The real weapon of mass destruction I'd like to show you firsthandI need it.So, what am I
Throw all this unsold fish, which is the BBB level of the bond, in the garbage, and take the loss
No way!Being the crafty and morally honorous chef that I am,
whatever crappy levels of the bond I don't sell, I throw into a seafood stew.See, it's not old fish!
It's a whole new thing And the best part is, they're eating 3 day old halibut.-- That is a CDO.
Buy it, store it all these years,Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaningI do anything and everything
that Mr. Stark requires.
Including occasionally taking out the trash.Would that be all
Throw all this unsold fish, which is the BBB level of the bond, in the garbage, and take the loss
No way!Being the crafty and morally honorous chef that I am,
whatever crappy levels of the bond I don't sell, I throw into a seafood stew.See, it's not old fish!
It's a whole new thing And the best part is, they're eating 3 day old halibut.-- That is a CDO.
Buy it, store it all these years,Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaningI do anything and everything
that Mr. Stark requires.
Including occasionally taking out the trash.Would that be all
漢字一文字取り アニメゲーム漫画等編 上級編131
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2020/10/31(土) 19:30:06.66ID:u5I6iuMe■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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