

3.AlphaGo Lee(対セドル)と、AlphaGo Master(対カケツ)と、AlphaGo Zero(40 block)(今回の新バージョン)と
4.学習効果の初期のアップが急激で、AlphaGo Zero(40 block)は3日でAlphaGo Leeのレーティングに達する
5.21日で、AlphaGo Master(対カケツ)のレーティングに達する
4.40日で、AlphaGo Masterを完全に上回るレーティング
 (Figure 3b などを見ると、プロとの一致率はAlphaGo Lee が上なので、プロとの一致率が足を引っ張っている可能性もある)
"Surprisingly, AlphaGo Zero outperformed
AlphaGo Lee after just 36 h. In comparison, AlphaGo Lee was trained
over several months. After 72 h, we evaluated AlphaGo Zero against the
exact version of AlphaGo Lee that defeated Lee Sedol, under the same
2 h time controls and match conditions that were used in the man?
machine match in Seoul (see Methods). AlphaGo Zero used a single
machine with 4 tensor processing units (TPUs)29, whereas AlphaGo
Lee was distributed over many machines and used 48 TPUs. AlphaGo
Zero defeated AlphaGo Lee by 100 games to 0 (see Extended Data Fig. 1
and Supplementary Information)."

棋譜のフォルダー名(”Not Full Strength”):”Extended Data Figure 1 - Not Full Strength AlphaGo Zero 20 block vs AlphaGo Lee”

AlphaGo Zero: Learning from scratch Demis Hassabis David Silver DeepMind Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Read the paper doi:10.1038/nature24270 Nature 2017(3 5 4 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 5 0 | 1 9 o c to b er 2 0 1 7)