The part of the right arm is cut and the fur coat hanging down .... mamko said that "we got damaged when
we left the hotel," but the hotel claims that "the court had been broken before we got it."
Why did the finest fur coats look so stupid? I talked to mamko.
The corruption trouble happened on December 24, 2017. At a Christmas party held at the hotel.
The Sable coat that reaches the floor is so rare that I do not know that there are several in the world, so I just
came from New York and arrived for the first time. "It's finally time for me to wear it." I wanted to boast in front of you.
who participated in the party wearing a super high-class court, said that she got the
court with a female employee of the hotel when she arrived.
At that time, he said that he did not receive any indication about the damage of the court. However…
Two people from the hotel man came and 30 to 40 minutes after I arrived, they said, "Please come and see the court."
was called by an employee more than 30 minutes after the party started and was taken to another room.
There was a Russian golden sable coat with a damaged right arm on the table.
However, mamko was more angry at the response of the employees than the court broke.
Two men in black clothes assert that "I am lying" and "I was torn from the beginning"
rather than whether or not the coat was broken
The He said, "Please let me see the girl (who left the court)", but he didn't. If a cloaked woman apologizes in tears,
I feel sorry for her rather than her fur, and I think that she forgives her right away. Nevertheless,
"I'm wearing something with a loose sleeve,"
I said, "Saying a lie and giving a false excuse." It hurts my pride, isn't it? I do not think such a hotel.
【(゚д゚)ウマー】 SAPA道の駅等のメシ38 【(+д+)マズー】
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