749 名前:非通知さん@アプリ起動中 (ワッチョイ) [sage] :2018/08/23(木) 13:17:16.43 0
Event mode activated
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pending on which side your Chrome DevTools window is docked. The former has to b
e docked either on the right or at the bottom. Thank you.Please start the Zooey
bot Chrome extension to get started
Initialization: 1/3
Initialization: 2/3
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Please make sure to open the Chrome DevTools by pressing F12
Initialization: 3/3
Good to go!
Player ID 4954333
Please navigate to the Quest menu.


836 名前:非通知さん@アプリ起動中 (ワッチョイ) [sage] :2018/08/23(木) 13:21:43.13 0


909 非通知さん@アプリ起動中 (ワッチョイ) sage 2018/08/23(木) 13:25:20.42 0
https://i.imgur.com/GvITmDd.jpg 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:9368c25c0e1fcb4c3420acd807713d27)