You may justly praise excess 〜
う〜ん justlyは 文修飾の 当然 正当に 当然のことながらがよさそうって気がする
けどどうだろ 訳からすると 公正に ってとってんのかな
We can justly call him a second Einstein. 彼をアインシュタイン二世と呼んでもいいだろう
欠落箇所あり すまそ
Though compliments should arise naturally out of the occasion, they should not appear
to be prompted by the spur of it, for then they seem hardly spontaneous. Applaud a
man's speech at the moment when he sits down and he will take your compliment as
exacted by the demands of a common civility; but let some space intervene, and then
show him that the merits of his speech have dwelt with you,

when you might have been expected to have forgotton them  ← 欠落箇所

and he will remember your compliment for a much longer time than you have
remembered his speech.

merites は(称賛に価する)美点ととったけどどうだろか 訳はすぴーとの良さってなっ
てた まあジーニアスだと一応 (優れた)価値はU(不可算)とはなってるが….
by the spur of it = by the spur of the moment もののはずみで 思い付きで
might have been  してくれてもよかったのに
You might have helped me 手伝ってくれてもよかったのに と訳す場合がある
