英文ならこんな感じかな? どこに送ればいいの?

With regard to your Terms of Service, and specifically with reference to the restriction of use
of the platform to "personal, non-commercial use", I would like to know if the server at
https://discordapp.com/channels/464230714167263234/ is compliant.

The owner of this server seems to be using the channel for commercial purpose by
doing the following:

1) The owner is actively soliciting for on-platform advertisers with off-platform payments
in legal tender (not virtual currency or goods as defined in ToS)

2) The owner is seeking to restrain and restrict access to certain channels and exchange
access for payment, again in legal tender.

Beyond the issue of compliance with your ToS, activities of this server owner may be in
conflict with the laws and regulations as enforced by the Consumer Affairs Agency of Japan.