President Trump, I am also wondering about the investigation.
Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) was also reported, but I felt as if the intention of wanting the president to be ousted.
In terms of the public nature and fairness of public broadcasting, Shinzo Abe's mafia involvement scandal should also be reported in NHK.
As IOC is moving to sanctions in boxing, although it is a story to be considered whether it is subject to the sanctions of the US government,
it is not reported at all in Japan.
I think that there may be something like obstructive work of foreign countries that dislikes American first principle.
NHK is very politically unfiar in Japan. With the greatest respect, it would be better for the White House and the people of the administration to be investigated.
As a presence for unfair news reports, if it is toward Japan, the president and the regime can show the meaning of warning to the world.
I am furious from before with coverage of Japanese media that lost respect to President Trump.
I am praying that the national interest of the United States will come true.
I also think that it will be for the future of the workplace where my loved one works.
President, please spend a nice day. (5ch newer account)
わくまゆこと和久田麻由子アナウンサー vol.35
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551名無しがお伝えします (ワッチョイ 9324-cG10)
2018/12/08(土) 23:46:32.55ID:NhJmonpj0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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