Of him they took but little notice. He might have been a log of wood lying there at Miss
Barrett’s feet for all the attention Mr. Browning paid him. Sometimes he scrubbed his
head in a brisk, spasmodic way, energetically, without sentiment, as he passed him.
Whatever that scrub might mean, Flush felt nothing but an intense dislike for Mr.
Browning. The very sight of him, so well tailored, so tight, so muscular, screwing his
yellow gloves in his hand, set his teeth on edge. Oh! to let them meet sharply, completely
in the stuff of his trousers! And yet he dared not. Taking it all in all, that winter —
1845-6 — was the most distressing that Flush had ever known.
*but 〜を除いて? only?
*log of wood 木材の丸太
*scrub ごしごしこする
*brisk きびきびした、活発な
*spasmodic 痙攣性の、痙攣による、痙攣のような、発作的な
*sentiment 感情の混じった意見、感情、情緒
*intense 激しい、強烈な
*nothing but 〜にすぎない
*tailored 仕立てのきちんとした
*tight 衣服や靴が体にぴったりした
*screw ねじ込む
*set one’s teeth 覚悟を決める
*set one’s teeth on edge 不快感を与える、いらいらさせる
*all in all 全部で、全体的に、全体から見て、全体として、大体において、概して言えば
*distressing 悲惨な、痛ましい、悩ませる、苦しめる