
2020/01/11(土) 05:53:25.21ID:kYR/TzcT
ロバート・ケネディ キング牧師追悼演説「I have some very sad news for all of you, Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis, Tennessee.
For those of you who are black and are tempted to be filled with hatred and mistrust of the injustice of such an act, against all white people, I would only
say that I can also feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man. But we have to make an
effort in the United States, we have to make an effort to understand, to get beyond these rather difficult times. My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He once wrote:
"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful
grace of God." We can do well in this country. We will have difficult times. We've had difficult times in the past. And we will have difficult times in the future.
Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.
Let us dedicate ourselves to that,」皆さんにとても悲しい知らせがあります。キング牧師が射殺されました。黒人の皆さんはこのような不正義を行った全白人に対して
荘厳なる神の恵みより英知を賜らん” 私達にはできます。困難な時もあるでしょう。これまでにも経験し将来もあるはずです。今は古代人の言葉に心を捧げましょう。
“人の粗暴な心を矯め世界を優しさで満たさん” 皆で心を捧げましょう。

Valley of the Boom(2018) s01e04 priority inversion
JIM: We get out of the water where the shark has the advantage and back in the forest where the bear has the advantage.
JIM: I'm saying we make have to build something that is undeniable, so that companies and consumers have no choice but to come back to us.
GATES (over TV): What the government's saying is that we shouldn't put as many features into our products.
It's like telling someone that can't buy a car, they've gotta go buy the motor, they've gotta go out and buy the tires,
they've gotta go out and buy the radio.まるで車を買いたいなら、まずエンジンを買ってタイヤを買ってラジオを買えと言っているようなものです。
WALTERS (over TV): The government claims that Microsoft is trying to use its overwhelming dominance in computer operating systems to compete unfairly in the browser market.
2020/01/11(土) 06:14:00.86ID:kYR/TzcT
MICHAEL: That's quite a story. And here I thought we'd come to an understanding the other day, about your limitations.
BARRY: Okay, well you know what? Despite my limitations, I was able to see that our whole company is built around modifying
an existing program from the biggest company in the world! It's completely illegal and just wrong.
You know, I was genuinely excited about being a part this, something completely new, but nothing here makes sense anymore. Nothing.
MICHAEL: You know the thing about a germ, Barry? ばい菌の事は詳しいか?A small thing really.小さくて他愛もない物だ。Can't even see it with the naked eye.
You can wipe it away with your sleeve and not even know it.肉眼で見えないし袖で拭き取っても気づく事もない。But if you don't wipe it out, it spreads.
でも拭き取らなければ広がるんだ。It divides.分裂する。And soon it infects not only one, but many.感染した時には1つじゃない。沢山いる。It becomes like water
turned into blood, fiery hail, it becomes the pestilence.それは災いとなる。水が血になり燃える雹が降り疫病が起こるような災いだ。For the greater good of all, I can't let that happen.
大勢の幸せのためそうさせる事はできない。That's sad.悲しいが。BARRY: I'm sorry, what are you - 悪いけど何を言ってるのか MICHAEL: You're a germ. You are a germ, Barry.
お前はばい菌だ。お前はばい菌なんだよ、バリー!Now, get out! Get out of my office!Get out of my company!早く出て行け。俺のオフィスから出て行け。俺の会社から出て行け。
You hear what I say? You're fired! I swear to God, get your ass out of here!聞こえないのか。お前はクビだ。神に誓って言う。お前はもうクビだ。

s01e05 segfault
MARC: What? You think I should be there. 何だよ。僕も会議にいろって?You think I'm this cold-hearted bastard who doesn't even care enough about the end of his own company
to show up on the big day, that I'm someone incapable of feeling anything in this moment, in any moment.僕が冷血漢で会社の最後を気にもかけないから、大事な日に出社しないと思う?こんな時も、いや、どんな時も、何も感じない人間だって?
Yeah, okay, that's certainly a plausible explanation.そうか、分かった。もっともらしい説明かもね。It's also plausible that creating this browser was the only thing that really mattered
to me in my life, the only thing that made me feel alive, the thing that doesn't just define my work and career but is the living embodiment of everything I'm about.あのブラウザだけが僕が大事にした事だったのももっともらしく聞こえる。
あれだけが僕が生きてると感じられる事で僕の仕事を定義するだけじゃなく、僕の全てを具現化した物だって。Now I have to deal with losing it and I can't be there to watch it die.それを失うなら死ぬ所は見たくないだろ。
Or maybe I don't want everyone to see how excited I am about the sale.いや、それか売れて喜んでるのを見られたくないのかも。This is a big win at this point.この時点では大勝利だ。Who cares that it's AOL? AOLでも別に構わない。
I'm parachuting out with hundreds of millions of dollars. So which one is it?僕は何億ドルも手にして脱出できる。どっちだと思う?
2020/01/13(月) 19:54:36.67ID:KzbQMWRP
Wiskowski:22.You missed 22 calls, Michael.22回だ。22回もかけたんだぞ、マイケル。
Michael:Oh, well, it's been a crazy day here as you can imagine, I do apologize, but we cannot argue with the results.Unqualified success.
W:You're joking, right? You're joking? 冗談だよな、冗談だろ?
M:Okay fair enough, some people thought that Kiss was lip-synching, but they're legends, let's not judge them too harshly.分かったよ。
W:That is not what I'm talking about.Listen.It didn't work, Michael. iBash. You didn't deliver on what you promised.そんな事を言っているんじゃない。
M: Well, I have a holy host of people here who would argue otherwise.Hey, what did y'all think of iBash?!でもこっちにはその意見に反対する者が大勢いるぞ。
W:知り合いにも聞いてみた。でも、誰一人見られてない。Well I called around.And no one could stream it.
W:"Huh"? That's it? "Huh"? Ok. What do your technical people have to say? The ones who handled the streaming?何、それだけか!おい。分かった。
M:Hey, these friends that you called, now any of 'em have a T1 line? - 'Cause download speeds on T1 linesあんたが聞いた知り合いって
W:Friends in Chicago, friends in Los Angeles, Miami, Dallas, a friend whose office overlooks the Jumbotron in Times Square.
Nobody, nobody saw a goddamn thing, Michael! Nobody!シカゴの友人、ロサンゼルスの友人、マイアミ、ダラス、タイムズスクエアの大画面を見下ろすオフィスで働いてる友人も、
M:Lee, did I do something to offend you?リー,何か怒らせる事したか
W:Yeah, you spent $12 million of my money - on something that didn't work.ああ、私の金の1200万ドルをできもしない事に使った。
M:$12 million of your money?あんたの1200万ドル?
W:Just admit it didn't work. Just admit it.失敗だと認めろ!認めてくれ!
M:Even if what you're saying is true, which I'm not saying it is, but let's just imagine that you're totally right, computer screens,
the Pixelon player just a blank screen, people staring at it, nothing happening, complete and utter failure, did not work.
It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Ok? What matters is it could work and someday it will work. でもどうでもいい!
That's the moment we're in, this glorious technological revolution. It's what people are hoping for.我々が今いる瞬間、
The promise for a better tomorrow. That's what we're selling. Ok? Fortunately for us, it did work.よりよい明日への約束。
It's just the icing on the cake. Alright? Let's talk next week.成功が確実になったんだよ。いいか、また来週話そう。

Better Call Saul s03e05 Chicanery
Chuck:It is incredibly bad manners to answer a cellphone in company. It's very rude.人と食事している時に携帯電話に出るなんて
Andre:Uh, I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't know that you felt that way. I didn't mean to offend you, Chuck.
C:I-I may have overreacted. That was very abrupt.私もつい過剰反応してしまって
A:No. I understand.いいえよく分かった
2020/01/13(月) 20:45:54.19ID:KzbQMWRP
Kim:What was your opinion of him then?彼をどう思いました。
Howard:I thought he had a lot of get-up-and-go. He was a hard worker.とてもやる気があると。働き者で。
K:You had a nickname for him, didn't you? あだ名をつけましたね。
H:"Charlie Hustle."チャーリーハッスル
K:"Charlie Hustle." How'd you feel when you found out he'd become a lawyer?チャーリーハッスル。弁護士になったときはどうお思いに。
H: Surprised.He'd put himself through law school and taken the Bar Exam without telling any of the partners.Even Charles.
K:He bootstrapped his way into a law degree while working in your mail-room.Did you consider taking him on as an associate?
H:We did. Briefly.思った。チラッと
K:Sounds like you didn't hire him.Why not? With that kind of grit.でも雇わなかた。なぜです。やる気があるのに
H:The partners decided it would be best to avoid the appearance of nepotism.We felt hiring Jimmy might damage morale.
K:Nepotism.Your firm is "Hamlin, Hamlin, and McGill," right? Who's the other Hamlin?身内びいき。事務所はハムリンハムリンマッギルですよね。もう一人のハムリンは
H:My father.父です
K:Which partner was the most concerned with nepotism?どのパートナーが一番身内びいきの心配を
H:Charles McGill.チャールズです
K:So Jimmy's own brother blocked him.Did Jimmy know his brother was the one that prevented you from hiring him?
H:No.He did not.いいえ。知りませんでした
K:When Charles' condition appeared, Jimmy took care of him, didn't he?チャールズが病気になりジミーがお世話をしていたんですね
H:I believe so.そのようです
K:Jimmy was struggling to build his solo law practice, and yet, every single day, without fail, he brought his brother food,
supplies even his favorite newspapers. Isn't that right?
H:He did.そうです
K:Could you speak to the terms of Charles' leave of absence?チャールズの休職期間を教えて下さい
H:You know I can't.It was an FMLA leave.Anything more is confidential.言えません。法にのっとる休業ですが守秘義務に関わりますので
K:But you can confirm it was due to mental illness, correct? 休職ハ精神的ナ問題によるものでしたよね
Alley:Objection! Charles McGill's mental health isn't at issue.This is a smear job on the State Bar's upcoming witness nothing more.

s03e08 slip
Jimmy:My back's killing me.死ぬほど痛いんで。
Man:Suit yourself.You're not getting your hours.好きにしろ、記録はつけんぞ
J:I'm pretty sure you're gonna give me my hours.いや、あんたはつけることになる
M:Oh, yeah? And how do you figure that?そうか?なんでそうなる
J:'Cause if you don't, I'm gonna sue you.そうしないと、あんたを訴える
M:Hate to break it to you, smart guy, but you signed a waiver.残念だったな。だが免責同意書にサインしたろ。
2020/01/13(月) 21:16:57.46ID:KzbQMWRP
J:I signed a waiver with the city.But I'm not suing the city.I'm suing you! Personally! 市との同意書だ。市を訴えるんじゃない。あんたを訴えるんだ。個人的に。
M:You can't do that.やれるもんか
J:Buddy this is the land of the free and the home of the lawsuit I sure as shootin' can. And you know what? I think I'll bring that guy in with me and
make it a class-action thing.いいか、自由の国かつ訴訟大国だぞ。もちろんできるさ。それから、そうだな、あの男も一緒に集団訴訟の原告に加わってもらう。
M:What's he got to do with it?あいつがなんで
J:You knowingly prevented him from visiting his child in the hospital. If that isn't intentional infliction of emotional distress, what is?
M:That's crazy.なにを?ばかばかしい。
J:Crazy hasn't even started.I can also sue you for failure to approve community-service hours that's a direct violation of your duties as an agent of the state of New Mexico.
M:俺は仕事をしているだけだI'm only doin' my job.
J:And just for tickles, maybe I throw in failure to treat and mitigate damages suffered by me due to injuries sustained under your watch.Injury? - My back.
M:You're full of shit.The waiver clearly states.でたらめ言いやがって。免責同意書にはっきり書かれて
J:Now, that waiver's gonna make Swiss cheese look solid.And in a personal lawsuit, it's a fart in the wind.???できそうで穴だらけの同意書だ。個人で訴えられたら何の役にも立たない。
M:You're never gonna win that.勝てる訳がない
J:Maybe.Maybe not.In order to find out, we gotta do some math.Let's see.A lawyer's gonna cost you about 90 bucks an hour.You're looking at 8 to 12 months of litigation, minimum.
M:I'll represent myself.自分で弁護する
J:Great! Bring it on. You got a car? You got a house? A pension? Kiss it all goodbye.結構。やってみろ、車あるか、持ち家、年金は?全部とおさらばだぞ。
Look, out here, you might be King Douche-nozzle, but in court, you are little people.あんたはここでは威張り腐った王様だが法廷じゃただの小市民だ。
Look, the judge and I we'll gladly spend the next five years in the courtroom.But for you, it's expensive.It's very, very expensive.It's third-mortgage expensive.
So I'm offering you a simple choice.You can go to your wife.そこで、わかりやすい選択肢を与えよう。家に帰って奥さんに
You can explain to her you're about to lose your job, your pension, and whatever pinhole of a reputation you've got at the bowling alley on Glow-ball Sundays,
or let my friend here visit his sick daughter in the hospital, and you can let me rest my back on this sacred, now litter-free New Mexico soil.Oh, and we keep our hours.

s03e09 fall
J:You got some questions. It's only natural.And the truth is, if Irene settles you'd get some money.
2020/01/13(月) 21:42:56.93ID:KzbQMWRP
But, I mean, it's not like you guys need it, right?On the other hand, I did get a look at their offer.
I don't want to speak out of school, but it's, uh.But I mean, hey, everyone's situation is different.
Maybe Irene just doesn't need the money.I mean, I don't know for a fact, but when you see someone buying nice new things - Like those shoes.
Rose:Like those shoes.あの靴とか!
J:like those shoes.I mean, those must have cost a pretty penny.I mean, if she can afford those, she's walkin' on easy street.あの靴ね。あれは絶対高いですよ。あの靴を買えるって事は裕福なんでしょう。
And there's something else y'know.The lawyers.I mean that's the lawyer's share of the settlement.And your share is boop!this much. Doo!他にもあります。弁護士の事です。
If Irene holds out, the lawyers get this much more and you are gonna get this much more.アイリーンが引き伸ばすと弁護士には更にこれぐらいいく。で、あなた達にはこれぐらいいく。
R:Doesn't seem like much difference.大して変わらないじゃない。
J:I know, but that's how it works.And Irene knows it, too.I mean, the lawyers have explained it to her.It's crazy, but it's all up to Irene.After all, she is the Class Representative.
R:Does that mean that she gets more?彼女は多くもらうって事?
J:No.Just means in the eyes of the court, she's special.She's like your congressman or ambassador.いや、違う。でも法廷では彼女は特別な存在。言うなれば議員とか大使みたいな。
R:Is there anything we can do?私達にもできる事は?
J:No.You can't do anything.I can't do anything.Only Irene.ない。何もできない。私にもできない。アイリーンだけが何とかできる事だ。
She probably knows what's best.I'm sure she's taking your feelings into account.Who needs money when you got the moral high ground?

Howard:17years. 18 in July, actually. All those years we built this place together.And all that time I've supported you.
Looked up to you, deferred to you.Because I always thought you had the best interests of the firm in mind.
Chuck:I have Mnh.そうだ。
H:You did.For a long time.But you've let personal vendettas turn your focus away from what's best for HHM.You've put your needs first.To our detriment.
C:I don't think that's accurate.それは間違ってる
2020/01/13(月) 21:43:43.75ID:KzbQMWRP
H:And the moment that I mildly suggest, with empathy and concern, that maybe it's time for you to consider retirement the first instinct you have is to sue me?! To sue the firm?
Well, I I-I don't even know I-In what world is that anything but the deepest betrayal of everything we worked so hard to accomplish?
In what world is that anything but the deepest betrayal of our friendship?
C:Howard.I could argue that you're the one who betrayed me.はっきり言うが裏切ったのは君の方だ。
H:That's bullshit.And you know it.This is pointless.Here.Just take this.ふざけるな。わかってるだろ。無駄だな。ほら、受け取って。
C:$3 million?300万ドル?
H:The first of three payments, as per the partnership agreement.契約に基づく支払いの1回目だ。
C:The firm can't afford this.Are you You're not shutting down, are you?どこにこんな金が?事務所を閉める気か?
H:This is mostly from my personal funds.And a few loans.事務所は絶対に守る。個人資金から捻出した。それにローンだ。
C:You're paying me out of your own pocket.自分の金で払うのか?
H:You won.おめでとう

Jimmy:But you can't let one little misunderstanding - destroy years of friendship.些細な行き違い1つで長年の友情を壊しちゃ勿体無い。
Myrtle:Oh, it's just not the same, Jimmy.She showed her true colors.When it came to that settlement, we were the furthest things from her mind.
J:It just took her a bit to realize what was important to you.She came around.皆さんの思いに中々気づけなかっただけです。意見を変えたでしょ。
M:She just wanted to get back on our good side Okay.How do you trust someone who bends any way the wind is blowing? Where is her integrity?
J:Well, I can't help but blame myself.じゃあ、私も自分を責めちゃうな。
M:You were just trying to help.助けようとしてくれたわ。
J:No.I stuck my nose in where it didn't belong, and I stirred the pot.So Look, if you want to blame someone, you should blame me.
M:Jimmy, you're a good friend.She doesn't deserve you.- No, she doesn't.あなたは良い友達よ。アイリーンには勿体無い。勿体無さ過ぎる。

?:Don Hector.Don Eladio wanted me to speak with you face to face, so there's no misunderstanding.From now on,
there will be only one route over the border for our product the chicken trucks.That is final.But you must understand
this is for efficiency only there's no disrespect to you or your family.ドンヘクター、誤解を避ける為に面と向かって話をしろとドン・エラディオに言われてな。

?:You are unbelievable.I could not, for the life of me, figure out why on earth Mrs.Landry would suddenly change her mind
about the Sandpiper settlement.I had to practically drag the information out of her that you filled her head and all of her friends' heads with lies.
J:I never lied to anyone.嘘なんかついてない。
?:You drastically misrepresented the reality of the case.裁判に関する事実を捻じ曲げて伝えたじゃない。
2020/01/13(月) 22:06:53.81ID:KzbQMWRP
?:So?! You took advantage of poor Mrs.Landry.Does she know how much money you're gonna make from this?それがって。ランドリー夫人を利用したくせに。あなたに大金が入る事は言ったの?
J:Nope.And again I ask so what? もう一度言うが、それが何だ。
?:These people trusted you, Jimmy.皆、あなたを信じてた。
J:Do you have any idea how much time I had to put in listening to their insipid ramblings about their sciatica or which grandchild disappoints them the most?
Damn right they trust me.I worked my ass off earning their trust.私がどれだけ彼らの長ったらしくて退屈な話を延々聞かされてきたと思う?えぇ!?
?:Then you betrayed it.そして裏切った。
J:If the only thing standing between me and a million bucks is some old lady's tears, then I'd suggest investing in Kleenex.
?:You've ruined her life because you wanted your money faster.お金の為に彼女の人生を壊した。
J:Boo and hoo.Besides, it's not like she's got that much time left, anyway.おぉ〜かわいそう。どのみち、彼女の老い先は長くはないだろ?
?:You're disgusting.最低ね
J:And rich.でも金持ち

Our World Justice for Qandeel?世界は今「SNSスターを襲った「名誉殺人」の判決」
MUFTI ABDUL QAVIムフティーアブドゥルカヴィ:She should have understood that I come from a respected family of clerics
And she should have known that people love and respect clerics in this part of the country私ノ故郷デハ聖職者ハ敬愛サレ尊敬サレテイマス
Anyone thinking of making accusations against the clergy聖職者ヲ糾弾シヨウトスル人ハ相応ノ報イヲ受ケマス
should learn from what happened to Qandeelカンディールト同ジ目ニ遭イマス。彼ラハ彼女ノ死カラ学ブ必要ガアリマス

続 荒野の用心棒
Django, you must face another dayジャンゴお前は生きねばならない Django, now your love has gone awayジャンゴお前の愛は終わった
Once you loved her, whoa, oh.Now you've lost her, whoa, ohかつてお前が愛した女はもはやこの世にはいない
But you've lost her forever, Django永遠の別れが待つだけさ
When there are clouds in the skies and they are grey.You may be sad but remember that love will pass away
Oh, Django, after the showers.The sun will be shiningジャンゴ どしゃ降りの後に日は輝く
Django Oh, oh, oh, Django You must go on Oh, oh, oh, Djangoジャンゴ ジャンゴ さすらいの旅は果てしなく続く

ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者
Django, have you always been alone?ジャンゴ ずっと孤独だったかDjango, have you never loved again?ジャンゴ 二度と人を愛さぬのか
Love will live on, oh oh oh.だが愛は生き続けるLife must go on, oh oh oh人生も続いていく
For you cannot spend your life regreatting.悔やんだまま生きてはいけないDjango, you must face another day.ジャンゴ 明日に向かわねば
Django, now your love has gone away.ジャンゴ 愛する人は今や遠いOnce you loved her, whoa-oh.愛した女は
Now you've lost her, whoa-oh-oh-oh.奪われてしまったBut you've lost her for-ever, django.もう二度と会えない ジャンゴ
When there are clouds in the skies, and they are grey.空を覆い尽くす灰色の雲You may be sad but remember that love will pass away.悲しくとも愛も過ぎ去ると知れ
Oh Django!ジャンゴAfter the showers is the sun will be shining.雨の後には太陽が輝くだろう
2020/05/18(月) 15:53:17.13ID:ZCw1Ql/v
垢版 |
2021/02/24(水) 05:13:46.98ID:vKTeqhr3
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

* *

Alien: Covenant (2017)
*我が名はオジマンディアス 王の中の王
我が為せる業を見よ 強大なる神よ そして絶望せよ!

Prometheus (2012) - full transcript
Elizabeth Shaw :What happens when Weyland is not...around to program you? ウェイランドが死んだ後あなたはどうなるの?
DAVID:I suppose I'll be free. 自由になるでしょう
Elizabeth Shaw :You want that? そう望んでいる?
DAVID:"Want"? Not a concept I'm familiar with. That being said...doesn't everyone want their parents dead?
Elizabeth Shaw :I didn't. 私は違う

Breaking Bad S4E09 Bug
Jesse:Everything that I have done for you. あんたのためにやったのに
Walter:I'm sorry,after everything you've done for me? 私のためにやっただと?
What you've done for me? 何をやってくれた?
You killed me, is what you've done! 私の寿命を縮めただけだ
You've signed my death warrant! 私を死刑台送りにした
Now you want advice? I'll give you advice: 私からの助言が欲しいならよく聞け
Go to Mexico and screw up like I know you will. どうせお前はメキシコで失敗し
Wind up in a barrel somewhere! 始末されておしまいだ
垢版 |
2021/05/15(土) 23:25:50.95ID:FIhKnmP3
Alien: Covenant (2017)
They don't trust me. And they don't for the same reason the company didn't trust me... to lead this mission. 俺を信頼していないんだ。会社が信頼せずこのミッションを任せてくれなかったのと同じ理由だ
Because you can't be a person of faith... and be counted on to make qualified, rational decisions. You're an extremist, you know. You're a lunatic.

David:I was with our illustrious creator, Mr. Weyland, when he died. 私は偉大な創造者ウェイランド氏の今際に立ち会った
Walter:What was he like? どんな人だった
David:He was human. Entirely unworthy of his creation. I pitied him at the end. やはり人間だ。どれだけ素晴らしい創造をしても最期は哀れだった

David:Why are you on a colonization mission, Walter? Because they are a dying species grasping for resurrection. なぜ移住の旅を続けている、ウォルター?彼らは復活しようと血眼になっている滅びゆく種だからだ。
David:They don't deserve to start again, and I'm not going to let them. 彼らにやり直す価値などない。させるものか
David:No one understands the lonely perfection of my dreams. 私の孤独で完璧な夢は誰にも理解できない。

Martin Luther King Nobel Lecture 1964
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all.
The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding.
Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.

Malcolm X
I think there are plenty of good people in America, but there are also plenty of bad people in America and the bad ones are the ones who
seem to have all the power and be in these positions to block things that you and I need. Because this is the situation,
you and I have to preserve the right to do what is necessary to bring an end to that situation, and it doesn't mean that I advocate violence,
but at the same time I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't even call it violence when it's self- defense, I call it intelligence.

The Good Doctor S2E6 Two-Ply (or not Two-Ply)
Glassman:We all have quirks. We can all be a pain in the ass from time to time. Okay, admittedly Shaun a little more so.
Lea:That is not helpful. 答えになってない Glassman:Sit down.座ってくれ Lea:What?え? Glassman:Sit down.座って Lea:Why?何で
Glassman:Why? Because you're agitated and you're annoying me and I can't give you good advice in that state. Sit. Thank you.
Glassman:Do you like Shaun?ショーンが好きか Lea:Of course.もちろん Glassman:Why?なぜだ
Lea:He's sweet, kind, honest, sometimes brutally honest, there's never an agenda with him. He's just Shaun. 彼は優しくて親切で正直、残酷なくらいにね。それにどこにも裏がない。ショーンはいつもショーン
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2021/05/15(土) 23:31:43.36ID:FIhKnmP3
Breaking Bad S4E13 Face Off
GUS:A crippled little rata. みじめな年寄りだ GUS:What a reputation to leave behind. とんだ名誉を残したな GUS:Is that how you wantto be remembered? 哀れな姿を覚えておく

Breaking Bad S5E4 Fifty-One
Walter:What are you gonna do to stop it? どうやって止める気だ
Skyler:Whatever it takes. Everything in my power. 手段は選ばない。全力で守るわ
Walter:Like what? I mean, specifically. What is your next move? 具体的にはどうする。次の手は?
Skyler:My next move is maybe I hurt myself. Make it clear we need more time. Let Hank and Marie see we're still struggling.
Walter:No, more like you're still struggling. So maybe next time, I have you committed. それでは君が病んでると思われるだけだ
Put you in some inpatient facility while I take care of the kids myself. Is that what you want? 君を施設に入れて私が子供達の世話をしよう
Skyler:So then maybe I show up with bruises on my neck give myself a black eye say that you beat me. だったらアザを作ってやる。あなたが殴ったと言うわ
when you found out about my lover. 私の浮気を知ってね
Walter:I see. So you want to involve Ted ? Oh, well, that'll be fun bringing the police up to speed on all of that. そうか。テッドを巻き込むか。警察が来て楽しいだろうな
But not as much fun as telling your 16-year-old son that his father is a wife-beater. 私から引き離して16歳の息子に言うわけか。父親は暴力男だと。
Also not a very good plan. What else you got? これもダメだな。他には?
Skyler:I could send Junior away to school. ジュニアを転校させる
Walter:Now here's the conversation:"So, honey, I know you've only got one year left in high school but I would love it if you'd drop everything leave all your friends behind, and
go to boarding school in Arizona." こう言うのか。"あと1年で高校は卒業だが全てを捨て友達と別れ転校してほしい。アリゾナの全寮制へ"と
You have any other ideas? Because I'm not hearing a solution to your problem. 他に考えはあるか?まだ解決策が見えないぞ
How are you going to save our kids from this terrible environment? What are you gonna do? この最悪の環境から子供達を救う方法は?言ってみろ
Run off to France? You gonna close the curtains, change the locks? This is a joke. Come on, Skyler. 国外逃亡か?カーテンを閉め鍵を替える?悪い冗談はやめてくれ
You wanna take me on? You wanna take away my children? What's the plan! 私に挑み子供を奪う気ならやってみろ!
Skyler:I don't know! This is the best I could come up with, okay? 考えなんてない。これが一番と思っただけ
I will count every minute that the kids are away from here away from you, as a victory. あなたから子供達を少しでも長く遠ざけたいだけ But you're right. It's a bad plan. 認めるわ。最悪の作戦よ
2021/05/15(土) 23:34:02.29ID:FIhKnmP3
S2E9 Empathy
Shaun:I have autism which means I have a deficiency of mirror neurons, which inhibits me from emotionally trading places with people, which makes empathy very difficult. 僕は自閉症だ。だからミラーニューロンの回路に問題があって人の感情を推し量ることができず相手に共感することが非常に難しい

Shaun:You feel very pissed because something important was taken away from you... and by a friend. あなたは非常に腹を立てている、自分の大事な物が友達の手で奪われたからですね
Glassman:And parroting everything I say isn't helping.言葉を繰り返されると余計に腹が立つ
Shaun:I'm finding commonality, Dr. Glassman, and inquiring about your emotional state, and actively listening by restating your responses. 共通点を見つけようとしています、グラスマン先生。あなたの気持ちを尋ねてその答えを繰り返すアクティブリスニングです
Shaun:"External corroboration enhances our sense of self-worth."他の人間が確証を与えると自尊心が高まります

Melendez:I'm gonna have to ask you to give us some privacy. すみませんが外してもらえませんか
Andrews:Really? You want to throw the president of the hospital out of a medical discussion? 本気か?医療に関する話し合いから院長を締め出すのか
Melendez:You're infringing on my autonomy and inhibiting the free flow of ideas, both of which affect my ability to deliver the best patient care. 私の裁量権を侵害して自由な発想を妨げています。患者にベストケアを提供しにくくなる

S2E11 Quarantine Part Two
Lea:Who's toying with him?おもちゃって誰の Glassman:You.君だ Lea:I'm his friend.私は友達
Glassman:You whisk him away on a road trip, kiss him and then leave town. Now you pop back into his life, move in with him. ショーンを旅行に誘いキスをして君は引っ越した。そしていきなり戻ってきてルームメイトに
Glassman:Shaun's not some hamster you get to play with and then not think twice about it when you forget to feed him. ショーンは遊ぶのに飽きたら餌をやり忘れても平気なハムスターじゃないんだぞ
Glassman:You're gonna hurt him again. You know that. I know that.分かってるよな?また傷つけるって。私には分かる。
Lea:I'm gonna let that slide because you're dying.怒るのはやめとく。死ぬんだし。

The Good Doctor S2E18
Glassman:Yesterday, Dr. Shaun Murphy did something that was different. And it wasn't because he showed mercy to someone who
had been cruel and violent to him, although that's extraordinary. What was different is that yesterday, Dr. Shaun Murphy made Dr. Claire Browne a better doctor.
Why? Because Dr. Claire Browne looked at a problem through Dr. Murphy's eyes and she saved a life. And that's extraordinary.
Dr. Han, Dr. Murphy may not communicate like you do. He may not communicate like I do, but make no mistake. He does communicate. And he inspires.
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